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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
sherelm wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 10:54 am
Many well wishes to your family on a hard day for you. My dad died the week of Father's day 21 years ago. I still miss him like yesterday.

{{{HUGS}}} Sherel!!!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
JollyHollyScraps wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 11:13 am
Hey Cherries 😊
I've been up since early, getting my arts and crafts on today! ☺️ It's starting to get hot out and I think I'll lay in the AC for a while now!
Blessings to you, DCs!☺️

Hope you had fun creating!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
blbabe1234 wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 11:18 am
Good morning cherries. Hugs to all of you who need them.

Had a super busy day yesterday. Up early, got all the laundry done, office cleaned up, cut up the fruit and made hard boil eggs for the week. DH and I made a quick trip to HD to get a few things. Back home and my bio dad and his wife came over to visit and see how the garage is coming along, He liked his (store-bought) card and Academy gc. Took them over to Big Sam's for a late lunch/early dinner. Then back home and they left around 5pm. DH and I just relaxed with some TV the rest of the night.

Went to bed early for a Saturday night. 9pm. With the headache I had earlier yesterday morning, the heat, the $hit $how of a week, I think it all caught up with me. Woke up this morning at 7am refreshed. Rested. Got up, fed the pups, ran to the store for low-carb hamburger buns for DH as I forgot to pick those up on Friday. Drank my coffee while I unloaded the dishwasher, popped some cinnamon rolls in the oven for breakfast and got dinner in the crock pot. Ate breakfast, cleaned up and called my bio dad knowing he was awake already. Talked for a couple of minutes then moved onto my dad. Talked to him for 5 minutes. Then I made the power slaw to go with the BBQ pulled chicken sanwiches we're having for dinner.

Gonna go take the pups outside real quick, then hibernate in my scrap room with the a/c :greeninlove: 

Hope everyone has a great day. :)

My goodness Brandy! You’re a busy bee! 🤣. Glad you had a good weekend!!!
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Cherry Crush

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
pawprints wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 10:25 am
Hey Cherries. Slept in today and my head is swirling from all kinds of crazy dreams. Missing my DH so much but I know a piece of him is in each of my children. We will be getting together today at the cemetery and then going to dinner together. My own dad will be gone 10 years this year. It’s so hard to believe. Missing him today too.

Hope you all have a wonderful Father’s Day with your dads, your DH’s, and your children. ((Hugs)) to those of you whose loved one is no longer with you to celebrate today.

I know this day is so hard for so many.  I miss my wonderful grandparents so much and I am blessed to still have my own Dad.  I posted and shared some wonderful songs from the country singer Luke Combs.  He has a wonderful album out this weekend for Father's Day, but nearly every song is a tearjerker.  Sometimes we just need to miss people and have a little cry, though.  Hugs to you!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
MTCanuk wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 11:35 am
Just chilling here. DD gets on the plane back to Seattle later this afternoon. Has been a good week just enjoying her company.

We have a couple days of cold and rain for us and snow for the mountains in our forecast. We had rain blow through yesterday and cooled everything right down into the 50’s. Glad the granddaughter had done the gutters earlier last week.

The DD and I made stuffing yesterday and I put a turkey breast in the oven yesterday. It was really yummy and the temps were cooler for having the oven on. Curtis and I now have a few leftovers in the fridge to munch on.

You guys got cold weather and down in Kentucky and Tennessee we got 95-98 degree temps!!!! Mother Nature sure is confused!!! Lol! Glad you had a good visit with your DD! And glad you’ve got good leftovers!!!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
Charleneanne wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 11:37 am
Today is my eldest nephews 61st bday. And he was born on Father’s Day. lol. My dad has been gone for 15 years now but after my parents divorced he remarried and pretty much shut off communications with his bio kids. I miss my DH every day. Nothing new there. Sigh. lol. So nothing at all going on here today.

Got my order from ACOT yesterday which should entertain me very well. Maybe do some housework if the mood strikes me but place is still fairly tidy from cleaning Friday. Going to b 91 today so doubtful I’ll work in my garden. As my grandma would say, I’m at 6’s and 7’s! lol

Have a super Sunday and Happy Father’s Day to all the dads

{{{HUGS}}} Charleneanne! I’m glad you’ve got ACOT goodies to distract you! 91 is way too hot to be outside for sure! . Stay inside and stay cool!!!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
Deanna13 wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 11:43 am
Many Many Hugs, Barb!!

