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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
jrrah4903 wrote:Total HP Fan here! The kids and I just visited Universal Theme parks this past March together and I'm embarking on an album project of all the photos we took at the two Harry Potter themed areas there! I've not posted any of those photos here yet, but here is one to include with this post. My little Wizard picks out her very own wand at Ollivander's.
Oh how sweet!! I would love to see those pages when you do them. I have so many pictures from when the traveling exhibit was here. We went 2 different years. The wand chooses the wizard! 
Happy Scrapping!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
lewisbaby wrote:I love Harry Potter!  My best memory is watching the first movie with my son his first time. The joy he got from it reminded me of how I felt when I first read the books.
Isn't it fantastic to have a series like this that just crosses generations!?
Happy Scrapping!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
ernstem wrote:HUGE HP fans here! In fact, we're having a family night tonight. Pizza, a game, and likely a HP movie. We really want to visit the HP stuff in Orlando but wanted to wait until the boys were a bit older so that they'd be able to do all of the stuff there. Oldest DS started the series and stopped...hoping to get him back on it this summer. Youngest DS hasn't started yet but he should be able to pick up the first book; he just has to ask for the copy. (It's on our bedroom book shelf.)
Sounds like a perfect family night! Did you know there is a Harry Potter board game that is like Clue? It's awesome! I'm waiting for DD to be up to the HP reading level. I asked her if she wanted me to read it to her but she wants to do it herself when she can.
Happy Scrapping!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
christinec68 wrote:Anne-Marie, I knew this was your thread when I saw the title. :)

I am another big Harry Potter fan. I love that she invented a new world with new creatures and it's own vocabulary. I've read the books and seen the movies so many times.

I have two kind of odd memories:

Movie: My mother was staying with me and there was nothing on TV so she said "Let me see what Harry Potter is all about" so I put on the first movie and she starts saying it's the second movie not the first. Insisting that I was wrong ignoring the fact that she knows thismuch about the stories and that 10 minutes in Harry is just learning he's a wizard and didn't catch on that this wouldn't happen in the 2nd movie. ha!!

Book: I was reading one of the book on the train. You know how they are all pretty big books, this was in hard cover so even bulkier. I was sitting next to someone reading a book on her kindle. It was just as they were becoming more popular. It felt like we were in a commercial....why lug around a 1000 page book when you can hold 1000 books in your hand. hahaha!
LOL, who else is going to say 10 points to Gryffindor! My son was like :::face palm, you didn't!::: LOL! Your mom sounds like a riot - I think I've had that conversation with mine...  As for the books - too funny! Although I work in publishing and do all my work electronically and one company is pretty much ALL e-books...I don't have an e-reader and I just can't get into not having an actual book in my hands. Partly because all the reading etc I do for work is electronic so in order to read to relax, it has to be an actual book.  But I can see the benefits of not lugging around a 1000 pager!!
Happy Scrapping!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
suewho372 wrote:We are total fans, books and movies . Have all the books and movies. It was a family tradition to go to the movie when they came out. Luke ended up graduating and moving before they all came out but Hil and I continued the tradition. We have movie weekends when we watch them back to back lol
Aww, why do kids have to grow up!? Image We only saw the last 2 in the movies because we came late to the party, reading-wise!
Happy Scrapping!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
RiaB wrote:HP is one of Jory's and my mother-son things. I have a couple of "things" with each of my kiddos. HP, Maximum Ride by James Patterson, and computers with Jory. Shopping, scrapbooking/papercrafting, and all the girl stuff with Lizzie. :)

Image "Wingardium...Leviosa!" By BlingQueenRia
Jory dressed as Harry Potter. :)
How old is Jory??? He makes a great Harry! My son is 15 now and he also loved the James Patterson books and HP and dressed up as him in 2007 LOL!
Happy Scrapping!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
karensay wrote:DD and I read all the HP books together when she was in 4th grade.  We got each book at the library.  DD read the book during the day and I took it to work with me each night.  She would challenge me each day to see who had read more.  We had fun doing that with all the books.  It was a very special Mother daughter thing.  I scrapbooked this, but I don't have a picture of the layout.  I have leftover HP patterned papers and stickers that I plan to use for our HP pictures from Universal Feb 2015.
This sounds like what DS and I did w/ the 5-7th books.  I read the first four to him and then he wanted to read by himself so we did it bookclub style. It's a mother-son thing for us too.
Happy Scrapping!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
Shutterbug wrote:Funny thing I am reading the first book on Audio now.    I do remember buying my DH the Harry Potter Jelly Beans years ago! LOL!
Second my Best Friends, we have been best friends for about 39 years now.  Son died By Suicide in 2011.  He grew up during the Harry Potter era and that is what he read with his mom. He loved Harry Potter.  So his mom put a Harry Potter quote on his gravestone.  For the life of me I cannot remember which one. I have been looking on her FB page to find it.   BUT, I needed to share this.  Austin I love you thanks for the memories.  Not I am thinking of him. I stll have not done the LO of the photos I have of him.  I did create one for his moms.

