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A Cherry on Top

Scrap a Day, June 16th
Hey Cherries. Slept in today and my head is swirling from all kinds of crazy dreams. Missing my DH so much but I know a piece of him is in each of my children. We will be getting together today at the cemetery and then going to dinner together. My own dad will be gone 10 years this year. It’s so hard to believe. Missing him today too.

Hope you all have a wonderful Father’s Day with your dads, your DH’s, and your children. ((Hugs)) to those of you whose loved one is no longer with you to celebrate today.

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
Many hugs to you and your family today, Barb.  Glad you will all be together.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
We're having a quiet day today.  Youngest DD is here for coffee with dad.  This afternoon, DH is going golfing with the two oldest grandsons.  He is really looking forward to the outing.  First time the three of them have golfed together.  Should be interesting!  Have a good day DCs.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
Many well wishes to your family on a hard day for you. My dad died the week of Father's day 21 years ago. I still miss him like yesterday.
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Cherry Bark

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
pawprints wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 10:25 am
Hey Cherries. Slept in today and my head is swirling from all kinds of crazy dreams. Missing my DH so much but I know a piece of him is in each of my children. We will be getting together today at the cemetery and then going to dinner together. My own dad will be gone 10 years this year. It’s so hard to believe. Missing him today too.

Hope you all have a wonderful Father’s Day with your dads, your DH’s, and your children. ((Hugs)) to those of you whose loved one is no longer with you to celebrate today.

Many hugs to you Barb!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Jolly Holly Scraps

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
pawprints wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 10:25 am
Hey Cherries. Slept in today and my head is swirling from all kinds of crazy dreams. Missing my DH so much but I know a piece of him is in each of my children. We will be getting together today at the cemetery and then going to dinner together. My own dad will be gone 10 years this year. It’s so hard to believe. Missing him today too.

Hope you all have a wonderful Father’s Day with your dads, your DH’s, and your children. ((Hugs)) to those of you whose loved one is no longer with you to celebrate today.

Hugs to you, Barb!
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Jolly Holly Scraps

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
Hey Cherries 😊
I've been up since early, getting my arts and crafts on today! ☺️ It's starting to get hot out and I think I'll lay in the AC for a while now!
Blessings to you, DCs!☺️
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Cherry Bark

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
Good morning cherries. Hugs to all of you who need them.

Had a super busy day yesterday. Up early, got all the laundry done, office cleaned up, cut up the fruit and made hard boil eggs for the week. DH and I made a quick trip to HD to get a few things. Back home and my bio dad and his wife came over to visit and see how the garage is coming along, He liked his (store-bought) card and Academy gc. Took them over to Big Sam's for a late lunch/early dinner. Then back home and they left around 5pm. DH and I just relaxed with some TV the rest of the night.

Went to bed early for a Saturday night. 9pm. With the headache I had earlier yesterday morning, the heat, the $hit $how of a week, I think it all caught up with me. Woke up this morning at 7am refreshed. Rested. Got up, fed the pups, ran to the store for low-carb hamburger buns for DH as I forgot to pick those up on Friday. Drank my coffee while I unloaded the dishwasher, popped some cinnamon rolls in the oven for breakfast and got dinner in the crock pot. Ate breakfast, cleaned up and called my bio dad knowing he was awake already. Talked for a couple of minutes then moved onto my dad. Talked to him for 5 minutes. Then I made the power slaw to go with the BBQ pulled chicken sanwiches we're having for dinner.

Gonna go take the pups outside real quick, then hibernate in my scrap room with the a/c :greeninlove: 

Hope everyone has a great day. :)
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Bark

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
JollyHollyScraps wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 11:13 am
Hey Cherries 😊
I've been up since early, getting my arts and crafts on today! ☺️ It's starting to get hot out and I think I'll lay in the AC for a while now!
Blessings to you, DCs!☺️

Happy Craftin' sweet Holly!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Bark

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
sherelm wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 10:54 am
Many well wishes to your family on a hard day for you. My dad died the week of Father's day 21 years ago. I still miss him like yesterday.

Hugs Sher
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Bark

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
VickiR wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 10:52 am
We're having a quiet day today.  Youngest DD is here for coffee with dad.  This afternoon, DH is going golfing with the two oldest grandsons.  He is really looking forward to the outing.  First time the three of them have golfed together.  Should be interesting!  Have a good day DCs.

Sounds like your DH is going to have a great day
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
Just chilling here. DD gets on the plane back to Seattle later this afternoon. Has been a good week just enjoying her company.

We have a couple days of cold and rain for us and snow for the mountains in our forecast. We had rain blow through yesterday and cooled everything right down into the 50’s. Glad the granddaughter had done the gutters earlier last week.

The DD and I made stuffing yesterday and I put a turkey breast in the oven yesterday. It was really yummy and the temps were cooler for having the oven on. Curtis and I now have a few leftovers in the fridge to munch on.


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Cherry Delight

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
Today is my eldest nephews 61st bday. And he was born on Father’s Day. lol. My dad has been gone for 15 years now but after my parents divorced he remarried and pretty much shut off communications with his bio kids. I miss my DH every day. Nothing new there. Sigh. lol. So nothing at all going on here today.

Got my order from ACOT yesterday which should entertain me very well. Maybe do some housework if the mood strikes me but place is still fairly tidy from cleaning Friday. Going to b 91 today so doubtful I’ll work in my garden. As my grandma would say, I’m at 6’s and 7’s! lol

Have a super Sunday and Happy Father’s Day to all the dads
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
Many Many Hugs, Barb!!

