Scrap a Day, July 17th

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Re: Scrap a Day, July 17th

Post by Art_Teacher »

aheatfan wrote:
Wed Jul 17, 2024 10:17 am
Love your layout Barb, so pretty. 

Good morning Cherries. Staying out of the heat here as well. Just back from urgent care with a muscle relaxer in hand.  This pain is really just more annoying than anything.  I am not a sit around person so this is making me crazy.  Waiting for that to set it. If it does not make me too sleepy, I will start the MMC Challenges.  Have a great day everyone  😊
Hugs, Kristin!  I get it...back/neck pain is the worst when it keeps you from doing all you want to do.  I hope the muscle relaxer helps, but they make me so sleepy.
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 17th

Post by emmapaige »

Too hot to do much of anything so I’m trying to get up the energy to take a shower. Even that seems like a chore but it’s got to be done. I picked out papers for a challenge I’ll be doing a little later!
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 17th

Post by Art_Teacher »

blbabe1234 wrote:
Wed Jul 17, 2024 10:45 am
Good morning cherries. Already been crazy busy, still playing catch up from the crazy busy day I had yesterday.

So last night, a little after 7:30, my SIL calls me saying that the school called her an hour ago and Jasper WILL NOT be starting school the next day (TODAY!!) WTF? He had his eval in early May. We got him registered and enrolled in mid-May. He MET the Teacher yesterday. The nurse was there during his eval in May AND talked to both my brother and my SIL YESTERDAY!! Apparently, the Nurse needed more forms filled out and needed his pediatrician to fill some things out due to Jasper's dietary needs and trache. WTF!!! WHY wasn't this done during eval OR registration OR yesterday? $hit! The NURSE was there during the eval and yesterday. She spoke to Jasper's parents and at 6:30 realizes she doesn't have everything? OMGOODNESS we were alllll soooo pissed off. Poor guy, he was sooo excited to start school. Luckily, the school sent my SIL the forms and she turned around at send them to the dr's office. At 7:45 this morning, the receptionist called my SIL stating she got the papers and will get the Dr to sign off on them and *hopefully* turn those forms around before noon today. Then my SIL can send them to the school and *maybe* Jasper can start school tomorrow, if not by Friday? Oy! What a $hit $how!

Anyways, I was out the door by 7:20 to go to my brother and SIL's house to watch the 3 li'l guys while they took Draven to school. First day of 1st Grade!!! He was so excited! Got tons of pics (of course!). My brother and SIL didn't get back until 8:30. Total chaos during drop-off. Parents parked in "no parking" and blocking traffic. What a $hit $how. Then we got to talking about other things. Didn't get home until 9 this morning.

I'm about to start work since I only worked 4 hrs yesterday.

Hope everyone has a great day.

Aww...poor Jasper.  That is so disorganized of them!  I have heard so many stories about the drop-off line...and I teach in a very small school district. Can't imagine what it is like in bigger districts.
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 17th

Post by Jolly Holly Scraps »

pawprints wrote:
Wed Jul 17, 2024 9:25 am
Hey Cherries. Extremely cloudy this morning. Headed for 91 again and humid. We are expecting thunderstorms tonight too. The new dry well is done so it will be a chance to test it out. I think it is going to work really well. Not much going on here today. I have some odds and ends to do around the house and maybe scrap later on when my cleaning ladies are here. I did finish this layout yesterday for one of the MMC challenges.

Hope you all have a great day.


Adorable layout, Barb! ☺️
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 17th

Post by Art_Teacher »

emmapaige wrote:
Wed Jul 17, 2024 11:04 am
Too hot to do much of anything so I’m trying to get up the energy to take a shower. Even that seems like a chore but it’s got to be done. I picked out papers for a challenge I’ll be doing a little later!
Ahh...but a nice, cool shower helps you fight the heat! ;)
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 17th

Post by Jolly Holly Scraps »

trainmom wrote:
Wed Jul 17, 2024 9:33 am
Good morning. Cute page Barb.

It's been unbearable hot here also the past few days, so hot that I have been trying to water my gardens several times a day. It's still hot but it poured last night so hopefully my gardens are doing better and it's supposed to rain again later today and then maybe the heat will break. I'm getting my roots colored this morning and the place is about 5 blocks away so I will at least get out which I didn't really yesterday. and then hopefully the weather will be better after today.

All this hot weather has been good for my scrapping and I am making good progress on my little Tuscany album. I have a plan for the cover and spine so I will work on those after I finish the page on my desk. 

