Welcome! Glad you found ACOT! It's an amazing place full of creative, friendly people!!
Welcome Natalie, I'm new here too! I've been scrapbooking in earnest since 2003....
Be you, not them - the Duchess of Sassy Town ....
I podcast about crafty stuff and encourage others ....
I podcast about crafty stuff and encourage others ....
Hi nice to meet you, this is a great place to play and shop! But how did you resist all the cute stationary items in Japan and not craft ?!!?
Hope you can find some time to join us during our iNSD Celebration.
Karen in SC
2-page, multi-photo scrapper
2-page, multi-photo scrapper
Were you in Japan because of the military? My husband is in the AF. We haven't been stationed abroad but would love to go.
Were you in Japan because of the military? My husband is in the AF. We haven't been stationed abroad but would love to go.