Hey everyone! DH is busy with some fix-it chores. Wouldn't you know it?!?....Leak under Kitchen sink and link in washer tub today. Also he's working on grandson Brady's truck alittle everyday. Both local grandkids are working today. So we are going to celebrate Father's Day and Granddaughter Kaylee's Birthday on Wednesday. I'll also have 2 of the other grandkids here for that. They are staying with us a couple weeks.

We have some finishing up to do with the Pond Garden. Mulching, etc. I hope to get alittle scrapping done today.

Enjoy your day, everyone!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
Hi cherries!

I started the day off scrapping- I have one done except for glue!! I needed to stop and go out to pot some plants I rescued but didn’t repot last week and some of the sunflower and zinnias that sprouted from seeds! Well it was hot - I went through 2 big bags of plant dirt(4 cu yds)! I stopped there, ( but I have 4 left to repot) because I was so hot and was covered in dirt lol! I had been taking it slow and drank 3 waters! So k looked at my phone on weather app / oops!! It’s 100 with the heat index- I knew I felt hot at 10-am!! What? Welcome summer - finally hit us Friday and it’s hot! I know you very southern girls have this as normal temps in and off - ugh- I like warm weather but it’s a bit much when it’s hitting 100!
Got my shower and / ibuprofen (My back is killing me! Why does that have to happen! Ha 😂🤣) drinking done propel and eating - yeah I forgot to eat this morning in my rush to play in my scrappy room! Then it’s back to scrapping.
That’s all going on here!
Have a wonderful day everyone!

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
pawprints wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 10:25 am
Hey Cherries. Slept in today and my head is swirling from all kinds of crazy dreams. Missing my DH so much but I know a piece of him is in each of my children. We will be getting together today at the cemetery and then going to dinner together. My own dad will be gone 10 years this year. It’s so hard to believe. Missing him today too.

Hope you all have a wonderful Father’s Day with your dads, your DH’s, and your children. ((Hugs)) to those of you whose loved one is no longer with you to celebrate today.

Many many hugs Barb- I know it’s hard. Glad you have the family to be with. 💙

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Cherry Bark

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
MTCanuk wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 11:35 am
Just chilling here. DD gets on the plane back to Seattle later this afternoon. Has been a good week just enjoying her company.

We have a couple days of cold and rain for us and snow for the mountains in our forecast. We had rain blow through yesterday and cooled everything right down into the 50’s. Glad the granddaughter had done the gutters earlier last week.

The DD and I made stuffing yesterday and I put a turkey breast in the oven yesterday. It was really yummy and the temps were cooler for having the oven on. Curtis and I now have a few leftovers in the fridge to munch on.
Sounds like a great day. Safe travels to your DD
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Bark

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
Charleneanne wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 11:37 am
Today is my eldest nephews 61st bday. And he was born on Father’s Day. lol. My dad has been gone for 15 years now but after my parents divorced he remarried and pretty much shut off communications with his bio kids. I miss my DH every day. Nothing new there. Sigh. lol. So nothing at all going on here today.

Got my order from ACOT yesterday which should entertain me very well. Maybe do some housework if the mood strikes me but place is still fairly tidy from cleaning Friday. Going to b 91 today so doubtful I’ll work in my garden. As my grandma would say, I’m at 6’s and 7’s! lol

Have a super Sunday and Happy Father’s Day to all the dads

Happy Birthday to your oldest son! My MIL's bday is today too. So DH has to call not only his dad later but his mom too!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Bark

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
Deanna13 wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 11:43 am
Many Many Hugs, Barb!!

Hey everyone! DH is busy with some fix-it chores. Wouldn't you know it?!?....Leak under Kitchen sink and link in washer tub today. Also he's working on grandson Brady's truck alittle everyday. Both local grandkids are working today. So we are going to celebrate Father's Day and Granddaughter Kaylee's Birthday on Wednesday. I'll also have 2 of the other grandkids here for that. They are staying with us a couple weeks.

We have some finishing up to do with the Pond Garden. Mulching, etc. I hope to get alittle scrapping done today.

Enjoy your day, everyone!
Ewwww...sorry about the leaks. That's no bueno! Hope Brad can get them both fixed.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Bark

Re: Scrap a Day, June 16th
suewho372 wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 12:16 pm
Hi cherries!

I started the day off scrapping- I have one done except for glue!! I needed to stop and go out to pot some plants I rescued but didn’t repot last week and some of the sunflower and zinnias that sprouted from seeds! Well it was hot - I went through 2 big bags of plant dirt(4 cu yds)! I stopped there, ( but I have 4 left to repot) because I was so hot and was covered in dirt lol! I had been taking it slow and drank 3 waters! So k looked at my phone on weather app / oops!! It’s 100 with the heat index- I knew I felt hot at 10-am!! What? Welcome summer - finally hit us Friday and it’s hot! I know you very southern girls have this as normal temps in and off - ugh- I like warm weather but it’s a bit much when it’s hitting 100!
Got my shower and / ibuprofen (My back is killing me! Why does that have to happen! Ha 😂🤣) drinking done propel and eating - yeah I forgot to eat this morning in my rush to play in my scrappy room! Then it’s back to scrapping.
That’s all going on here!
Have a wonderful day everyone!

I can't believe you're as hot as we are. At 10am, we too were 88 degrees with a heat index of 100. You be careful out there. We're used to it..y'all ain't.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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