Hey everyone! DH is busy with some fix-it chores. Wouldn't you know it?!?....Leak under Kitchen sink and link in washer tub today. Also he's working on grandson Brady's truck alittle everyday. Both local grandkids are working today. So we are going to celebrate Father's Day and Granddaughter Kaylee's Birthday on Wednesday. I'll also have 2 of the other grandkids here for that. They are staying with us a couple weeks.

We have some finishing up to do with the Pond Garden. Mulching, etc. I hope to get alittle scrapping done today.

Enjoy your day, everyone!

Sounds like everyone is busy with summer activities Deanna! House and vehicle projects never seem to end. Enjoy the rest of your evening!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
suewho372 wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 12:16 pm
Hi cherries!

I started the day off scrapping- I have one done except for glue!! I needed to stop and go out to pot some plants I rescued but didn’t repot last week and some of the sunflower and zinnias that sprouted from seeds! Well it was hot - I went through 2 big bags of plant dirt(4 cu yds)! I stopped there, ( but I have 4 left to repot) because I was so hot and was covered in dirt lol! I had been taking it slow and drank 3 waters! So k looked at my phone on weather app / oops!! It’s 100 with the heat index- I knew I felt hot at 10-am!! What? Welcome summer - finally hit us Friday and it’s hot! I know you very southern girls have this as normal temps in and off - ugh- I like warm weather but it’s a bit much when it’s hitting 100!
Got my shower and / ibuprofen (My back is killing me! Why does that have to happen! Ha 😂🤣) drinking done propel and eating - yeah I forgot to eat this morning in my rush to play in my scrappy room! Then it’s back to scrapping.
That’s all going on here!
Have a wonderful day everyone!

Wow Sue! Glad you drank lots of water!!! And glad you didn’t stay out too long!!! :) Have a good week!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
blbabe1234 wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 12:37 pm
Got the BF sketch done


AWWW Brandy! That’s adorable!!!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
emmapaige wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 2:15 pm
I went to a crop yesterday and finished two layouts and almost finished two more but I didn't have the stuff I needed to finish them. They'll need to be done tomorrow. These are the two I finished:


Chris! The one of you is so pretty!!! I love the colors you used! And the Happy 21st one is really good too!!!!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
blbabe1234 wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 2:45 pm
Did this for the My Mood Challenge


What a great picture and layout!!!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
blbabe1234 wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 3:41 pm
Made this card for the Card Sketch with an Inky Twist


Pretty card Brandy!!!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
scrappinmom99 wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 4:36 pm
pawprints wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 10:25 am
Hey Cherries. Slept in today and my head is swirling from all kinds of crazy dreams. Missing my DH so much but I know a piece of him is in each of my children. We will be getting together today at the cemetery and then going to dinner together. My own dad will be gone 10 years this year. It’s so hard to believe. Missing him today too.

Hope you all have a wonderful Father’s Day with your dads, your DH’s, and your children. ((Hugs)) to those of you whose loved one is no longer with you to celebrate today.

((((Hugs)))) Love to you this Father's Day...and he IS present in your children :) xoox

We were going to take DH out to breakfast this morning (because it's Sunday and he does NOT like to interfere with his Sunday-cook-for-the-week routine) but at the last minute DD got an opportunity to work today and DH was like "go make some money!" LOL. So he and I took a walk and found a geocache in the neighborhood. I wanted to take him to lunch but like a true dad (lol) he didn't want to spend money. So we had lunch at home. Now he is cooking and making a lemon piccata dinner. I made a jelly roll cake (orange flavored sponge with blueberry preserves) for later. We got him some books for Father's Day. He likes autobiographies/memoirs and sports/cooking so we got a Yogi Berra book and Julia Child's memoir. 

My dad passed away in 2016 and there is always some "weird" sign on Father's Day. The first Father's Day without him found us trying to get a month's worth of groceries home walking in the rain in two shopping carts and a mile from home. And the kids had picked out a Father's Day cake which I was carrying. So I"m carrying the cake and crying because my dad is gone and my husband's cake is getting ruined...and then I started laughing hysterically because THAT was the sign. My dad and I used to love singing MacArthur's Park about the cake left out in the rain etc etc. So anyway today's sign...if you've ever gone geocaching, you know the little strips of paper in the microcaches are hard to roll back up and get back in the thingie. My dad used to tease me all the time about my love of "footsie" things (his word for tiny, cute, teeny, Hello Kitty, stickers etc etc LOL). So I couldn't roll the thingie up small enough today and had to keep trying and then I was like, "Yeah okay, Dad, Happy Father's Day" LOL :*)  Oh also, I forgot to bring a pen to sign the geocache (and it was a Girl Scout troop that hid it so we wanted them to know it was found!) so I remembered I had a Mr. Met sticker in my bag and trimmed his helmet off the sticker to put on the strip LOL. So stickers...more footsie stuff :) 

Happy Father's Day to all the dads & granddads!

