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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 25th
VickiR wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:29 am
Another hot one today at 90 degrees but thankfully, no humidity.  We had about 10 drops of rain but seriously need  more.  Today I had a noon dentist appointment and then a few stops to make on the way home.  I hope to finish up a LO that I am working on.  I am really trying to finish the bi-monthly challenge and have 6 more to go.  Frustrating to get that close and not know if I will have time to finish it.  Have a good day DCs!

Hope you can get your layout finished in time Vicki! And hope you get some rain soon too!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 25th
Art_Teacher wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:39 am
Say some prayers for me, DC's. ;)  My SIL and BIL arrive this afternoon.  I haven't been so stressed about it as I usually am, so I am hoping it is a peaceful time we can spend with them.  I am happier that they come in the summer when I am off, since previously SIL has not understood that showing up during busy times of the school year or on short, school breaks like Thanksgiving are really stressful for me.  If they would stay in an Air B & B or something, it would be even less stressful, but I got the guest room cleaned and the house is pretty clean, too. (I know she will find things that aren't to her liking, but "it is what it is." lol)


Aren’t to her liking?! I’m sorry Laura but what does she expect you to do? Change everything to suit her? 🤪🤪🤪 She sounds like my late MIL. Just take deep breaths, clench your teeth and nod and smile. You might even get bold enough to say that you or your DH happen to like it the way it is. {{{HUGS}}} and prayers!!! 💝🙏💝🙏💝🙏
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 25th
blbabe1234 wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2024 10:01 am
Good morning cherries. Yesterday was decent, still a Monday. But it wasn't a M.O.N.D.A.Y if you kwim.

Our garage door arrived but because of all the damage that TS Alberto caused in Rockport, the garage door people are busy until Friday. Our contractors will probably here this afternoon. They've got 3 jobs going (including ours) but with all the flooding and rains and tornado from last week, things are getting shifted.

Nothing else going on except for work.

Hope y'all have a great day.

Brandy, I loved your advice to Laura!!! 🤣

I didn’t realize that Alberto had done so much damage! Your job is so close to being finished! And glad work is a bit calmer this so far week!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 25th
emmapaige wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2024 10:18 am
Good morning. I am playing Mahjong at 11:30 instead of 12:30 since the hostess as PT and we need to stop at 2:30 instead of 4:00. That works better for me since I won’t be rushed to make dinner.

Have fun playing mahjong Chris! Hope you win!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 25th
JollyHollyScraps wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2024 10:57 am
Hey Cherries 😊
I was just feeling a little blah yesterday. (Women stuff! 🙄) I LITERALLY just hung out laying around all day, reading on the couch, then in bed.
I made Omer watch one of my fave zombie movies last night - Dawn of the Dead (2004). Then we watched a few episodes of The Tudors.
I'm probably gonna get scrappy today. I haven't worked on anything else since I finished those layouts last week.
I'm gonna have my coffee now and do my Bible study. Stay blessed, DCs! 😊

Hope you’re feeling better this week !!! What a good sport Omer is to watch your fave zombie movie. :) Have fun getting scrappy!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 25th
Hi Cherries!!! 🍒🍒🍒

It’s just after 11 here. We had to be up before 8 because the bug man was coming. So we went to Dunkin’ Donuts and then to Walmart. We were going to go to Hobby Lobby and Michaels but I got way too hot and had to come back to the house. I’m really not used to the heat and humidity anymore! Lol! I got a nice lightweight sleeveless blouse that I can wear with shorts or pants. And some clips to put my hair up instead of just a ponytail. Those should help I hope!!!

