Hello Cherries!
I am substituting for Art_Teacher this month an next while she is busy with her school play.
You must use the color scheme below; pinks, black and brown,(neutrals are allowed), and three things from the board that inspire you. Let us know what inspired you when you post your page!
ONE entry per person, however, there is a chance to get your name in TWO additional times! One bonus for using the quote (I think I made that easy), and another chance to get your name in a THIRD time if you use solid black background for your layout. Have fun!
Due the last day of the month by midnight.
Winner by random drawing for a $5 ACOT gift card.
I like this board and have just the picture! Thanks for helping Laura for the next couple of months.
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Great board, love pink and black
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"Be the Change You Wish to See in the World"
"Be the Change You Wish to See in the World"
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I had to put dogs in the board for all the people with fur babies!