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Cherry Tart

Distress Stain vs Distress Spray Stain
Do I really need both??
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Cherry Picker

Re: Distress Stain vs Distress Spray Stain
I just buy the stain, pop off the dauber and put some of the liquid in a mini spray bottle.  No need for both in my opinion.  I do it that way because I'm cheap and have yet to use an entire bottle of stain....I also don't have the storage room for every application.  When I'm not using the spray, I just put it back in the original bottle and wash out the mister!
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Cherry Tart

Re: Distress Stain vs Distress Spray Stain
Thanks for your suggestions. I ordered the new November color of the month set. This month didn't contain the paint as did the previous sets, but did contain both the stain and spray stain. If they continue to do it this way I will not order the complete set again, I'll just order the things I know I'll use. Like you I don't see the need for both the stain and spray stain. If I remember correctly though, the top doesn't pop off the stain that easily??
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Cherry Picker

Re: Distress Stain vs Distress Spray Stain
Marion_G wrote:Thanks for your suggestions. I ordered the new November color of the month set. This month didn't contain the paint as did the previous sets, but did contain both the stain and spray stain. If they continue to do it this way I will not order the complete set again, I'll just order the things I know I'll use. Like you I don't see the need for both the stain and spray stain. If I remember correctly though, the top doesn't pop off the stain that easily??
I get mine off easily enough.  I seem to have no trouble.  I take the edge of my scissors and pry up one edge of the dauber and then take a paper towel (so I don't get it all over my hands) and rock and twist it.  Comes right off.  I just take a dropper and suction some out and then put it in my mister.  You just have to be careful not to knock over the open stain bottle....yep....been there, done that.  Sometimes being cheap comes with a price!  LOL!
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Cherry Tart

Re: Distress Stain vs Distress Spray Stain
Thanks for your hellp, I'm going to do just what you suggest.
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