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Cherry Crush

Re: Scrap a Day, May 8th
JollyHollyScraps wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 10:38 am
Hey Cherries 😊 I've been up for a few hours now but I guess the storm woke me up lol I've had breakfast and coffee and meds but I feel a nap coming on haha! I've already played a couple games lol!
I've been crafting up a storm and expect to do more of that today! 😊
Yay for a nap and then crafting!  Wish I could do that instead of teach this week. LOL. But…soon!
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Cherry Crush

Re: Scrap a Day, May 8th
blbabe1234 wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 10:47 am
Good morning cherries! Well, we all survived Day One of Project. Yesterday was probably one of the busier days as we also had the electrician doing his thing. He was in/out, and had to remove the lights we had in and around the carport as well as moving the ac adapter several inches. The girls did pretty well, all things considering. Their new puzzle toys kept them busy, which allowed me to work. DH is coming home in the middle of the day to see how things are going and if I need anything or what have you.

Today is just the contractors. They will be pouring concrete in a corner where its lower than the rest of the "floor" and start framing.

I wouldn't want to be out there though. Ugh....we received our first Heat Advisory Alert last night for today. Excessive heat index 110 plus. YUCK. On top of the haze from the Mexican/Central American agricultural fires. They do these every year, at this time, but we don't always get the smoke. But this year, we are, so I'm not going on my walks until it all goes away. It might be an irritant and not an allergen, but it still messes up with my sinuses, which in turn mixed with the heat gives me a headache. And of course, if I'm not careful, turns intoa  migraine....which it did yesterday evening. But I'm all better now. Last night's migraine was probably due to ALOT of other factors.

Work wasn't too bad yesterday, thank goodness. Today, we shall see. I do have a virtual work-related conference today from 10am to 6pm. Luckily what pertains to me starts at 11:30am and wraps up at 4:30pm. I'll have my laptop opened to the sessions while I work from my desktop computer.

Already washed bedsheets and put them back on. While I drank my coffee, I worked on my layout I started yesterday for Laura's Recipe Challenge. It's about 75% done. Maybe I can finish it later, who knows. If not, definetly tomorrow morning!

TTYL cherries!

It’s 84 degrees here, today, and that is too hot for me!  LOL. My room was getting warm and then I remembered I have A/C and a remote to control it!  Haha!  After only having it for 2 school years, I forget. ;)
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Cherry Crush

Re: Scrap a Day, May 8th
Mommytron wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 10:48 am
trainmom wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 9:26 am
It's raining here today too, although I haven't heard any thunder. 

After the discussion of my roof the other day, I decided we should eat our takeout food up their last night. We got a beautiful sunset over center city:

and, in the other direction (Chris -  this image is for you) the small horizontal line is Citizen's Bank Park. And we were eating from the Venezuelan takeout place around the corner that a lot of the players eat at and occasionally they cater at the park, and they have become good friends with some of the players, especially Rojas. We pick up food from there all the the time and have never seen a Philly player there. 


On another topic,  47 people did step 3. Wow. I haven't counted steps 1 and 2 yet. And 44 people are eligible for sprinkles but that will be happening later.  You ladies are amazing.

The other exciting activity for my day will be laundry.

Have a great one!

Awesome photos!  I LOVE the progressive challenge!  I wish it was more than once a year, lol.   

Yes!  Would you consider doing it as a bi-monthly challenge, Louise?
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Cherry Crush

Re: Scrap a Day, May 8th
Sue2024 wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 10:51 am
I was up real early.  3:45 am.  Husband had heard sirens to our West last night; guess that mess passed us by/went around.  Of all things, the first Tuesday of every month is siren testing.  It is sunny right now, but more storms may show up.

Might go make another cup of coffee soon, but our beagle is wedged next to me at present.

Our dog hates storms and the sirens.  Lately, our community has decided they must blare them any time there is a tornado warning in our county, but we are in the middle of the county and the county above us had the direct path of the storms. It just barely skimmed the top of our county, nowhere near us and we had to listen to them for 45 minutes last night, until the warning expired. Sigh…
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Cherry Crush

Re: Scrap a Day, May 8th
aheatfan wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 11:10 am
Good morning Cherries, just stopping by quickly.  I am off today, taking YDS for a couple medical tests this afternoon. If you are the praying kind, please add him to your prayer list today. This mama is a nervous wreck.  Hopefully will be scrapping tonight after all goes well.  🙏

Didn’t see this until now, but I hope everything went smoothly!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Scrap a Day, May 8th
Art_Teacher wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 5:16 pm
Mommytron wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 10:48 am
trainmom wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 9:26 am
It's raining here today too, although I haven't heard any thunder. 

