What a crazy day yesterday was! I'll post pics in a separate post! Started with a gorgeous sunrise and ended with a snowstorm! We even lost power 3 times so far in 12 hours! Crazy!
It's a beautiful winter wonderland out there! The sun is shining and the snow is turning to icicles on one part of the roof and the rest is falling off in big chunks that sounds like a bomb going off in the distance. Not quite as loud as it was in the cabin! It always made me jump! LOL!
I got a 2 page layout finished and got 3 Valentine's Day cards almost finished. The fire in the woodstove was having trouble keeping p with the cold temps outside so my Nuvo Drops wouldn't come out because they were too thick. One actually had the tip come off with half the bottle too! Steve heard it on the other side of the house with the TV on! LOL! And I can't believe it didn't make a big mess! I had a tissue that I was trying to get it going in because sometimes they send out a glop. It missed my card, my table, my sweater and everything all around where I was sitting! Talk about lucky! LOL!
I want to finish the cards today and get the other 3-4 I need done (or at least started anyway) but we have to go to the local hoedown tonight. My BFF's granddaughte Excie needs a ride to get there in time at 5 so we'll pick her up and take her. It's always a lot of fun because the kids have been learning how to play instruments and dances. Plus there's always good food!
It's usually only a couple of hours so I should have time to play when we get home IF the house is warm enough...
Hope you're all having a great day Cherries!!!