Not much else going on here. Have a great day everyone. 
Can't wait to see your Tuscany album, Louise! ☺️
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 17th

Post by Jolly Holly Scraps »

Art_Teacher wrote:
Wed Jul 17, 2024 9:47 am
Packing, details, etc. for me, today.  We don't actually leave until 4:30 tomorrow afternoon, but I really want my suitcase packed so all I have to add is my toiletries. :)  Cooled off a great bit from yesterday, so at least my garden might survive while I'm gone!

I hope you have a safe and pleasant trip, Laura! 😊 AND that your garden survives!
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 17th

Post by Jolly Holly Scraps »

scrappinmom99 wrote:
Wed Jul 17, 2024 9:47 am
Hot here too. My redheaded self can't take it anymore - I want fall weather! I'm so sweaty all the time and it's so unladylike ROFL!!! I put in to work the Foo Fighters concert tonight and am already rethinking my life, haha. Seriously though. Roll call is 3:30 and I don't know how long the concert will be. There are 2 opening acts and then prob a two-hour set. And there are thunderstorms predicted for our area but concerts go on rain or shine - no rain delays lol. 

Scrappy-wise, I finished the 3rd step of the progressive and have to take a picture and upload. I'm also working on the color challenge MMC...another home decor item per DH's request :) 

Lol! I don't deal with heat wll, either! 😂😅😅 I swear bad, and I blame hormones! 😂 😂 😂
Too cool you're working the Foo Fighters concert!!! I hope you get to have some fun doing that!!! I love them lol!
Looking forward to seeing your new project! 😊
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 17th

Post by Jolly Holly Scraps »

aheatfan wrote:
Wed Jul 17, 2024 10:17 am
Love your layout Barb, so pretty. 

Good morning Cherries. Staying out of the heat here as well. Just back from urgent care with a muscle relaxer in hand.  This pain is really just more annoying than anything.  I am not a sit around person so this is making me crazy.  Waiting for that to set it. If it does not make me too sleepy, I will start the MMC Challenges.  Have a great day everyone  😊

Awwwww feel better, Kristin! 🫂
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 17th

Post by Jolly Holly Scraps »

blbabe1234 wrote:
Wed Jul 17, 2024 10:45 am
Good morning cherries. Already been crazy busy, still playing catch up from the crazy busy day I had yesterday.

So last night, a little after 7:30, my SIL calls me saying that the school called her an hour ago and Jasper WILL NOT be starting school the next day (TODAY!!) WTF? He had his eval in early May. We got him registered and enrolled in mid-May. He MET the Teacher yesterday. The nurse was there during his eval in May AND talked to both my brother and my SIL YESTERDAY!! Apparently, the Nurse needed more forms filled out and needed his pediatrician to fill some things out due to Jasper's dietary needs and trache. WTF!!! WHY wasn't this done during eval OR registration OR yesterday? $hit! The NURSE was there during the eval and yesterday. She spoke to Jasper's parents and at 6:30 realizes she doesn't have everything? OMGOODNESS we were alllll soooo pissed off. Poor guy, he was sooo excited to start school. Luckily, the school sent my SIL the forms and she turned around at send them to the dr's office. At 7:45 this morning, the receptionist called my SIL stating she got the papers and will get the Dr to sign off on them and *hopefully* turn those forms around before noon today. Then my SIL can send them to the school and *maybe* Jasper can start school tomorrow, if not by Friday? Oy! What a $hit $how!

Anyways, I was out the door by 7:20 to go to my brother and SIL's house to watch the 3 li'l guys while they took Draven to school. First day of 1st Grade!!! He was so excited! Got tons of pics (of course!). My brother and SIL didn't get back until 8:30. Total chaos during drop-off. Parents parked in "no parking" and blocking traffic. What a $hit $how. Then we got to talking about other things. Didn't get home until 9 this morning.

I'm about to start work since I only worked 4 hrs yesterday.

Hope everyone has a great day.

Awwww poor Jasper! I honestly don't KNOW half of what's going on with the school systems! (Or anything else smh!) I'm glad Draven is enjoying his school, but I KNOW poor Jasper was excited to go! Bless his little heart!! I'm praying it all gets worked out quickly!
Have a good day, Brandy!
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 17th

Post by Jolly Holly Scraps »

Hey Cherries 😊
I spent some time getting scrappy yesterday! I finished one MMC, and plan on doing at LEAST one more today; hopefully finish them both! There's a LOT of challenges that I want to do! 😂
Today I'm JUST waiting for my former boss to call and set up an official interview/bring me back on the schedule. I DO have some nerves about going back to work, but I'm praying over it, and journaling about it, and talking about it lol all the things we have to do sometimes to try to shake the anxieties off!
Stay blessed, Dear Cherries ❤️
Reach out if you need me, I'll be around! 😊
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 17th

Post by blbabe1234 »