After the discussion of my roof the other day, I decided we should eat our takeout food up their last night. We got a beautiful sunset over center city:

and, in the other direction (Chris -  this image is for you) the small horizontal line is Citizen's Bank Park. And we were eating from the Venezuelan takeout place around the corner that a lot of the players eat at and occasionally they cater at the park, and they have become good friends with some of the players, especially Rojas. We pick up food from there all the the time and have never seen a Philly player there. 


On another topic,  47 people did step 3. Wow. I haven't counted steps 1 and 2 yet. And 44 people are eligible for sprinkles but that will be happening later.  You ladies are amazing.

The other exciting activity for my day will be laundry.

Have a great one!

Awesome photos!  I LOVE the progressive challenge!  I wish it was more than once a year, lol.   

Yes!  Would you consider doing it as a bi-monthly challenge, Louise?

That's an awesome idea! This is the first time I've ever done it. I followed the rules (I think) lol. I finished it up and a few other challenges this morning and will upload them later when I get to work.

It would be cool to do the progressive challenge more than once a year!
👋 ~~Sandy~~ 👋
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Cherry Crush

Re: Scrap a Day, May 8th
emmapaige wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 11:13 am
Bad day yesterday but compared to others, I really shouldn’t complain. On a great note, or DGD Paige FaceTimed  us to show us her graduation gown and the different tassels she will wear. She is graduating with honors from Ole Miss on Saturday. They will be streaming a few different ceremonies so we will be watching from the comfort of our home.

We were supposed to have hair appointments this afternoon but she texted me late yesterday to see if we could go Saturday morning since her dad had passed that morning and she had to work on arrangements. I tried to convince her we could wait a few weeks but she wanted us to come Saturday. We’ve become very fond of her and maybe she needs the distraction.

I started on a layout yesterday but I was having problems printing but finally got two pictures printed.

Congrats to Paige!  
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Cherry Crush

Re: Scrap a Day, May 8th
Charleneanne wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 1:27 pm
Morning. Blue skies and a little breezy. Cool and pleasant but the heat is on its way. lol first 90 degree days this year expected Friday/Saturday. Ick

Yesterday was a bust for me. Did not run errands. Tidied a little but did no real cleaning. Did Not go outside any further than the mailbox. Did not take a walk not even inside the house. Had all kinds of stuff ready to do more challenges but only got one done. Not sure where my get up and go went but it sure wasn’t here. lol. Hope today is more productive!

Have a decent Wednesday
I hope you found your mojo, today.  I totally get those days, too!
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Cherry Crush

Re: Scrap a Day, May 8th
GinniG wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 4:12 pm
Hi Cherries!!! 🍒🍒🍒

It has been quite the morning! I woke up and had to quickly get things ready because we had at least 2 goslings hatch yesterday afternoon!!! I had a container for feed but not something low enough for water. So I took an old bowl that’s not tall and then went up to the coop. Yoda is a hard wired gander brain and he is a LOT more aggressive now. That’s what he’s supposed to do too. Well my stick was not very thick or strong and he got my pinky knuckle. Man they have strong mouths!!! And sharp tiny teeth! He did draw blood but it’s mostly just a scratch. So when I went back a little while ago to check their water and feed I had a 2” thick long wooden stick! It was strong enough that I was able to push him back with it and quickly pour the water in the bowl. Lol! And I finally got to see the babies!!! I saw 2 this morning. Well we have at least 6 and maybe even 8 or 9! The parents were doing a lot of hissing and wing flapping. Mama got them all together I’m a group and then I saw a couple more on the other side! I tried to get a video and pictures but between the adults being crazy and trying to do it through the wire mesh they didn’t come out. :( I’ll get some when we can safely let them out.

The other thing that happened is Steve’s coming home tonight!!! He was originally told he had to stay another night but they came back and said he doesn’t have a blood infection so he’s getting out in time to catch the ferry!!!! We’re all very happy about that! :).

In addition to the chickens and geese duties I’ve done the dishes and vacuumed. Vacuuming is very hard for me as it hurts my back so Steve usually does it. But he has to take things easy for awhile so I did it anyway. I’m glad I did. :)

It’s just after noon here so I need to decide if I need a nap or if I have the energy to scrap. He won’t be here until about 6:30 so I kind of have time for both. Lol!