I need to make a phone call (boo his for adulting! Lol!) and then I may take a nap. At least Steve got some exercise too! He’s walking a little bit faster now! Only 6 days till he sees the doctor and only 7 till I see my daughter and grandsons and brother!!!! 🥰🥰🥰

Have a wonderful day Cherries!!!!
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Cherry Crush

Re: Scrap a Day, June 25th
GinniG wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2024 12:00 pm
Art_Teacher wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:39 am
Say some prayers for me, DC's. ;)  My SIL and BIL arrive this afternoon.  I haven't been so stressed about it as I usually am, so I am hoping it is a peaceful time we can spend with them.  I am happier that they come in the summer when I am off, since previously SIL has not understood that showing up during busy times of the school year or on short, school breaks like Thanksgiving are really stressful for me.  If they would stay in an Air B & B or something, it would be even less stressful, but I got the guest room cleaned and the house is pretty clean, too. (I know she will find things that aren't to her liking, but "it is what it is." lol)

Aren’t to her liking?! I’m sorry Laura but what does she expect you to do? Change everything to suit her? 🤪🤪🤪 She sounds like my late MIL. Just take deep breaths, clench your teeth and nod and smile. You might even get bold enough to say that you or your DH happen to like it the way it is. {{{HUGS}}} and prayers!!! 💝🙏💝🙏💝🙏  

Oh, I have said that before. LOL  One time she commented that our basement game room smelled very "doggy."  I told her Paisley lived there... ;)  And to answer your question, yes, she does expect us to do everything the way she would do it.  😏
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Cherry Crush

Re: Scrap a Day, June 25th
blbabe1234 wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2024 10:01 am
Good morning cherries. Yesterday was decent, still a Monday. But it wasn't a M.O.N.D.A.Y if you kwim.

Our garage door arrived but because of all the damage that TS Alberto caused in Rockport, the garage door people are busy until Friday. Our contractors will probably here this afternoon. They've got 3 jobs going (including ours) but with all the flooding and rains and tornado from last week, things are getting shifted.

Nothing else going on except for work.

Hope y'all have a great day.
Glad your garage door arrived and hopefully, they can get to it Friday. Also happy that yesterday was manageable! ;)
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Cherry Crush

Re: Scrap a Day, June 25th
JollyHollyScraps wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2024 10:52 am
Art_Teacher wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:39 am
Say some prayers for me, DC's. ;)  My SIL and BIL arrive this afternoon.  I haven't been so stressed about it as I usually am, so I am hoping it is a peaceful time we can spend with them.  I am happier that they come in the summer when I am off, since previously SIL has not understood that showing up during busy times of the school year or on short, school breaks like Thanksgiving are really stressful for me.  If they would stay in an Air B & B or something, it would be even less stressful, but I got the guest room cleaned and the house is pretty clean, too. (I know she will find things that aren't to her liking, but "it is what it is." lol)


Awwwww Laura! I hope your SIL doesn't knit-pick too much! It's beyond my understanding that SHE doesn't understand how BUSY you are during the school year! 😜 (Even on "breaks"!) LOL my SIL would freak out if she saw my house! It is what it is, too! 😂 😂 😂
Praying all goes well! 🤞🏻
LOL...I don't get it, either.  My dear departed mother-in-law (her Mom) was a teacher, too.  It's like she was oblivious to anything during the school year.
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Cherry Crush

Re: Scrap a Day, June 25th
JollyHollyScraps wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2024 10:57 am
Hey Cherries 😊
I was just feeling a little blah yesterday. (Women stuff! 🙄) I LITERALLY just hung out laying around all day, reading on the couch, then in bed.
I made Omer watch one of my fave zombie movies last night - Dawn of the Dead (2004). Then we watched a few episodes of The Tudors.
I'm probably gonna get scrappy today. I haven't worked on anything else since I finished those layouts last week.
I'm gonna have my coffee now and do my Bible study. Stay blessed, DCs! 😊

Ugghh...darn women stuff!  That is probably the only benefit I have seen to menopause. lol
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 25th
Just got back from PT. Did my walk around the block and now icing. My knee just isn’t bending the way it should. They figure I healed super fast and put down scar tissue that isn’t allowing me to bend it properly. May be getting a trip back to the OR to manipulate it. Lucky me!! Regretting every day the decision I made to try and fix my knee.
DH took off to the dentist once he dropped me at home. When he gets back we are off to the grocery store.

