Becky Fleck Sketch Challenge 325

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Becky Fleck Sketch Challenge 325

Post by Jessica. »

1000 Cherry Points Awarded to the WINNER!

 Show us what you can do with this sketch! Post your finished project in the Becky Fleck Sketch Challenge 325 Project Gallery. You have until midnight (11:59 pm) EST on Wednesday, May 10, 2023, to post your project.
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Re: Becky Fleck Sketch Challenge 325

Post by wendycrowe »

I HAD to do this page today!  lol!

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Re: Becky Fleck Sketch Challenge 325

Post by CarrieG »

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Re: Becky Fleck Sketch Challenge 325

Post by Deanna13 »

Great sketch! Here's my take. 😊

Photos of sweet grandsons Evan and Travis at Kalahari, Sandusky OH. (January 2021) 💖
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Re: Becky Fleck Sketch Challenge 325

Post by blbabe1234 »

Here's mine

Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Re: Becky Fleck Sketch Challenge 325

Post by Jessica. »

Congrats to Hoghe PEGGY! You are our randomly selected winner of 1000 cherry points! Everyone else has been awarded 100. Thanks for playing! Their layout is on the Cherry Blog as well as the next challenge!
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