Thanks so much for all the thoughts and prayers!!!

Ouch!  The things we do for our “pets.”. So glad Steve gets to come home tonight!
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Cherry Crush

Re: Scrap a Day, May 8th
pawprints wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 4:43 pm
My layout for Brandy's Layer Up challenge. We lost power for a while today so didn't get as far as I would have liked. Hope to get another one started.

Love the colors on your layout!  Beautiful!
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Cherry Bark

Re: Scrap a Day, May 8th
Art_Teacher wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 5:12 pm
Well, it is mid-week, the last full week of school before my seniors leave next Wednesday.  They are driving me crazy (and so are the sophomores who have unwarranted senioritis! lol). I am sitting out on my deck, trying to get some work done. But distracted by this site, of course! ;)  It is 84 degrees today and feels like summer!

With temps like that, it's time for a margarita!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Crush

Re: Scrap a Day, May 8th
blbabe1234 wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 5:50 pm
Art_Teacher wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 5:12 pm
Well, it is mid-week, the last full week of school before my seniors leave next Wednesday.  They are driving me crazy (and so are the sophomores who have unwarranted senioritis! lol). I am sitting out on my deck, trying to get some work done. But distracted by this site, of course! ;)  It is 84 degrees today and feels like summer!

With temps like that, it's time for a margarita! 
Chardonnay has to do. lol. I can’t make margaritas…don’t have all the ingredients. ;)
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Cherry Tart

Re: Scrap a Day, May 8th
We are on the western edge of our county, and touching 2 others (one sorta).  Husband heard something from somewhere….

Sunny over here until about 5:15 pm, and getting a bit grey.

Nothing done, scrapwise.
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Cherry Tart

Re: Scrap a Day, May 8th
I hope it's ok to jump in--I'm mostly a cherry hunter but wanted to try to participate a bit more in the message board. This seems like maybe a daily chat thread?

Stormy here, too. My son's band concert was canceled because of the expected weather--that hasn't really materialized. But I'm not complaining, they just rescheduled to next week.

Scrappy-related, I stumbled upon an amazing wood-mounted rubber stamp (been getting back into those) and border punch haul at an estate sale last week. So the past week I've been figuring out storage and tonight it all came together! And I love it!  😍 Now *actual* scrapping has yet to
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, May 8th
VexedAngel wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 8:02 pm
I hope it's ok to jump in--I'm mostly a cherry hunter but wanted to try to participate a bit more in the message board. This seems like maybe a daily chat thread?

Stormy here, too. My son's band concert was canceled because of the expected weather--that hasn't really materialized. But I'm not complaining, they just rescheduled to next week.

Scrappy-related, I stumbled upon an amazing wood-mounted rubber stamp (been getting back into those) and border punch haul at an estate sale last week. So the past week I've been figuring out storage and tonight it all came together! And I love it!  😍 Now *actual* scrapping has yet to

Welcome!  Yes this is a daily chat thread.  The Cherries are an AWESOME group of ladies who are supportive, encouraging and never judgemental!  Glad to see you join us!  WTG on the score at the estate sale and the storage coming together!!!  :)
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, May 8th
Art_Teacher wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 5:25 pm
GinniG wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 4:12 pm
Hi Cherries!!! 🍒🍒🍒

It has been quite the morning! I woke up and had to quickly get things ready because we had at least 2 goslings hatch yesterday afternoon!!! I had a container for feed but not something low enough for water. So I took an old bowl that’s not tall and then went up to the coop. Yoda is a hard wired gander brain and he is a LOT more aggressive now. That’s what he’s supposed to do too. Well my stick was not very thick or strong and he got my pinky knuckle. Man they have strong mouths!!! And sharp tiny teeth! He did draw blood but it’s mostly just a scratch. So when I went back a little while ago to check their water and feed I had a 2” thick long wooden stick! It was strong enough that I was able to push him back with it and quickly pour the water in the bowl. Lol! And I finally got to see the babies!!! I saw 2 this morning. Well we have at least 6 and maybe even 8 or 9! The parents were doing a lot of hissing and wing flapping. Mama got them all together I’m a group and then I saw a couple more on the other side! I tried to get a video and pictures but between the adults being crazy and trying to do it through the wire mesh they didn’t come out. :( I’ll get some when we can safely let them out.