Looking nice out and we are to reach around 78* today. Pretty nice summer day. Hoping we can go camping with DD and her crew next week.


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Cherry Crush

Re: Scrap a Day, June 25th
GinniG wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2024 12:15 pm
Hi Cherries!!! 🍒🍒🍒

It’s just after 11 here. We had to be up before 8 because the bug man was coming. So we went to Dunkin’ Donuts and then to Walmart. We were going to go to Hobby Lobby and Michaels but I got way too hot and had to come back to the house. I’m really not used to the heat and humidity anymore! Lol! I got a nice lightweight sleeveless blouse that I can wear with shorts or pants. And some clips to put my hair up instead of just a ponytail. Those should help I hope!!!

I need to make a phone call (boo his for adulting! Lol!) and then I may take a nap. At least Steve got some exercise too! He’s walking a little bit faster now! Only 6 days till he sees the doctor and only 7 till I see my daughter and grandsons and brother!!!! 🥰🥰🥰

Have a wonderful day Cherries!!!!

To be fair, this heatwave is rather unprecedented this early in the summer.  I know it is probably hotter there, but in Ohio it still hit 95 last week.  Too hot!  Now, the humidity has dropped, and I think today's high is only around 86.  It's crazy that those temps feel cooler!  lol  Glad Steve is moving better now!
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Cherry Crush

Re: Scrap a Day, June 25th
MTCanuk wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2024 12:20 pm
Just got back from PT. Did my walk around the block and now icing. My knee just isn’t bending the way it should. They figure I healed super fast and put down scar tissue that isn’t allowing me to bend it properly. May be getting a trip back to the OR to manipulate it. Lucky me!! Regretting every day the decision I made to try and fix my knee.
DH took off to the dentist once he dropped me at home. When he gets back we are off to the grocery store.

Looking nice out and we are to reach around 78* today. Pretty nice summer day. Hoping we can go camping with DD and her crew next week.

I'm so sorry your knee isn't cooperating with you!  Hopefully, the PT can break down that scar tissue.  Hugs!
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Cherry Delight

Re: Scrap a Day, June 25th
Art_Teacher wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:39 am
Say some prayers for me, DC's. ;)  My SIL and BIL arrive this afternoon.  I haven't been so stressed about it as I usually am, so I am hoping it is a peaceful time we can spend with them.  I am happier that they come in the summer when I am off, since previously SIL has not understood that showing up during busy times of the school year or on short, school breaks like Thanksgiving are really stressful for me.  If they would stay in an Air B & B or something, it would be even less stressful, but I got the guest room cleaned and the house is pretty clean, too. (I know she will find things that aren't to her liking, but "it is what it is." lol)

I’m right there with ya pal. My sister-in-law also arriving today for an uninvited visit. We have been frenemies since my late BIL married her 39 years ago. She chose career over kids but now sighs and says too bad she never had any. And wants to b fav aunt. Oh dear lol. I need to put this antagonism away and b gracious. lol. Last few years she stays at a B n B which is helpful to there being no mayhem. Hahahaha
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Cherry Delight

Re: Scrap a Day, June 25th
Well surprise! It’s cloudy out today but still going to be 95! Ick. I heard on the radio they got a wee bit of rain in the foothills about 30 miles up the highway from me. Not humid though.