JollyHollyScraps wrote:
Wed Jul 17, 2024 11:39 am
Hey Cherries 😊
I spent some time getting scrappy yesterday! I finished one MMC, and plan on doing at LEAST one more today; hopefully finish them both! There's a LOT of challenges that I want to do! 😂
Today I'm JUST waiting for my former boss to call and set up an official interview/bring me back on the schedule. I DO have some nerves about going back to work, but I'm praying over it, and journaling about it, and talking about it lol all the things we have to do sometimes to try to shake the anxieties off!
Stay blessed, Dear Cherries ❤️
Reach out if you need me, I'll be around! 😊

HUGS Holly! Things will go your way...I can feel it!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Re: Scrap a Day, July 17th

Post by aheatfan »

blbabe1234 wrote:
Wed Jul 17, 2024 10:45 am
Good morning cherries. Already been crazy busy, still playing catch up from the crazy busy day I had yesterday.

So last night, a little after 7:30, my SIL calls me saying that the school called her an hour ago and Jasper WILL NOT be starting school the next day (TODAY!!) WTF? He had his eval in early May. We got him registered and enrolled in mid-May. He MET the Teacher yesterday. The nurse was there during his eval in May AND talked to both my brother and my SIL YESTERDAY!! Apparently, the Nurse needed more forms filled out and needed his pediatrician to fill some things out due to Jasper's dietary needs and trache. WTF!!! WHY wasn't this done during eval OR registration OR yesterday? $hit! The NURSE was there during the eval and yesterday. She spoke to Jasper's parents and at 6:30 realizes she doesn't have everything? OMGOODNESS we were alllll soooo pissed off. Poor guy, he was sooo excited to start school. Luckily, the school sent my SIL the forms and she turned around at send them to the dr's office. At 7:45 this morning, the receptionist called my SIL stating she got the papers and will get the Dr to sign off on them and *hopefully* turn those forms around before noon today. Then my SIL can send them to the school and *maybe* Jasper can start school tomorrow, if not by Friday? Oy! What a $hit $how!

Anyways, I was out the door by 7:20 to go to my brother and SIL's house to watch the 3 li'l guys while they took Draven to school. First day of 1st Grade!!! He was so excited! Got tons of pics (of course!). My brother and SIL didn't get back until 8:30. Total chaos during drop-off. Parents parked in "no parking" and blocking traffic. What a $hit $how. Then we got to talking about other things. Didn't get home until 9 this morning.

I'm about to start work since I only worked 4 hrs yesterday.

Hope everyone has a great day.
That is crazy, if she was at that meeting it should have been ordered by now. Poor little guy, hope he gets to start tomorrow. I don't remember when you guys said you get out of school but you sure di start early. 
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 17th

Post by Art_Teacher »

JollyHollyScraps wrote:
Wed Jul 17, 2024 11:39 am
Hey Cherries 😊
I spent some time getting scrappy yesterday! I finished one MMC, and plan on doing at LEAST one more today; hopefully finish them both! There's a LOT of challenges that I want to do! 😂
Today I'm JUST waiting for my former boss to call and set up an official interview/bring me back on the schedule. I DO have some nerves about going back to work, but I'm praying over it, and journaling about it, and talking about it lol all the things we have to do sometimes to try to shake the anxieties off!
Stay blessed, Dear Cherries ❤️
Reach out if you need me, I'll be around! 😊

Sending you hugs and prayers, Holly!  It will work out for you!
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 17th

Post by aheatfan »

JollyHollyScraps wrote:
Wed Jul 17, 2024 11:39 am
Hey Cherries 😊
I spent some time getting scrappy yesterday! I finished one MMC, and plan on doing at LEAST one more today; hopefully finish them both! There's a LOT of challenges that I want to do! 😂
Today I'm JUST waiting for my former boss to call and set up an official interview/bring me back on the schedule. I DO have some nerves about going back to work, but I'm praying over it, and journaling about it, and talking about it lol all the things we have to do sometimes to try to shake the anxieties off!
Stay blessed, Dear Cherries ❤️
Reach out if you need me, I'll be around! 😊

Hope it all goes well for you, sending prayers your way. 
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 17th

Post by blbabe1234 »

aheatfan wrote:
Wed Jul 17, 2024 12:00 pm
blbabe1234 wrote:
Wed Jul 17, 2024 10:45 am
Good morning cherries. Already been crazy busy, still playing catch up from the crazy busy day I had yesterday.

