Finish the story! New Reality Show

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Finish the story! New Reality Show

Post by MOM2SNOX »

Yea but they say the same about fools! LOL!
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Finish the story! New Reality Show

Post by Gypsymonkey »

14 hours left to leave a new chapter ...  where will our story go next?
"May you always have memories to scrap!" ~ Diana
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Finish the story! New Reality Show

Post by koala1966 »

I wouldn't know anything about fools, Trish, you'd have to fill me in. 
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Finish the story! New Reality Show

Post by Emsdancemom »

Poor Super his pink haze he forgot that she had a teenage daughter...all he could get was a busy signal...would he never reach her???
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Finish the story! New Reality Show

Post by koala1966 »

There's only one way to reach a woman with a teenage daughter, Super B realizes.  He slides his hand under the mattress of his hospital bed, hoping that Becky has come through this one last time.  Slowly grasping the cold metal of the laptop she hid there for him, he slips it out and onto his lap, quickly bunching his covers around it as a disguise.  He flips it open, turns it on, and watches as the wireless card finds its connection.  Soon he is on Yahoo Messenger, typing in your user id.  Bingo, there it is.  SuperB has you within his grasp.  You answer his query, with a flippant "Scrapheroine at your service."  Little do you know how much service you are in for.Slipping out your back door, careful not to let your husband hear nor see your exit, you glance around for your nosy neighbors and then climb over your back fence and into the waiting cab.  The driver does a double-take in his rearview mirror.  "Lady, don't even say the airport, because I'm pretty sure you're banned for life."  Drat, he must recognize you from newscasts you saw running earlier in the day.  No matter, air travel won't be necessary this time.  "Don't be silly, who wants to fly in this weather?" is your answer.  "Take me to..."Where?  Where are you going?  What can you possibly do to get the cherry juice back to Super B in time?
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Queen Mum
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Finish the story! New Reality Show

Post by Queen Mum »

No matter, air travel won't be necessary this time.  "Don't be silly, who wants to fly in this weather?" is your answer.  "Take me to..."
"the bus station in NYC!"   You just know you'll get lost in the crowd there.    Besides, you have your digi camera in your pocket, it has a new card in it and is fired up and ready to take pictures.    (No idea when you will find time to scrap them -but you'll take some anyway)

So you settle back for a long nap while you drive to NYC.    You wake up and find that the price of the cab ride is .......
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Finish the story! New Reality Show

Post by Gypsymonkey »

"$723.47!," you scream, "What is this - highway robbery?"  No matter.  You have your credit card handy.  As you go to pull it out of your Bare Elements Sonya Purse, you feel the hairs on the back of your neck start to stand on end.  You glance to the cab driver only to find .....
"May you always have memories to scrap!" ~ Diana
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Finish the story! New Reality Show

Post by MOM2SNOX »

Where's mah writers???? Bringing this back to the top for our lovely refugees from the pod! May you be entertained, dazzled, mortified and down-right impressed with the talents found right here amongst you!!
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Finish the story! New Reality Show

Post by koala1966 »

LMBO, about time this resurfaced.  "You glance to the cab driver only to find ....."Ray Ramano staring back at you.  Wow, this writer's strike has really gone on too long.  Tapping your fingers on the back of his seat, you wait impatiently for him to return your card.  Uneasily, you keep one eye on him and the other on your surroundings.  Suddenly the door on the other side of the cab opens up.  Not bothering to look at the woman sliding in next to you, you hop out of the cab, leaving your card behind.  There's no telling who's after you now, so you zig zag your way through the crowd.  Without your credit card, bus tickets are going to be hard to come by.  Time for a new plan...
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Finish the story! New Reality Show

Post by MOM2SNOX »

While you're contemplating your new plan, you glance around at the terminal and notice the schedules for the different boroughs...  there's the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island... and you wonder, who at ACOT lives in the area and could assist you?  Then you remember... trust NO ONE! Especially in NYC!
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Finish the story! New Reality Show

Post by MamaK321 »

**  OMG I can't beleve I never read his before! I got like, half way through the first page and I'm LOL!!! I'm gonna have to print this out... pahahahahahaha**
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Finish the story! New Reality Show

Post by TheFiberLady »

i thought man this topic sounds so familiar lol. i knew i had seen it before lol
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Finish the story! New Reality Show

Post by MOM2SNOX »

Meanwhile back at ACOT, the boards are active and alive as the mass exodus of peas arrive from the now defunct pod.  Lead by the Caturday Queen, they spread humor, mirth and hilarity throughout the posts and bond with former, original Stickgals and newer cherries alike! Tossing out brilliant layouts with Heidi Grace Designs and new paper from Basic Grey, our scrappers settle into the new year and anxiously await the arrival of new products!Little do they know.....
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Finish the story! New Reality Show

Post by -Tracy- »

Now that I'm in the story, I know that I've **arrived** LOL!!!More!! More!!
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Finish the story! New Reality Show

Post by MOM2SNOX »

Little do they know.... that the previous year's CK embarrassment is nothing compared to one ACOT resident scrapper's CURRENT secret! If the truth came out, the scrapper-in-hiding knows it would damage her reputation, her standing in the community and moreso.... make her ineligible for future pics of McSteamy!  What could this secret be? What lies beneath the surface of this talented scrapper? Could it be an infringed copyright lawsuit hanging over her head?  A discrediting article about one of  her layouts? One reporter-minded scrapper decides to do a little digging...... 
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Finish the story! New Reality Show

Post by bayouscrap »

These are hilarious!
Born to Crop not to Mop!

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Finish the story! New Reality Show

Post by MOM2SNOX »

I've got a little goodie bag for each writer who participates in our Reality Show over the weekend! Would love to see a new twist or plot in the storyline incorporating new members, new staff or current products! C'mon out writers! I know you're here!!
Trish ~ It's all fun and games until somebody loses an EYELET!
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Finish the story! New Reality Show

Post by Queen Mum »

And finds out that one of the ACOT scrappers is actually MCDREAMY.

But wait - were the pictures taken before or after the surgery?
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Finish the story! New Reality Show

Post by Queen Mum »

Was the surgery done with cutterbees or an exacto knife?
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Finish the story! New Reality Show

Post by MOM2SNOX »

ROFL Glo! Okl! Now you gotta continue! Don't leave us hangin'.... 
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