I have chiropractor this afternoon and after all the gardening I’ve done last several days, my back needs some serious adjusting. Widowed SIL arrives today for a visit. Thankfully she usually stays in a B n B instead of ny place but I do need to clean front bathroom, tidy up kitchen and living room although they’re not really too bad lol and sweep the entire house. Yup she’s one of those relatives . lol

So sigh my week will probably b anything but quiet. Doubt if I’ll get any cards made while company’s here. 😕

Have a cool comfy Tuesday
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Cherry Crush

Re: Scrap a Day, June 25th
Charleneanne wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2024 12:24 pm
Art_Teacher wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:39 am
Say some prayers for me, DC's. ;)  My SIL and BIL arrive this afternoon.  I haven't been so stressed about it as I usually am, so I am hoping it is a peaceful time we can spend with them.  I am happier that they come in the summer when I am off, since previously SIL has not understood that showing up during busy times of the school year or on short, school breaks like Thanksgiving are really stressful for me.  If they would stay in an Air B & B or something, it would be even less stressful, but I got the guest room cleaned and the house is pretty clean, too. (I know she will find things that aren't to her liking, but "it is what it is." lol)

I’m right there with ya pal. My sister-in-law also arriving today for an uninvited visit. We have been frenemies since my late BIL married her 39 years ago. She chose career over kids but now sighs and says too bad she never had any. And wants to b fav aunt. Oh dear lol. I need to put this antagonism away and b gracious. lol. Last few years she stays at a B n B which is helpful to there being no mayhem. Hahahaha 
I will say some prayers that we can both keep our cool! ;)  Yes...staying in a B & B would be great!  Or maybe I should go and stay in one while they are here. lol
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Cherry Crush

Re: Scrap a Day, June 25th
Well, I found time to do one layout for my designer today.  I need to do another one before the end of the week. Hopefully, I can squeeze it in!

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Cherry Bark

Re: Scrap a Day, June 25th
GinniG wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2024 12:15 pm
Hi Cherries!!! 🍒🍒🍒

It’s just after 11 here. We had to be up before 8 because the bug man was coming. So we went to Dunkin’ Donuts and then to Walmart. We were going to go to Hobby Lobby and Michaels but I got way too hot and had to come back to the house. I’m really not used to the heat and humidity anymore! Lol! I got a nice lightweight sleeveless blouse that I can wear with shorts or pants. And some clips to put my hair up instead of just a ponytail. Those should help I hope!!!

I need to make a phone call (boo his for adulting! Lol!) and then I may take a nap. At least Steve got some exercise too! He’s walking a little bit faster now! Only 6 days till he sees the doctor and only 7 till I see my daughter and grandsons and brother!!!! 🥰🥰🥰

Have a wonderful day Cherries!!!!
Glad to hear Steve is doing well
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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A Cherry on Top

Re: Scrap a Day, June 25th
Art_Teacher wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:39 am
Say some prayers for me, DC's. ;)  My SIL and BIL arrive this afternoon.  I haven't been so stressed about it as I usually am, so I am hoping it is a peaceful time we can spend with them.  I am happier that they come in the summer when I am off, since previously SIL has not understood that showing up during busy times of the school year or on short, school breaks like Thanksgiving are really stressful for me.  If they would stay in an Air B & B or something, it would be even less stressful, but I got the guest room cleaned and the house is pretty clean, too. (I know she will find things that aren't to her liking, but "it is what it is." lol)


Hoping it goes well Laura. At least you are getting it over with early in the summer, so you won't have to think about it for the rest of your vacation.

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Cherry Bark

Re: Scrap a Day, June 25th
MTCanuk wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2024 12:20 pm
Just got back from PT. Did my walk around the block and now icing. My knee just isn’t bending the way it should. They figure I healed super fast and put down scar tissue that isn’t allowing me to bend it properly. May be getting a trip back to the OR to manipulate it. Lucky me!! Regretting every day the decision I made to try and fix my knee.
DH took off to the dentist once he dropped me at home. When he gets back we are off to the grocery store.

Looking nice out and we are to reach around 78* today. Pretty nice summer day. Hoping we can go camping with DD and her crew next week.

Oh no! I'm so sorry. Eeeek! Hope your knee realizes it needs to bend the way it should.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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