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Cherry Delight

Finish the story! New Reality Show
"OMG - there goes Marah Johnson!" you squeal, and start to take off down the hall."Oh no you don't," shouts Antoinetta as she pushes you down and takes off running in the direction you were headed.  You probably only have 3 minutes before she realizes she was duped, and she is going to be maa-aaad!  Jumping into the elevator you hit the button for the roof.  Arriving on the roof you find Antoinetta's helicopter exactly where you expected it to be.  You jump in and tell the pilot to take off."I don't-a think-a so, lady, Antoinetta would-a notta like me leaving her-a here."  Darn Italians.  Always trying to stick together.  You shove your Doodlebug rubon tool into the back of his neck like a weapon and say "Take off now or I'll fly this thing myself."  As you reach 20 feet elevation you see Antoinetta gasping for breath on the helipad, waving her arms for the pilot to return.  But the rubon tool saves your life yet one more time - this thing is better than a cat!  As you circle away from the building, your mind is racing... where to next?
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Home.  But is it safe.  With the type of nosy neighbors you have, who knows what will happen and who will show up "unexpectedly."If only Marah Johnson had really been there at the hospital.   You KNOW she would know what to do.  Anyone who could design such beautiful products as in the Love Struck line has got to be a brilliant mastermind.Don't they?  You're not so sure of yourself anymore.  Where's Stephen the Geek when you need him?  He just has to know what to do.  With his supreme knowledge with computers, he could build you a complete new identity and life.  The question is - just what kind of life would it be?
"May you always have memories to scrap!" ~ Diana
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Finish the story! New Reality Show
After putting in a call to Stephen to check his email from you where you are asking for him to come help you you go in to take a bath..

You pull out all your favorite bath goodies:   Scented candles, lotions and creams for after your bath - but then you notice that there is one of those bathtub bombs that you don't remember buying.  

You pick it up and bring it to your nose to sniff it to determine what kind of scent it is and you notice that there is a slight crack in the side of it.   It also feels very heavy for a bath bomb.

Carefully, you start to pull it apart and you find............ 
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Your bone folder!  How the heck did your bone folder get into a bath bomb.  Even more astonishing, the bath bomb didn't look nearly the needed size that it should be to even hold your bone folder.  Carefully, you set it aside on the counter to put away after you have some relaxation time in your bath.Aw, the nice hot water of your bath feels so good on your tired muscles.  Scented bubbles fly up in the air as the shampoo bottle falls into the tub.   Wait a minute.  Shampoo bottle falls into the tub?  You don't even remember buying a new bottle of shampoo.  You used the last of it this morning while taking a shower.  You cautiously peer around the shower curtain, your heart rate slowly rising and you can very much feel the bump, bump as your heart pulsates.The bone folder.  You just saw it half an hour ago.  It was right there on the bathroom counter next to your towel.  Where's the towel now and more importantly, where's your bone folder?
"May you always have memories to scrap!" ~ Diana
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Cherry Blossom

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Oh, this is a treat! Someone pick it up again, please!
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A Cherry on Top

Finish the story! New Reality Show
LOL! I can't believe this thing is still here! Two years later! This plot has more twists and turns then your average soap opera! Where are the writers?  Where's the bone folder? What happened to Antoinetta's brother? WIll Stephen create a new identity for our fearless scrapper?? 
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Finish the story! New Reality Show
I miss seeing new chapters.  It's always a kick to go back and read more of this!
"May you always have memories to scrap!" ~ Diana
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Cherry Bomb

Finish the story! New Reality Show
What happens next? Is someone going to write more?
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Cherry Cola

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Uh oh looks like with Stephen gone Brandon will be up next at bat in this story!
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Cherry Bing

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Come on down Koala 1966. I always thought you had potential as a writer. Time to pick up again!Christina
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Cherry Delight

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Christina - good to see you around!!  Just for you, I might have to give it another try. 
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A Cherry on Top

Finish the story! New Reality Show
With Stephen on special assignment in SF Super B takes over to help the ladies of ACOT save the world from the evil plots from those who don't believe that memories are worth saving for future generations. He hears of a plot to add extra strong acid into the newest batch of scrappy know the line of pink with cute skulls. How will he stop this?????
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Cherry Delight

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Super B asks Mrs. Echo to immediately start working on a fresh batch of her acid-neutralizing spray.  It seems the Scrappy-world may need their services yet, with such a foul plot afoot.  The spray isn't the most practical of solutions, truthfully unless he can stop this latest round of contamination at the source there will be hundreds of memories that will crumble in a matter of years, unbeknownst to their trusting creators.Pulling out the Book of Scraps, his guide to the underworld of Scrap-dom, Super B begins his search for an answer... As he flips through the ancient pages, which have held up in pristine condition in their acid-free state for over 50 years, a small scrap of paper falls to the ground.  Picking it up, Super B recognizes a code he hasn't seen in years... not since his first introduction to this strange network of memory-keepers and amateur journalists...  Struggling to remember the decoder, he slowly begins to unscramble the message...
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Finish the story! New Reality Show
18883819399  Now what could that mean?  Man, if only Super B could remember the decoding skills he learned...
"May you always have memories to scrap!" ~ Diana
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A Cherry on Top

Finish the story! New Reality Show
I cannot believe I have never seen this thread.  It's hilarious!  I've been reading it all evening. I can't wait for the next chapter!
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A Cherry on Top

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Super B feels as if his head will split. He can not figure out the code. The room starts to spin and all suddenly his entire world goes pink.
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A Cherry on Top

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Super B awakes in a hospital bed confused and disoriented.  He looks around at the Chatterbox look-alike wallpaper and wonders who designed the bedspread covering him.  He hears voices in the hall and pulls himself up into a seated position.  His mind delves backwards in time, trying to remember what he was doing last but the memory continues to slip out his grasp.  Frustrated, he slumps back against the pillows and waits.....
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Cherry Delight

Finish the story! New Reality Show
It's as if he's swimming in a bowl full of cherries... and all he can think is "Somebody slap me with some whipped cream!"  Through the pink haze, he catches a glimpse of Becky... she wades through the sticky cherries carrying an All My Memories tote.  She hands the tote to Super B, with a smile.  "I think this may shed some light on the contamination plot.  I found it among the items left behind when our "guest" ran off in such a hurry." "Which guest was that?" Super B questions her, not sure he remembers any new faces in the past week. "Oh, no, you wouldn't have seen her, she didn't stay long." Becky answers.  "But if anyone can figure out the codes in her binder, it will be you."  More codes, the thought of it makes Super B groan.  His head can not take any more decoding exercises.  But to his surprise, aided by the pink glow that surrounds him, the code becomes crystal clear to him. The formula is brilliant, who would have thought?  The newspapers will have a field day with this.  What's been added to the paper compound is, of course, cherry juice!  Now, where else would they be manufacturing this paper than in the area best known for its cherry blossoms - Washington DC.  Super B picks up the phone to call you... who else would know by now the best way to make it across state lines when pursued by the crazed destructive forces in the scrapbook world... he can only hope you will answer this call...
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A Cherry on Top

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Hey T! You segued perfectly right into my hospital scenario!
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Cherry Delight

Finish the story! New Reality Show
LOL, Trish - you know what they say about great minds...
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