The other thing that happened is Steve’s coming home tonight!!! He was originally told he had to stay another night but they came back and said he doesn’t have a blood infection so he’s getting out in time to catch the ferry!!!! We’re all very happy about that! :).

In addition to the chickens and geese duties I’ve done the dishes and vacuumed. Vacuuming is very hard for me as it hurts my back so Steve usually does it. But he has to take things easy for awhile so I did it anyway. I’m glad I did. :)

It’s just after noon here so I need to decide if I need a nap or if I have the energy to scrap. He won’t be here until about 6:30 so I kind of have time for both. Lol!

Thanks so much for all the thoughts and prayers!!!

Ouch!  The things we do for our “pets.”. So glad Steve gets to come home tonight! 

YES!  Our pets are totally spoiled!!!!  :)  But they're also a lot of fun most of the time.  We learned very quickly there's are REASON for all those goose sayings!!!  :)  And Steve is on the ferry!!!!!  He'll be home in a couple of hours!!!  I'm so HAPPY!  :)
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Cherry Crush

Re: Scrap a Day, May 8th
VexedAngel wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 8:02 pm
I hope it's ok to jump in--I'm mostly a cherry hunter but wanted to try to participate a bit more in the message board. This seems like maybe a daily chat thread?

Stormy here, too. My son's band concert was canceled because of the expected weather--that hasn't really materialized. But I'm not complaining, they just rescheduled to next week.

Scrappy-related, I stumbled upon an amazing wood-mounted rubber stamp (been getting back into those) and border punch haul at an estate sale last week. So the past week I've been figuring out storage and tonight it all came together! And I love it!  😍 Now *actual* scrapping has yet to
Jump right in…the water here is fine! :)  Seems like folks around here are a little gun-shy after the tornados we had in February.  Several different weeks of things cancelled just because of the forecast, and then nothing happens.  Hope your storm stays mild.  :)
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, May 8th
pawprints wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 4:46 pm
GinniG wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 4:12 pm
Hi Cherries!!! 🍒🍒🍒

It has been quite the morning! I woke up and had to quickly get things ready because we had at least 2 goslings hatch yesterday afternoon!!! I had a container for feed but not something low enough for water. So I took an old bowl that’s not tall and then went up to the coop. Yoda is a hard wired gander brain and he is a LOT more aggressive now. That’s what he’s supposed to do too. Well my stick was not very thick or strong and he got my pinky knuckle. Man they have strong mouths!!! And sharp tiny teeth! He did draw blood but it’s mostly just a scratch. So when I went back a little while ago to check their water and feed I had a 2” thick long wooden stick! It was strong enough that I was able to push him back with it and quickly pour the water in the bowl. Lol! And I finally got to see the babies!!! I saw 2 this morning. Well we have at least 6 and maybe even 8 or 9! The parents were doing a lot of hissing and wing flapping. Mama got them all together I’m a group and then I saw a couple more on the other side! I tried to get a video and pictures but between the adults being crazy and trying to do it through the wire mesh they didn’t come out. :( I’ll get some when we can safely let them out.

The other thing that happened is Steve’s coming home tonight!!! He was originally told he had to stay another night but they came back and said he doesn’t have a blood infection so he’s getting out in time to catch the ferry!!!! We’re all very happy about that! :).

In addition to the chickens and geese duties I’ve done the dishes and vacuumed. Vacuuming is very hard for me as it hurts my back so Steve usually does it. But he has to take things easy for awhile so I did it anyway. I’m glad I did. :)

It’s just after noon here so I need to decide if I need a nap or if I have the energy to scrap. He won’t be here until about 6:30 so I kind of have time for both. Lol!

Thanks so much for all the thoughts and prayers!!!

So glad that Steve is doing better and he is able to come home! I am sure you are so relieved!  

