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Cherry Jubilee

Just to say I'm sorry
I'm trying to meet the deadlines for more challenges, but sadly this day isn't spinning in the right direction either.
The hostesses did the absolute best job not only on this board, but from what I'm reading in comments on social media, ACOT was so far beyond all others it wasn't even funny.

This being said, I've been in a pretty down mood (to explain in a simple form - I had a new doctor decide to switch medicines - not one but many of the six I take - around to what she and her Healthcare facility subscribe). I think the sleep med and blood pressure anxiety were nothing to be messed with. I've been taking them since my 30s and as many know, I turned 70 Saturday. But I had three family deaths last week, and a cousin was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. So it's been a nightmare on top of nightmares.
Just to throw a wrench into it all, my son's wife is going to have the baby Thursday (if not before) because my soon to be grandson is really big, and his mom is about 100 pounds.

I'm going to do the challenges as I can. Just wanted to let you know in no uncertain terms was it because I didn't absolutely appreciate the effort all of you put forth. I love ACOT. We are family.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Just to say I'm sorry
sherelm wrote:
Mon May 16, 2022 4:34 pm
I'm trying to meet the deadlines for more challenges, but sadly this day isn't spinning in the right direction either.
The hostesses did the absolute best job not only on this board, but from what I'm reading in comments on social media, ACOT was so far beyond all others it wasn't even funny.

This being said, I've been in a pretty down mood (to explain in a simple form - I had a new doctor decide to switch medicines - not one but many of the six I take - around to what she and her Healthcare facility subscribe). I think the sleep med and blood pressure anxiety were nothing to be messed with. I've been taking them since my 30s and as many know, I turned 70 Saturday. But I had three family deaths last week, and a cousin was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. So it's been a nightmare on top of nightmares.
Just to throw a wrench into it all, my son's wife is going to have the baby Thursday (if not before) because my soon to be grandson is really big, and his mom is about 100 pounds.

I'm going to do the challenges as I can. Just wanted to let you know in no uncertain terms was it because I didn't absolutely appreciate the effort all of you put forth. I love ACOT. We are family.

Oh Sher, nothing to apologize for (((HUGS)))! I'm hoping the Rx changes will even out and be more beneficial to you. But I agree, changing RX after so much time is a bit scary and I'm sure has side effects. All the best to your son and his wife and the baby!!! That's exciting, a little scary but exciting! Keep us posted!! Take care of yourself and have fun doing challenges at your own pace. It sounds like there will be a rewind :) 
Happy Scrapping!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Just to say I'm sorry
I'm so sorry for all you are going through and the loss of your family members. Wishing you many blessings with that little one and sending prayers your way. 
"Be the Change You Wish to See in the World"
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Amy Jo

Cherry Bing

Re: Just to say I'm sorry
I'm sorry Sharon! I know how difficult the new meds can be and how much pressure we all put on ourselves to meet the challenge deadlines (not sure why but I feel the need to apologize for not doing more!) I hope things start to look up for you and that you can get some no-pressure creative time in soon...and a new grandbaby to scrapbook! Hooray!

Happy belated birthday!!!

Love from Colorado,
Amy Jo
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Just to say I'm sorry
Thanks to you all! The meds switch was because I switched health services. I loved my doctor but they had new practices and you had to go through a call service or a web page. It wasn't the medical end, but the administrative side. So I went back and pitched a fit at their office manager and now when I go to the web page I get my doctor calling me back the same day. It's just until I balance it all out and get through this I'm going on zero.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Just to say I'm sorry
Oh Sher. Hugs. Feel better. I hope they get the meds adjusted/figured out for you. I've felt the same in the past when I didn't get to challenges, but as a hostess, I can tell you, I hope to give people some inspiration and for them to have fun. If you do one of my challenges when I post it that's great, but if you don't but it inspires you a year from now, that's fine too!  It sounds like there will likely be a rewind as well, so we have that to look forward to.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Just to say I'm sorry
Oh Sher, sounds like you are having a really tough time.  Take care and go at your own pace.  Hopefully the meds settle soon and that grandbaby puts a real smile on your face.  Hugs, my friend.
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Cherry Crush

Re: Just to say I'm sorry
You absolutely don't have to apologize!  Life takes precedence over scrapbooking...we all know this.  I love all the challenges and I can barely do half of them. It's a busy time for me.  Stop beating yourself up over this and get to feeling better!
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Jolly Holly Scraps

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Just to say I'm sorry
HUGS to You Sher!!! AND MORE HUGS!!!!!!!! So sorry to hear about you going through such a rough time- I'll send some extra prayers up for you and your family!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Just to say I'm sorry
We knew life was going to get crazy with the due date so close to NSD, but to have all of this on top of it! Wow!
Changes in meds really mess up your system until they get it regulated, I can’t imagine after taking it for a long time too.
Feel better …. Take things at your own pace! Don’t forget to post so we know when the baby arrives!!
Hope you start feeling better very soon!

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Just to say I'm sorry
I don't know why doctors/nurse practitioners think that changing everything at once is a good idea - especially after taking them for so long!  I'm sorry you're going through this and having deaths in the family too.  Many {{{HUGS}}} and prayers for you!  God bless the mom and baby and give her the easiest possible birth!  Take it easy on yourself in the meantime.  You're going through a LOT all at once and it's going to be awhile before you're back to "normal".  And a belated happy birthday too!  I have 21 months till my 70th.  :)  I certainly didn't expect that to come up so soon!  LOLOL!
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