So last night, a little after 7:30, my SIL calls me saying that the school called her an hour ago and Jasper WILL NOT be starting school the next day (TODAY!!) WTF? He had his eval in early May. We got him registered and enrolled in mid-May. He MET the Teacher yesterday. The nurse was there during his eval in May AND talked to both my brother and my SIL YESTERDAY!! Apparently, the Nurse needed more forms filled out and needed his pediatrician to fill some things out due to Jasper's dietary needs and trache. WTF!!! WHY wasn't this done during eval OR registration OR yesterday? $hit! The NURSE was there during the eval and yesterday. She spoke to Jasper's parents and at 6:30 realizes she doesn't have everything? OMGOODNESS we were alllll soooo pissed off. Poor guy, he was sooo excited to start school. Luckily, the school sent my SIL the forms and she turned around at send them to the dr's office. At 7:45 this morning, the receptionist called my SIL stating she got the papers and will get the Dr to sign off on them and *hopefully* turn those forms around before noon today. Then my SIL can send them to the school and *maybe* Jasper can start school tomorrow, if not by Friday? Oy! What a $hit $how!

Anyways, I was out the door by 7:20 to go to my brother and SIL's house to watch the 3 li'l guys while they took Draven to school. First day of 1st Grade!!! He was so excited! Got tons of pics (of course!). My brother and SIL didn't get back until 8:30. Total chaos during drop-off. Parents parked in "no parking" and blocking traffic. What a $hit $how. Then we got to talking about other things. Didn't get home until 9 this morning.

I'm about to start work since I only worked 4 hrs yesterday.

Hope everyone has a great day.
That is crazy, if she was at that meeting it should have been ordered by now. Poor little guy, hope he gets to start tomorrow. I don't remember when you guys said you get out of school but you sure di start early. 
May 18th was the last day of school.

They go to a year round school district. They go to school for 6 weeks, then they are off a week for intercession. For the littles, it's a break/vacay for students and teachers. For the older kids, it can be a break (including teachers), but if they have an Incomplete or need to retake a test to bump up their grade, they can do it during intercession. They get a full week off in September (during Labor Day), a full week off at the end of Oct, a full week off the week of Thanksgiving. A full month for Christmas/Winter Break. A week off in mid-Feb, a week off in April, then mid-May wrap things up.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Re: Scrap a Day, July 17th

Post by Aztam »

So after the massive storm of last Sunday, we have a new tree delivered. We had purchased awhile back but this was the scheduled day. Hoping no more epic storms for this summer!! Hubby took pics so I will be scrapping the whole process. It is a lovely tree. He is off looking for some kind of gauge that will tell him how many gallons of water come out of the hose, so we can get the tree the right amount.

It’s supposed to rain again this weekend so I think it will be getting plenty!

hope everyone is having good hump day!

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Re: Scrap a Day, July 17th

Post by Charleneanne »

Well back door still open this morning but our pleasant weather respite is about over. Sigh. 95 today and then 99-105 over the next 10 days! When the lovely sea breeze shuts off and doesn’t travel up the delta to us, we bake in the summer.

Nothing much today. Have a sheaf of papers to fill out for insurance claim on roof. Need to run to city hall for an errand. I did get to the grocery yesterday and had my fried bologna sandwich for lunch when I got home. Probably get out and water the faux Holly and periwinkle too. I’ll b glad when my boys get that dripline fixed though.

Have a winning Wednesday!
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 17th

Post by pawprints »

Art_Teacher wrote:
Wed Jul 17, 2024 9:44 am
pawprints wrote:
Wed Jul 17, 2024 9:25 am
Hey Cherries. Extremely cloudy this morning. Headed for 91 again and humid. We are expecting thunderstorms tonight too. The new dry well is done so it will be a chance to test it out. I think it is going to work really well. Not much going on here today. I have some odds and ends to do around the house and maybe scrap later on when my cleaning ladies are here. I did finish this layout yesterday for one of the MMC challenges.

Hope you all have a great day.

This is so beautiful, Barb!  The pastel are perfect for that photo!

Thanks. The minute I saw your challenge I said this is the photo I am going to use!

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Re: Scrap a Day, July 17th

Post by pawprints »

scrappinmom99 wrote:
Wed Jul 17, 2024 9:47 am
Hot here too. My redheaded self can't take it anymore - I want fall weather! I'm so sweaty all the time and it's so unladylike ROFL!!! I put in to work the Foo Fighters concert tonight and am already rethinking my life, haha. Seriously though. Roll call is 3:30 and I don't know how long the concert will be. There are 2 opening acts and then prob a two-hour set. And there are thunderstorms predicted for our area but concerts go on rain or shine - no rain delays lol. 

Scrappy-wise, I finished the 3rd step of the progressive and have to take a picture and upload. I'm also working on the color challenge MMC...another home decor item per DH's request :) 
Wow how can they perform in a thunderstorm?! Or rain for that matter?! All that electrical equipment does not mix well with rain or thunder and lightning! Eeek!

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