Oh what sweet stories! I love them. Especially the cake n the rain. I LOVE that song! What a fun and bittersweet way to remember your dad. 💝💝💝
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
blbabe1234 wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 5:17 pm
Did this for the title challenge. Used up the Bo Bunny package of the green blossoms I've had in my stash FOREVER. MME gold brads. Old washi tape. The thicker one was my first ever roll. LOL.


This will probably be it for me for the day. We ate breakfast at 9am and it's 4:15 here and we're both pretty hungry. Chicken has about 20 more minutes in the crock pot. Once that's done, just toast the buns and pull the sides out of the fridge. We'll be eating early today!

Beautiful card Brandy! Great job using up stash too!!! Enjoy that chicken dinner!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
Art_Teacher wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 6:44 pm
This morning was church and Father's Day lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant with my Dad and Mom.  Then, I got home and was a total slug!  LOL We cleaned up our house so hard on Friday and Saturday we had DH's classmates over for a reunion planning session.  So, I felt really lazy today.  DH worked on our boat and got it into our docking spot on our lake.  But I really haven't accomplished anything today.  😂

Sounds like you NEEDED a “slug” day Laura! Good for you allowing yourself to have one.
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Cherry Crush

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
JollyHollyScraps wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 11:13 am
Hey Cherries 😊
I've been up since early, getting my arts and crafts on today! ☺️ It's starting to get hot out and I think I'll lay in the AC for a while now!
Blessings to you, DCs!☺️

Thank goodness for A/C, right?!  This week is going to be rough!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
Hi Cherries!!!! 🍒🍒🍒

I tried a few times over the weekend to check in but for some reason I couldn’t make the message board come up. Didn’t have the computer with me so I couldn’t share about our weekend. Seems to be working fine tonight though.

We had a good weekend. It was HOT HOT HOT though! We drove about 3 hours to Steve’s cousin’s house. Greg and Val are the SWEETEST people! We really enjoyed them! Saturday we had a big country breakfast and drove to Greg’s sister’s lake house. I’ve never met any of that family before so it was fun to go meet most of them at once! Two kids were graduating from high school and 2 others from college. So it was a big party for all 4 of them. There was a nice breeze and Steve and I sat in the shade most of the day but it was really hot!

Later on the way home an amazing thing happened. Steve’s talked about his Uncle John’s house for the entire 34 years I’ve known him and how cool it was. It was the house Greg and his sister had grown up in. We drove by to see it and we’re outside in the car taking pictures and the owners pulled into the driveway! Greg was so excited! He pulled into the driveway behind them and told them he’d grown up there and was talking away and they invited us in!!! It was really a neat house with a sunken living room and all kinds of really cool features. I was able to get some pictures with their permission and we had so much fun seeing what hadn’t changed and hearing about what these owners had done, etc. Apparently there’s only been one other owner in between so there were lots of things that were still the same! What a treat it was for all of us! I’ll have fun scrapping those pictures!!!

Today we went to church with Val and Greg and it was fun. Then we met cousins from Steve’s mom’s side of the family for lunch at Cracker Barrel. That was fun too. We’d stopped on our way to Alaska in 2016 and had lunch with them and another cousin who passed later that year. The older cousin has had 2 strokes and pneumonia already this year and she’s having a-fib issues now that they’re having trouble controlling. So we really wanted to make the effort to see them. We’re really glad we did!

After that we headed back to Steve’s brother’s house. The car said it was 97 degrees outside and the air conditioner just couldn’t keep up and we Alaskans were roasting! Lolol! So we were very happy when we ran into a rain shower shortly after getting free of the traffic jam! It cooled down to a whopping 84! 🤣🤣🤣

So that was our weekend. There was some drama about our geese and we still aren’t sure exactly what’s happening. All we know is that we have 4 babies that a neighbor will be taking to our farmer friend tomorrow so he can keep them safe for us. We know one was dead on the side of the road :( but we don’t know where the other baby, Mama and Yoda are. People have searched for them but haven’t seen them. We suspect eagles may have gotten them or just as likely someone took them for food. We have no idea. We’re sad but at least we can save the 4 IF our neighbors can get them rounded up and into the dog crate. Hopefully the goldfish crackers and lettuce will help! They’ve been able to get them into the coop once or twice so keeping our fingers crossed. Just really sad.

