Hola cherries! Late to the Saturday Party, just been sooooooooooooooooo B.U.S.Y. Work wore me out each and every day except Thursday. Lots of changes happening. The state has decided to change from a service level system to a T3C. They are hoping to roll this out in 18 months, with finalization in 2027. I had asked my client a few questions and she could only answer two of them as the state hasn't even addressed the other 2 questions I had. We have time, which is great, but boy EVERYTHING will need to change. And I mean EVERYTHING. She sent me a link to review and they had a FAQ set up (33 pages when printed). There's also a couple of PDFs that I downloaded and will review when I can. One's 50 pages and the other one is 278! Whew! Once I review those PDFs, I'll have a better understanding of T3C and have already kind of broken up the entire program into 4 parts. We know payroll/billing will be the first to be changed. And with me working with my client for the last 15 years, I know her processes and who I can go to with questions.
Today, just have been busy. DH needed to get some jeans, so we went to Academy after breakfast. From there, we went to Total Wine & More. Picked up a couple of bottles of wine and a new tequila. Then we went to Home Depot for a couple of things. Home to start laundry. I'm on Load 7 (dryer) and Load 8 (washer). I'm about done and it's only 5:20pm. Ran dishwasher, made homemade granola bars, while DH took my car in to get it washed/detailed. I've closed out my Jan challenges and checking out the pre-orders.