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A Cherry on Top

Scrap a Day, June 19th
Hey Cherries. Today commemorates the end of the terrible thing known as slavery in the US. I have no plans other than to do some picking up around here and I have a bunch of phone calls I have to make. Approaching the upper 80s today and the humidity has set in so staying in the a/c today.

Have a great day Cherries.

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Scrap a Day, June 19th
pawprints wrote:
Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:15 am
Hey Cherries. Today commemorates the end of the terrible thing known as slavery in the US. I have no plans other than to do some picking up around here and I have a bunch of phone calls I have to make. Approaching the upper 80s today and the humidity has set in so staying in the a/c today.

Have a great day Cherries.

Phone calls can be exhausting...hope you accomplish everything.  Stay cool!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Scrap a Day, June 19th
It is hot here already at 85 degrees!!  We have a heat advisory with a high of 92.  Ugh!  I love summer, but not these temps.  I'll be in the AC for the day also.
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Cherry Crush

Re: Scrap a Day, June 19th
Yep!  We are all sweltering this week, it seems.  Staying inside is the thing to do!  I have a massage in about an hour, then lunch with my Mom (she is still working on Wednesdays at 79 years old...she does accounting for one of the local businesses.)  So, I am meeting her in town to do lunch on her break, today. :)

Stay cool, Cherries!
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Cherry Bark

Re: Scrap a Day, June 19th
Good morning cherries. The inspections went well yesterday and next phase is painting. That will either be Friday or Monday, whenever we dry out. Depends on how this Tropical Cyclone wants to handle things. Work left me brain dead yesterday and by 6:30pm, I was in a dire need of a drink! After dinner (easy peasy leftovers), showered and relaxed the rest of the evening.

Got up regular time this morning and luckily the rain didn't start until AFTER the girls had gone potty AND ate breakfast. Penny isn't a fan of the rain, but at least it's not thundering, so she's in my scrap room chilling. The other 2 girlies are chilling too. Mr. Jackson was a bit ticked off that it was raining, but he got over it and is now napping on his blanket.

Slow and steady is how things are going since 6:30am, with little breaks here/there. But come noon is when the bulk of the rain should arrive, and its expected to dump 2 to 3 inches per bueno! But its a fast moving storm, which I'm thankful for. I hate it when they sit and spin and piddle. By the looks at it, we should just have to deal with sprinkles this evening, with it all ending tomorrow morning. Nice break from the heat. Only 78 degrees with a high of 82 which is usually our LOW in the summer, but then we've got 100% 😜

I'm working on something that should take me all morning and with my client observing the federal holiday, maybe even upload it so I can move on to the big BIG changes/featurse.

Hope everyone has a great day.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Cola

Re: Scrap a Day, June 19th
hot here today also. I had a early hair appointment so I'm back now. I'll be in my scrap room a lot of the day starting on my example for the progressive challenge and/or working on my vacation album. I'm going to a solstice party this evening in a garden which should be nice if it's not unbearable hot.

Stay cool and have a great day everyone!

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Cherry Addict

Re: Scrap a Day, June 19th
We have the heat and humidity here as well. I plan to work on this week’s sketch and watch the Phillies game this afternoon. I wouldn’t want to be at the ballpark today. 
** Chris **

My blog:

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 19th
pawprints wrote:
Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:15 am
Hey Cherries. Today commemorates the end of the terrible thing known as slavery in the US. I have no plans other than to do some picking up around here and I have a bunch of phone calls I have to make. Approaching the upper 80s today and the humidity has set in so staying in the a/c today.

Have a great day Cherries.

Hope your phone calls go well today Barb! Stay cool!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 19th
VickiR wrote:
Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:24 am
It is hot here already at 85 degrees!!  We have a heat advisory with a high of 92.  Ugh!  I love summer, but not these temps.  I'll be in the AC for the day also.

That’s hot! Have fun in the a/c Vicki!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 19th
Art_Teacher wrote:
Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:27 am
Yep!  We are all sweltering this week, it seems.  Staying inside is the thing to do!  I have a massage in about an hour, then lunch with my Mom (she is still working on Wednesdays at 79 years old...she does accounting for one of the local businesses.)  So, I am meeting her in town to do lunch on her break, today. :)

Stay cool, Cherries!

Enjoy your massage! And lunch with your Mom too. Good for her keeping active!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 19th
blbabe1234 wrote:
Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:42 am
Good morning cherries. The inspections went well yesterday and next phase is painting. That will either be Friday or Monday, whenever we dry out. Depends on how this Tropical Cyclone wants to handle things. Work left me brain dead yesterday and by 6:30pm, I was in a dire need of a drink! After dinner (easy peasy leftovers), showered and relaxed the rest of the evening.

Got up regular time this morning and luckily the rain didn't start until AFTER the girls had gone potty AND ate breakfast. Penny isn't a fan of the rain, but at least it's not thundering, so she's in my scrap room chilling. The other 2 girlies are chilling too. Mr. Jackson was a bit ticked off that it was raining, but he got over it and is now napping on his blanket.

Slow and steady is how things are going since 6:30am, with little breaks here/there. But come noon is when the bulk of the rain should arrive, and its expected to dump 2 to 3 inches per bueno! But its a fast moving storm, which I'm thankful for. I hate it when they sit and spin and piddle. By the looks at it, we should just have to deal with sprinkles this evening, with it all ending tomorrow morning. Nice break from the heat. Only 78 degrees with a high of 82 which is usually our LOW in the summer, but then we've got 100% 😜

I'm working on something that should take me all morning and with my client observing the federal holiday, maybe even upload it so I can move on to the big BIG changes/featurse.

