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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, March 30th
Crappy night sleep here too!  It’s cold and snowy, so won’t be walking.  
Had a super busy day yesterday.  Did 5 loads of wash.  Unloaded the trailer fridge.  Hauled in more stuff.  Actually got in my scrap room and put away.  Emptied bags and put away the over 30 layouts I did.  Need a couple of new albums now.  
Grandson #1 helped DH empty tanks on the trailer.  Finding a place open was an issue, I guess!  Now I need to tackle the pantry.  Some stays in containers in a tote.  Other stuff comes in!  
want to make some hot cross buns. We saw some in the grocery store in AZ that looked pathetic!!  DH plans a trip up to see his dad and I want to send some.  FIL doing better, but very confused.  Thinks he has been in a plane crash.  His wife is getting moved into assisted living.  2 kids there helping and Curtis will go up with his truck!

My life.  Not sure scrapping will fit in it today.  Still in put away mode.


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Jolly Holly Scraps

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, March 30th
Hey Cherries!!! (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠) it's a beautiful day; sunny but a just a touch chilly. I'm sure it'll get a little warmer, too. I work today lol I enjoyed my 2 off - I finished and posted a LO, and have been organizing my stamps. I REALLY have a LOT of stamps and have been working on putting my clear stamps in binders. (I haven't cataloged them yet, but at some point I will!) And they're not REALLY sorted by theme yet, but at least I'm getting them all in one spot! Trying to! Lol some sets are a different shape than I have divided page protectors for, but we're working on coming up with some creative solutions haha!
I've also been putting together some kits because Hello! NSD is closer!!! I'm sooo excited!! I get so many LOs done then, and I have a blast with all of you! So excited!
I've ALSO been binge watching and reading and that's pretty much all I've done the past 2 days. LOL sometimes I feel better than other times and I have to motivate myself to do more. Anyway I work today, and I'm just kind of hanging out til then. Stay blessed, Cherries!!
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Scrap a Day, March 30th
Hello all.  
Just dropped my big kids off at the TX vs. Phillies opening day game.  They are excited.  They said next year they might get season tickets if they stay here in TX.  Fingers crossed they do.  

Spoke with our TX ICPC case manager today and she told my PA has requested updated home study and background check, which I stay on top of all that stuff so she will submit it after her visit next week.  Yay! Another step closer.  
I have learned so much.  I really hope I can stay involved with advocating for the kids in some way once we are done with all this.  We will see.  

I am on dog duty so will need to make a run to my daughters house to check on my grand monster pups in a little while.  

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Cherry Cropper

Re: Scrap a Day, March 30th
Happy March 30!

It's MLB  Opening Day.  So that is Something!

Go Cardinals!  
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Cherry Delight

Re: Scrap a Day, March 30th
Sunny, cloudy, looks like spring, looks like rain, pick what you like-we’re having it all today. And pretty coolish for us for this time of year too. But weather app predicting first 70 degree day for Easter Sunday .
Watched the live from my card making group this morning which meant being out of bed and functioning by 9:30. Ugh too early to function for me. Started a card yesterday that I’ll probably finish today. Need to go to grocery today or tomorrow since my sons will b here for supper tomorrow night. Probably put it off till tomorrow last minute. Honestly I need some ambition.
Make it a good Thursday.
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Cherry Bark

Re: Scrap a Day, March 30th
Ashjoy wrote:
Thu Mar 30, 2023 2:58 pm
Hello all.  
Just dropped my big kids off at the TX vs. Phillies opening day game.  They are excited.  They said next year they might get season tickets if they stay here in TX.  Fingers crossed they do.  

Spoke with our TX ICPC case manager today and she told my PA has requested updated home study and background check, which I stay on top of all that stuff so she will submit it after her visit next week.  Yay! Another step closer.  
I have learned so much.  I really hope I can stay involved with advocating for the kids in some way once we are done with all this.  We will see.  

I am on dog duty so will need to make a run to my daughters house to check on my grand monster pups in a little while.  
Good luck!!! I'm excited for you! I know how hard it is to become licensed. All the training, requirements, etc. And being in Texas, I do know the State Standards too! Keeping my fingers AND toes crossed for you!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, March 30th
pawprints wrote:
Thu Mar 30, 2023 9:54 am
Hey Cherries. Sunny but chilly today. Only 31 right now with a wind chill of 21. I have a nail appointment and have to run some errands on the way home. I hope to get another challenge done today, or at least started. We’ll see how it goes.

Have a great day Cherries.

You're a bit colder than we are!  Especially with that wind chill!  Hope you enjoyed your nail appointment and hope you got another challenge done or at least started!  :)
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, March 30th
Laura wrote:
Thu Mar 30, 2023 10:00 am
Hello, Cherries!  Cold here, too -- even had a little wet snow last night!