YES BARB!!!  I'm so relieved that I went upstairs and took a long nap!!!  :)  Now I'm going to try to scrap until he's ready to be picked up in a couple of hours.  :) 

OH and your LO is GORGEOUS!!!!!! 
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, May 8th
aheatfan wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 4:56 pm
GinniG wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 4:12 pm
Hi Cherries!!! 🍒🍒🍒

It has been quite the morning! I woke up and had to quickly get things ready because we had at least 2 goslings hatch yesterday afternoon!!! I had a container for feed but not something low enough for water. So I took an old bowl that’s not tall and then went up to the coop. Yoda is a hard wired gander brain and he is a LOT more aggressive now. That’s what he’s supposed to do too. Well my stick was not very thick or strong and he got my pinky knuckle. Man they have strong mouths!!! And sharp tiny teeth! He did draw blood but it’s mostly just a scratch. So when I went back a little while ago to check their water and feed I had a 2” thick long wooden stick! It was strong enough that I was able to push him back with it and quickly pour the water in the bowl. Lol! And I finally got to see the babies!!! I saw 2 this morning. Well we have at least 6 and maybe even 8 or 9! The parents were doing a lot of hissing and wing flapping. Mama got them all together I’m a group and then I saw a couple more on the other side! I tried to get a video and pictures but between the adults being crazy and trying to do it through the wire mesh they didn’t come out. :( I’ll get some when we can safely let them out.

The other thing that happened is Steve’s coming home tonight!!! He was originally told he had to stay another night but they came back and said he doesn’t have a blood infection so he’s getting out in time to catch the ferry!!!! We’re all very happy about that! :).

In addition to the chickens and geese duties I’ve done the dishes and vacuumed. Vacuuming is very hard for me as it hurts my back so Steve usually does it. But he has to take things easy for awhile so I did it anyway. I’m glad I did. :)

It’s just after noon here so I need to decide if I need a nap or if I have the energy to scrap. He won’t be here until about 6:30 so I kind of have time for both. Lol!

Thanks so much for all the thoughts and prayers!!!
Congrats on your hatchlings and glad your husband is doing better. 

Thanks so much Kristin!!!  How is your YDS?
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, May 8th
blbabe1234 wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 4:57 pm
GinniG wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 4:27 pm
blbabe1234 wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 10:47 am
Good morning cherries! Well, we all survived Day One of Project. Yesterday was probably one of the busier days as we also had the electrician doing his thing. He was in/out, and had to remove the lights we had in and around the carport as well as moving the ac adapter several inches. The girls did pretty well, all things considering. Their new puzzle toys kept them busy, which allowed me to work. DH is coming home in the middle of the day to see how things are going and if I need anything or what have you.

Today is just the contractors. They will be pouring concrete in a corner where its lower than the rest of the "floor" and start framing.

I wouldn't want to be out there though. Ugh....we received our first Heat Advisory Alert last night for today. Excessive heat index 110 plus. YUCK. On top of the haze from the Mexican/Central American agricultural fires. They do these every year, at this time, but we don't always get the smoke. But this year, we are, so I'm not going on my walks until it all goes away. It might be an irritant and not an allergen, but it still messes up with my sinuses, which in turn mixed with the heat gives me a headache. And of course, if I'm not careful, turns intoa  migraine....which it did yesterday evening. But I'm all better now. Last night's migraine was probably due to ALOT of other factors.

Work wasn't too bad yesterday, thank goodness. Today, we shall see. I do have a virtual work-related conference today from 10am to 6pm. Luckily what pertains to me starts at 11:30am and wraps up at 4:30pm. I'll have my laptop opened to the sessions while I work from my desktop computer.

Already washed bedsheets and put them back on. While I drank my coffee, I worked on my layout I started yesterday for Laura's Recipe Challenge. It's about 75% done. Maybe I can finish it later, who knows. If not, definetly tomorrow morning!

TTYL cherries!

Lots happening there but I bet you’re really excited that they’re actually working now! I have to ask what are puzzle toys for dogs?! Sounds like somebody had a clever idea and is making money off of it!

Hope you can finish your layout!!!   

Puzzle toys are more interactive. Plus there's usually food/treats involved. I had bought a cute little giraffe toy for the girls. It has little pockets that you put either dry kibble or training treats in: ... ge-3869879

I also bought them a snuffle toy (a duck). This too has little pockets, and also fabric that is bunched up with "little pockets". Makes the dog "snuff" out the treat. I bought it from Petco too but I'm not finding it.

They have a couple of other puzzle toys that are similar to this one: ... ge-3128211

Gotta keep them busy some how!

That is absolutely BRILLIANT!!!!!  Keeps them busy, enhances their natural abilities and they get a reward for finding it!  :)  I'll have to remember that if we ever get another dog.  I've been looking but nothing has come up that we've been able to handle here.  LOTS of BIG dogs here and the smaller ones are scooped up so fast I haven't had a chance.  But the right one will come along when the time is right.  :)
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