Hope everyone has a great day.

Glad the inspections went well Brandy! And hope you can get work things done while the clients are out. Hopefully the storm will go through really quickly! Have a great day!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 19th
trainmom wrote:
Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:55 am
hot here today also. I had a early hair appointment so I'm back now. I'll be in my scrap room a lot of the day starting on my example for the progressive challenge and/or working on my vacation album. I'm going to a solstice party this evening in a garden which should be nice if it's not unbearable hot.

Stay cool and have a great day everyone!

Enjoy your crafty time and hope it’s nice and cool for the garden party!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 19th
Hi Cherries!!! 🍒🍒🍒

Steve is in the operating room now. I’m sitting in the main lobby waiting. It’s going to be at least 3 hours. But they will be calling me to update me. I’ve been up since 5:15 this morning. Gonna be a long day. Joe and Robin are going to come sit with me so I won’t be alone. They’re the sweetest people!!!

And when I met the doctor this morning I was fighting back tears. We met the whole team and they’re really wonderful. They just called and said they’ve started the procedure and he’s doing well.

So I’m just waiting now. Have a wonderful day Cherries!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 19th
Praying all goes well today. Hang in there Ginni. You’re hopefully near the end of everything and things should be better!!!


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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 19th
On laundry patrol today. Came downstairs for a shower and got all the clothes sorted and first load in.

The pt person was working on getting my muscles and ligaments around my knee to relax. They are so tight, and why I seem stuck and can’t move forward. Hoping that will help. Man, is my leg sore today!
Back for more tomorrow.

Rain seems to have moved along. They say cloudy with a high of 64. Very pleasant. We hit a record low high the other day of 45*. Gotta love it. Why my furnace was still booming on.


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Cherry Garcia

Re: Scrap a Day, June 19th
Art_Teacher wrote:
Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:27 am
Yep!  We are all sweltering this week, it seems.  Staying inside is the thing to do!  I have a massage in about an hour, then lunch with my Mom (she is still working on Wednesdays at 79 years old...she does accounting for one of the local businesses.)  So, I am meeting her in town to do lunch on her break, today. :)

Stay cool, Cherries!

Oooo….massage sounds wonderful for those aches and pains!  Enjoy!  Good for your mom!  It is sure to keep her mind sharp! 
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Scrap a Day, June 19th
MTCanuk wrote:
Wed Jun 19, 2024 12:14 pm
On laundry patrol today. Came downstairs for a shower and got all the clothes sorted and first load in.

The pt person was working on getting my muscles and ligaments around my knee to relax. They are so tight, and why I seem stuck and can’t move forward. Hoping that will help. Man, is my leg sore today!
Back for more tomorrow.

Rain seems to have moved along. They say cloudy with a high of 64. Very pleasant. We hit a record low high the other day of 45*. Gotta love it. Why my furnace was still booming on.

Keep at it!  Glad to hear you are moving forward.  Doing the home stretching is crucial, my BF just had both knees replaced last year.  This is such a big country, sweltering humid heat in one area, furnace on in another!  
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Scrap a Day, June 19th
GinniG wrote:
Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:33 am
Hi Cherries!!! 🍒🍒🍒

Steve is in the operating room now. I’m sitting in the main lobby waiting. It’s going to be at least 3 hours. But they will be calling me to update me. I’ve been up since 5:15 this morning. Gonna be a long day. Joe and Robin are going to come sit with me so I won’t be alone. They’re the sweetest people!!!

And when I met the doctor this morning I was fighting back tears. We met the whole team and they’re really wonderful. They just called and said they’ve started the procedure and he’s doing well.

So I’m just waiting now. Have a wonderful day Cherries!
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Cherry Delight

Re: Scrap a Day, June 19th
GinniG wrote:
Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:33 am
Hi Cherries!!! 🍒🍒🍒

Steve is in the operating room now. I’m sitting in the main lobby waiting. It’s going to be at least 3 hours. But they will be calling me to update me. I’ve been up since 5:15 this morning. Gonna be a long day. Joe and Robin are going to come sit with me so I won’t be alone. They’re the sweetest people!!!

And when I met the doctor this morning I was fighting back tears. We met the whole team and they’re really wonderful. They just called and said they’ve started the procedure and he’s doing well.

So I’m just waiting now. Have a wonderful day Cherries!
Ginnie, You and your sweet man are both in my thoughts and prayers today. Hold on to the good thoughts. Hugs and love.
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Cherry Delight

Re: Scrap a Day, June 19th
Howdy. No wind and only going to b 87 today.

Yesterday was a total bust. Started getting a headache mid morning so decided to work in the yard and hopefully feel better. As Brandy says “no bueno”. But between the high pressure and low pressure fighting it out in my head, the air was starting to be pretty smoky from a wildfire just south of us. Poof headache became a migraine and there went the rest of my day!

On the good side, I did get the Hollyhock bed cleaned up and prepared for planting. And managed to put all my mess away out there. But then on the sofa rest of the day barely moving except to microwave small amounts of junky food from the freezer for lunch and dinner. Not even a walk in the evening.

Still hazy from smoke but I won’t plant flowers till evening. I have some errands to run but doubt if I will. I need to visit a friend in a nearby Ahlzeimers facility too. She won’t know if I do or not but her kids will. lol

Such is the life of a retired old widow woman. lol. The fun never stops! Have a wonderful Wednesday!
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