I've got laundry to do.  I had planned to do it Monday, and every day since then, but the washing machine is in the same room Mike works in and he has had a slew of meetings so I haven't been able to get in there and do it.  I could do it in the evening, but . . . hey, by that time I'm working on dinner, dishes, and just ready to start winding down!  So, I'll try again this afternoon!

Have a great day ALL!
Snow still!  UGH!  We could still get some but it usually doesn't stay around.  However we still have a few piles of snow left from the big snows at the beginning of the month!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, March 30th
trainmom wrote:
Thu Mar 30, 2023 10:09 am
I'm surprised it's so cold for all of you, I haven't been outside yet, but I think its supposed to be quite warm and nice here today. I'm going to walk to Macy's a little later when they open, they have a free gift deal on Clinique. 

After I planted seeds yesterday, I started a page in my garden journal and finished it this morning:
I left space to write how things did and to add more seeds that I plant later in the season. I had extra texture paste that I colored so I stenciled some more green on the facing page. Not sure what will eventually go there, but it needs to go with the green leaves I put there.

Almost April! Have a great day all!
Louise, what a great idea for your garden!  I'll have to do that when Steve's ready to start planting!  Love how you got so much color and texture!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, March 30th
suewho372 wrote:
Thu Mar 30, 2023 10:14 am
Hi Cherries!

It’s still a rollercoaster over here at work. They aren’t as tall this week but still lots of turns and falls! Lol. Lots of open tabs in my head all day long.
The week has went fast.
I’m just ready to be not at work !!!
Yesterday afternoon it warmed up to maybe 60 and today supposed to be sunny and 70. I worked in the yard a little yesterday. Hope to today too. We will see how the wind is. Supposed to get super windy and tomorrow really bad storms.
I am getting excited for NSD!! Lol

I hope work calms down for you soon!  You might have to take off so you can enjoy NSD more!  :)  And I hope the bad weather isn't too bad especially where you are!!!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, March 30th
Thu Mar 30, 2023 10:55 am



Spring can't be TOO far away Valerie!!!  We've had a couple of beautiful days but it's going to start the April showers in a couple of hours... 
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, March 30th
blbabe1234 wrote:
Thu Mar 30, 2023 12:22 pm
Good morning y'all. We are 70's, cloudy and very humid - who wants 95% humidity?! 😂 😂

Been busy with work - especially this morning. DH's work has been insanely hectic too. At least he's only working 12-hr days this week vs 14, 16, and 18 hr days last week. Yesterday, a guy came in for an interview (they have an opening for a draftsman - AutoCad) and it's a two parter. One, the boss interviews them, then they go to DH who has set up some "hands-on tests" done in AutoCad. Not sure how the dude did with the first part, but DH said he failed the hands-on portion. It took him 3 hrs too.

Today our local non-profit, no-kill kitty shelter (The Cattery) is doing an online fundraiser on FB. You donate (whatever amount) and post a picture of your pet, and they will draw your pet. Some are using traditional paper/pencil, one is using their tablet to draw, etc. I think it's kind of cool. I posted a picture of Jackson. I'm curious to see what they come up with! And yes, once they draw up Jackson and send it back to me, I'll share it here.

Anyways....back to work. Hope everyone has a great day!

Hope your DH finds someone soon to help!  I'd say the one your DH tested won't make the cut...  :(  Can't wait to see the drawing of Jackson!!!  :)
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, March 30th
MTCanuk wrote:
Thu Mar 30, 2023 12:42 pm
Crappy night sleep here too!  It’s cold and snowy, so won’t be walking.  
Had a super busy day yesterday.  Did 5 loads of wash.  Unloaded the trailer fridge.  Hauled in more stuff.  Actually got in my scrap room and put away.  Emptied bags and put away the over 30 layouts I did.  Need a couple of new albums now.  
Grandson #1 helped DH empty tanks on the trailer.  Finding a place open was an issue, I guess!  Now I need to tackle the pantry.  Some stays in containers in a tote.  Other stuff comes in!  
want to make some hot cross buns. We saw some in the grocery store in AZ that looked pathetic!!  DH plans a trip up to see his dad and I want to send some.  FIL doing better, but very confused.  Thinks he has been in a plane crash.  His wife is getting moved into assisted living.  2 kids there helping and Curtis will go up with his truck!

