(Spin-off) Laundry Poll!

Moderator: ACOT Employee

Lights, darks, towels or others
Towels first! All others follow randomly.
Darks first, followed by whatever!
Who cares?! I don't do the laundry anyway!
Option not given. Please elaborate!
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(Spin-off) Laundry Poll!

Post by MOM2SNOX »

Not sure about you but.... I do laundry twice a week if I'm lucky... Once on Wed evenings and again on Saturday.  But most of the time, the laundry gets done on the weekends... when it's been piling up for 6 days.  When the laundry baskets are full (3-basket rolling cart for lights, darks and towels) and overflowing... I dread the order in which I need to wash.  If I'm feeling pretty domesticated (yes, once in awhile I'm prone to this odd illness) it won't matter what order I wash them and will usually do the lights first, followed by the dark clothes and end with towels since they're the easiest to fold.  But... if I'm dreading the thought of even touching a fabric softener ball, I'll anguish over what comes first.  Usually it's the towels.. cuz they're easy.  And then... nothing else will get done until Sunday! How do you launder??
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(Spin-off) Laundry Poll!

Post by dianagirly »

YOu mean you aren't supposef to toss them all in the same load?
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(Spin-off) Laundry Poll!

Post by deerewife »

I just do laundry as needed - basically when the pile gets big...speaking of which - dd needs a certain shirt for basketball tomorrow..so guess I'm doing some laundry tonight.Jenna
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(Spin-off) Laundry Poll!

Post by Midge »

I try to do a load each day...sometimes there is more. I don't know how big families do it, I'm not sure how my 3 person family can make so many dirty clothes.
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(Spin-off) Laundry Poll!

Post by MOM2SNOX »

ROFL Diana! That's the way my SON does laundry! And then wonders why his long-sleeved white shirts turn grey after he washes them with his black socks and black jeans!!
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(Spin-off) Laundry Poll!

Post by evilqueen »

The whites go in one pile, the towels in another and the rest of the cloths get washed together.
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(Spin-off) Laundry Poll!

Post by MOM2SNOX »

Midge ~ We have three in our family too and I just noticed recently.... the towels are gone by the end of the week... and we have close to 25 towels!  Apparently, my son's at the age where he feels he NEEDS two showers a day and a DIFFERENT towel each time! I told him today.... you wash your OWN towels!  This may seem gross to people but we air dry our towels after using them and once they dry, we use them the next day... unless they're gross (which most times they aren't since we're CLEAN when we get out of the shower!)
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(Spin-off) Laundry Poll!

Post by MOM2SNOX »

That's how we separate ours too evilqueen :)
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(Spin-off) Laundry Poll!

Post by Keling »

I do laundry EVERY day... Our dryer only holds 1/3 of what our washer does, so it takes FOREVER to dry everything. Everything goes in together, pretty much - we wash in cold (no hot water hooked up to the washing machine), unless I have a set of whites to do...
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(Spin-off) Laundry Poll!

Post by dianagirly »

I am a laundry freak actually. I can't let laundry sit around dirty or clean, drives me nuts!I usually do whites first because we go thorugh socks so fast. Then jeans, then darks, then brights, then lights, then towels. LOL
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(Spin-off) Laundry Poll!

Post by 4peasinourpod »

I do 3 loads every day, and Thursdays is sheets.
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(Spin-off) Laundry Poll!

Post by MOM2SNOX »

3 loads EVERY day??? *thud*
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(Spin-off) Laundry Poll!

Post by evilqueen »

When I came up to the bedroom, I caught Quincie trying on my underwear.
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(Spin-off) Laundry Poll!

Post by -Shannon- »

That's a picture your daughter will regret when she's older but you will always keep in a secret place to blackmail her. hehehe!Since we live in an apartment I can do more than one load at a time. I usually do one dark and one light at the same time.
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(Spin-off) Laundry Poll!

Post by Kara »

I try and do a few loads a day. I do not do them in a particular order unless I/we need something particular
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(Spin-off) Laundry Poll!

Post by bumblebby »

I do laundry almost everyday.
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(Spin-off) Laundry Poll!

Post by Janshotgun »

There's only the 2 of us, so I do laundry whenever i feel like it - usually darks more often, because we seem to go thru jeans and sweathirts a lot.  My laundry room is right off the master bedroom, which is pretty convenient!!!!
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(Spin-off) Laundry Poll!

Post by Irocz7 »

I wash what needs to be washed first.  That's usually the kids' clothes, I throw in a sheet or towel load in there once in awhile to break up the clothes washing.  I just do lights and darks, no whites, that's to much.  I LOVE to do laundry, the smell of the Downy is my favorite.
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(Spin-off) Laundry Poll!

Post by emarie803 »

LOL at that pic Chas!
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(Spin-off) Laundry Poll!

Post by sarahwhithers »

I have a good order I think. I do all my darks first, next I do my bleach items, and lastly I do my towels. That way I get out any leftover bleach on the towels instead of the next load of laundry I do!Makes sense to me anyway.
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