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Cherry Tart

How fast do you scrap?
So are you a fast scrapper?  or slow?  Do you get to sit and finish or are you popping in here and there?
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Cherry Tart

Re: How fast do you scrap?
I usually am a fast scrapper, but that's only because I just can't find much time anymore to scrap (or I am too tired when I do get the chance).  I do get the main page done, but no matter what I will leave that alone and come back later with new eyes, I think it helps me see anything that might be missing or needs tweaking.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: How fast do you scrap?
I am definitely a slow scrapper who scraps in spurts. I work at home so sometimes when I take an eyeball break from the computer, I go and do 5 or 10 minutes here and there at my scrap table. One layout can literally take me days to make LOL. I average 1-2 layouts a week. Anything more than that is crazy fast for me!  :-D
Happy Scrapping!
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Cherry Bing

Re: How fast do you scrap?
I am like a takes me forever to finish 1 page and none of my pages are as detailed as many of yours so I don't know why it takes me so long. 

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: How fast do you scrap?
I am a slow scrapper....almost in reverse.  When I do a LO, I work the design and papers, then take a break and come back to it a day or so later.  Cards are the same for me unless I've really thought it through and have a design in mind. 

I truly admire the ladies on here that can keep up with the challenges every month!!
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Cherry Addict

Re: How fast do you scrap?
It depends.  If I am working on a sketch, it comes together fairly quickly but I'm designing my own layout, it will take longer.  I just finished a layout for a DT sketch project and did it in a couple of hours. But I had printed the photos the other day and had picked out the base papers earlier, too.  
** Chris **

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A Cherry on Top

Re: How fast do you scrap?
I am a slowpoke scrapper. I don't use sketches, I design my own pages, and I am so fussy. It is the graphic designer in me. I have to come back and look at the layout I am working on from time to time and it isn't done until I look at it and say, yes it's done. Lol. I'm usually lucky if I can do one whole layout on a day that I scrap. I'm sometimes a little faster when I digi scrap, but that is only if my design comes to me right away. Sometimes it can take me hours to do one digi layout too. Unless I'm working on a two pager I never get more than one layout done in a day.

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Cherry Crush

Re: How fast do you scrap?
I am a slow scrapper.  My average is probably 4 hours per layout.  It's also very rare that I can sit and scrap from start to finish.  I'm usually in and out of the room several times.  I'm a big multi-tasker!
OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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Cherry Cropper

Re: How fast do you scrap?
I'm a slow scrapper.  It takes me at least 3-4 hours start to finish - and that's never in one sitting.  Certain layouts seem to come together a little quicker but for the most part it's a slow process.

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Cherry Bark

Re: How fast do you scrap?
I'm probably fast. 2 hours for a layout, but if its mixed media....probably longer. Like 4 hours.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: How fast do you scrap?
it truly depends....I would say im a medium speed scrapper by
some things will just flow great, others wont or I wont have time etc....
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: How fast do you scrap?
S..l...o ..w.........

And at crops, throw in chatter and I hit the brakes! I think I tend to plan ahead while I'm doing the layout, then think of something I have that would work great for the layout, and can't find it.
Next, while looking for the missing item, I find other stuff to side track me.

One thing that I do find to be true is I won't put away a half finished layout, because I'll never get back to it
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Cherry Crush

Re: How fast do you scrap?
I guess I would say medium....I'm definitely not fast, but not the slowest, either. I can finish a paper layout in approximately 1.5 to 2 hours, I guess. Depends on whether I use a sketch or not, and I think the thing that takes me forever is finding the right elements in my stash!
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Wild Cherry

Re: How fast do you scrap?
This is such an interesting question / answer set!
I have never been able to just take a few minutes here and there to work on a page, I've ended up ripping it apart and starting over. 
I do better when I have a full day (lucky enough I don't have a life so most weekends are free to do just that!)  Definitely using sketches is faster than designing, and what always takes the longest is choosing just the right papers and additions. If using scraps or whatever is laying on the desk a page can be finished in 20 minutes.
So on a Saturday in an 8 hr period (just like a full day shift!) I can complete 3-6 pages.
When doing mixed media, one page will be 3-6 hours, but that includes drying times etc.
So i guess the definitive answer is it depends?  haha

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Cherry Blossom

Re: How fast do you scrap?
Before reading this thread, I would have said I'm a slow scrapper, but I guess I'm more medium...It takes 1-2 hours per page (unless there's medium that needs to dry).
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Cherry Garcia

Re: How fast do you scrap?
Fast and I don’t stop until I am done.
Melissa H.

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Cherry Bomb

Re: How fast do you scrap?
It takes me a long time. I start by finding the photos, that's faster if I am going with a sketch. Then selecting papers. Often I try to get that done before shutting down for the day so I can come back with a project to work on. I push myself to not over think this paper decision. I then spend hours laying out the arrangement, using a sketch can be faster but even then I struggle to decided which papers for sure go where and in what proportions to cut. This also includes choosing what other elements will be added. I don't paste down, I arrange and let it sit for a little while and move onto either another page that needs embellishing or start the pull for another. Then, I can paste a page down and add the finishing items. 
This is the process I have been using lately - more than one going at a time - so I get more pages done. Still, I am slow compared to what I've read here so far!
Joyce Ann
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Cherry Tart

Re: How fast do you scrap?
JAire wrote:
Fri Apr 19, 2019 7:24 am
This is the process I have been using lately - more than one going at a time - so I get more pages done. Still, I am slow compared to what I've read here so far!

I love this process!  If I am working with a kit (or a collection) I too have at least 2 pages going at once.  If some product doesn't fit on one page then I try it on the next and down the line...
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: How fast do you scrap?
it takes me so long to finish a layout.  Most of the time, I can't figure out what embellishments to use.  

I am in a Set Your Own Goal Challenge and I set my goal at 2 layouts a month.  That is just 24 layouts a year.  I BUY supplies for SO MANY more layouts that I actually
Karen in SC
2-page, multi-photo scrapper
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: How fast do you scrap?
I guess for me the answer is not set in stone.  For the layout itself, I am very slow, taking time for the page to look like what my mind sees. And for whatever reason,
I find it hard to move on with one incomplete on the table.
BUT, if I am on a roll, which I have not been for months now,I can do 50+ pages in a month.
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