My life.  Not sure scrapping will fit in it today.  Still in put away mode.
I hope your MIL adjusts well to the assisted living.  That's a LOT of layouts for a summer in an RV!  But it was cold so you probably didn't go out as much as you might have otherwise.  Good luck making those hot cross buns!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, March 30th
JollyHollyScraps wrote:
Thu Mar 30, 2023 12:59 pm
Hey Cherries!!! (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠) it's a beautiful day; sunny but a just a touch chilly. I'm sure it'll get a little warmer, too. I work today lol I enjoyed my 2 off - I finished and posted a LO, and have been organizing my stamps. I REALLY have a LOT of stamps and have been working on putting my clear stamps in binders. (I haven't cataloged them yet, but at some point I will!) And they're not REALLY sorted by theme yet, but at least I'm getting them all in one spot! Trying to! Lol some sets are a different shape than I have divided page protectors for, but we're working on coming up with some creative solutions haha!
I've also been putting together some kits because Hello! NSD is closer!!! I'm sooo excited!! I get so many LOs done then, and I have a blast with all of you! So excited!
I've ALSO been binge watching and reading and that's pretty much all I've done the past 2 days. LOL sometimes I feel better than other times and I have to motivate myself to do more. Anyway I work today, and I'm just kind of hanging out til then. Stay blessed, Cherries!!

You're doing great with your organizing!!!  I need to start doing some myself.  Seems it's going to still be a long time before we get into our house.  :(  Don't work too hard!  :) 
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, March 30th
Hi Cherries!  Seems there's another weird bug going around.  Starts with a headache and then you might get sick to your stomach or not and then you sleep for like 18-24 hours!!!  Steve had really bad stomach issues.  He slept all day the day before yesterday.  That night I got sick but nowhere near as bad as he did.  I slept from about noon yesterday off and on until about 9 this morning!  Feel like I could go back to sleep anytime too.  Then Steve was at a friend's house last night and he had the headache and went to bed and slept 20 hours!  Like I said, weird..

Anyway, I have one more "page" to complete for the first interactive album.  I'm waiting on more paper still.  The nice cardstock came early and was in the mail that Steve just brought home.  YAYAYAY!!!  Still waiting for another package of non-textured cheap white cardstock to do the actual pieces for the pictures inside the booklets.  Then I need to figure out how to put it all together and finish the cover and finish decorating everything.  So it will be awhile before I'm doing challenges again.  :(  But I need to get the baby one done too.

Hope everyone stays warm/cool and hope the bad winds and weather miss all of you!
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Scrap a Day, March 30th
Hello Cherries. The temperatures are getting a little warmer in Texas. To warm for this girl. I like the cooler nights though. The pollen is extreme around here and it's causing havoc on my allergies. So not to many outdoor activities until after spring lol

I have been card making away the last few days and even managed to get a layout done. I want to get a couple more challenges done today. Maybe start on my crafty space make over. 😁 Have a great day Cherries!
Always grateful for this journey, Flora

Instagram @mycreativerootscrafts

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Cherry Bark

Re: Scrap a Day, March 30th
GinniG wrote:
Thu Mar 30, 2023 5:25 pm
Hi Cherries!  Seems there's another weird bug going around.  Starts with a headache and then you might get sick to your stomach or not and then you sleep for like 18-24 hours!!!  Steve had really bad stomach issues.  He slept all day the day before yesterday.  That night I got sick but nowhere near as bad as he did.  I slept from about noon yesterday off and on until about 9 this morning!  Feel like I could go back to sleep anytime too.  Then Steve was at a friend's house last night and he had the headache and went to bed and slept 20 hours!  Like I said, weird..

Anyway, I have one more "page" to complete for the first interactive album.  I'm waiting on more paper still.  The nice cardstock came early and was in the mail that Steve just brought home.  YAYAYAY!!!  Still waiting for another package of non-textured cheap white cardstock to do the actual pieces for the pictures inside the booklets.  Then I need to figure out how to put it all together and finish the cover and finish decorating everything.  So it will be awhile before I'm doing challenges again.  :(  But I need to get the baby one done too.

Hope everyone stays warm/cool and hope the bad winds and weather miss all of you!

Wow! That is one weird bug! Hope y'all feel better soon. Good luck in finishing up that interactive album!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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A Cherry on Top

Re: Scrap a Day, March 30th
trainmom wrote:
Thu Mar 30, 2023 10:09 am
I'm surprised it's so cold for all of you, I haven't been outside yet, but I think its supposed to be quite warm and nice here today. I'm going to walk to Macy's a little later when they open, they have a free gift deal on Clinique. 

After I planted seeds yesterday, I started a page in my garden journal and finished it this morning:
I left space to write how things did and to add more seeds that I plant later in the season. I had extra texture paste that I colored so I stenciled some more green on the facing page. Not sure what will eventually go there, but it needs to go with the green leaves I put there.

Almost April! Have a great day all!
This is such a cool idea! Love all the green!

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