We were supposed to have people at the cabin off and on while we’ve been gone and so far that hasn’t happened at all. So we’re hoping the one that said they’d go on Tuesday will follow through. Nothing we can do about any of it so we’re quite grateful for good neighbors!!!!!

And that’s been our weekend! Busy busy! Tomorrow I’m hoping to find a post office and get my card exchange card in the mail. I’m also hoping maybe I can find the Michael’s and Hobby Lobby. They’re here somewhere! Might have to wait till after Steve’s surgery. That’s Wednesday. Tuesday he has to do the prep. Another busy week in a way. He’s anxious to get it over.

Anyway, sorry for the book! Will check back in tomorrow! Have a wonderful Sunday night dear Cherries!!!!
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Cherry Crush

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
blbabe1234 wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 11:18 am
Good morning cherries. Hugs to all of you who need them.

Had a super busy day yesterday. Up early, got all the laundry done, office cleaned up, cut up the fruit and made hard boil eggs for the week. DH and I made a quick trip to HD to get a few things. Back home and my bio dad and his wife came over to visit and see how the garage is coming along, He liked his (store-bought) card and Academy gc. Took them over to Big Sam's for a late lunch/early dinner. Then back home and they left around 5pm. DH and I just relaxed with some TV the rest of the night.

Went to bed early for a Saturday night. 9pm. With the headache I had earlier yesterday morning, the heat, the $hit $how of a week, I think it all caught up with me. Woke up this morning at 7am refreshed. Rested. Got up, fed the pups, ran to the store for low-carb hamburger buns for DH as I forgot to pick those up on Friday. Drank my coffee while I unloaded the dishwasher, popped some cinnamon rolls in the oven for breakfast and got dinner in the crock pot. Ate breakfast, cleaned up and called my bio dad knowing he was awake already. Talked for a couple of minutes then moved onto my dad. Talked to him for 5 minutes. Then I made the power slaw to go with the BBQ pulled chicken sanwiches we're having for dinner.

Gonna go take the pups outside real quick, then hibernate in my scrap room with the a/c :greeninlove: 

Hope everyone has a great day. :)

Glad you were able to get some sleep after your rough week/headache.  Have a great week and stay cool!  Going to get hot here, too!
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Cherry Crush

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
MTCanuk wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 11:35 am
Just chilling here. DD gets on the plane back to Seattle later this afternoon. Has been a good week just enjoying her company.

We have a couple days of cold and rain for us and snow for the mountains in our forecast. We had rain blow through yesterday and cooled everything right down into the 50’s. Glad the granddaughter had done the gutters earlier last week.

The DD and I made stuffing yesterday and I put a turkey breast in the oven yesterday. It was really yummy and the temps were cooler for having the oven on. Curtis and I now have a few leftovers in the fridge to munch on.
Ooh…I am jealous of the cooler temps!  Going to be in the mid-90’s here all week, and we desperately need some rain.  
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Cherry Crush

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
suewho372 wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 12:16 pm
Hi cherries!

I started the day off scrapping- I have one done except for glue!! I needed to stop and go out to pot some plants I rescued but didn’t repot last week and some of the sunflower and zinnias that sprouted from seeds! Well it was hot - I went through 2 big bags of plant dirt(4 cu yds)! I stopped there, ( but I have 4 left to repot) because I was so hot and was covered in dirt lol! I had been taking it slow and drank 3 waters! So k looked at my phone on weather app / oops!! It’s 100 with the heat index- I knew I felt hot at 10-am!! What? Welcome summer - finally hit us Friday and it’s hot! I know you very southern girls have this as normal temps in and off - ugh- I like warm weather but it’s a bit much when it’s hitting 100!
Got my shower and / ibuprofen (My back is killing me! Why does that have to happen! Ha 😂🤣) drinking done propel and eating - yeah I forgot to eat this morning in my rush to play in my scrappy room! Then it’s back to scrapping.
That’s all going on here!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Oof…take care of yourself and don’t get overheated, Sue! We are getting that weather this week, too.  Trying to plan to get in my flower beds and weed before 10 am each day this week. Then, maybe, I’ll be done until the heat breaks…or at least for a month or so.  
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