I fond it the quote is...
"Death is but another great adventure."  A.D.
Awww, I am so sorry to hear about your friend's son's death :(  But lovely thoughts and a fitting quote. I know your layouts will be fantastic. Sometimes it's hard to get down on paper how you feel about someone. ((hugs))
Happy Scrapping!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
shoorn wrote:I fell in love with the books and the whole story! I remember going to the movies to see The Half-Blood Prince. It was great to go as a family.
We have watched them on DVD as a family --- being a little careful when DD was younger at certain parts. I forgot to mention that for a good string of years, for every birthday or Christmas, DS would get either a HP book and/or DVD of the latest movie we had to watch. I remember DH and DD urging us to "read faster!!" so we could watch the movies LOL!
Happy Scrapping!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
Deanna13 wrote:I love Harry Potter! Read all the books and saw all the movies. Of course, the books were so much better with lots more details! My fondest memory would be starting out reading the books and picturing all the magic in my mind. Tales at the school were always exciting and loved the idea of the moving staircase with the ghosts.
I can't believe they left Peeves out of the movies! I always think the books are better than the movies, but these movies were very well-done.
Happy Scrapping!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
joannie wrote:I watched the HP movies while I scrapped all last week! I was disappointed when I was through!! I have my favorites and my least favorites!! But I love them all!! 
Even a least favorite Harry Potter is better than another movie LOL! We always try catching the marathons on ABC FAmily even though we have all the DVDs.
Happy Scrapping!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
alone_inacrowdedroom wrote:I'm a huge HP fan! I even re-read the entire series every year around Christmas time. I remember waiting for midnight at the store to get the final book when it came out.
Ahh, Christmas is a good time to read them!
Happy Scrapping!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
sherelm wrote:I'm a Moaning Myrtle fan - so I guess that makes me a Ravenclaw fan.

My "not so I want to memory" of Harry Potter was the day they delivered the last book to everyone from Amazon at the same time.  That Saturday morning, my mailman knocked on the door with it.  He had been my mailman for many years, but now I was living alone at the lake.  Well he pushed his way in and said "Here's your book, sweetie" and planted a kiss on my lips!!! YES, he assaulted me!  I asked him to leave, and he said he was sorry, he thought he could. . . and I cut him off (He was married even!!) . 
I had had plans to read the book that day, and couldn't get past the first chapter, I was shaking about how presumptuous he had been.  So I reported him to the USPS.  They sent a detective/investigator to my work (with a gun and all!!) and he told me they spoke to him first, and he completely confessed.  They asked me what I wanted done to him, I could even ask him to be fired.  I said "He has never pulled anything like this before?" and he said no.  So I said then just keep him away from my home. 

Omg that's awful! What a scary thing to happen! I would have been unable to concentrate on reading too. I'm glad you reported him and asked to keep him away from your home! Did you ever have any more trouble with him? =(
Happy Scrapping!
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Cherry Picker

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
My favorite memory was when one of the cable stations ran a HP marathon where my kids, husband and I all actually watched the movies together. It's a rare thing in this house!
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Cherry Tart

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
My whole fam loves Harry Potter! We are going to Universal Studios on vacation this summer and my son can't wait to choose his wand. I'm looking forward to it too!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
scrappinmom99 wrote:
joannie wrote:I watched the HP movies while I scrapped all last week! I was disappointed when I was through!! I have my favorites and my least favorites!! But I love them all!! 

Even a least favorite Harry Potter is better than another movie LOL! We always try catching the marathons on ABC FAmily even though we have all the DVDs.
I WATCH THEM TOO!! I love the un-cut versions!! I wish they were on DVD!!
- joannie

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
This thread is too funny! My youngest daughter is 9 and in 3rd grade and is currently reading the second book in the series. She and my older daughter just bought the boxed set of all the movies. They asked me how many of the movies I have seen. My answer was a little more than 1. They asked for clarification. Well we went to the drive in movies, yes in PA where we used to live there was and is still a drive in. My little one would scream until she fell asleep and so my ex, not my ex at the time, would watch the movies with my oldest and I would walk the entire drive in with the crying baby until she fell asleep. Usually that was most of the movie. So it is just even funnier to me that my screamer is now the one who can't get enough Harry potter! Go figure!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
scrappinmom99 wrote:
RiaB wrote:HP is one of Jory's and my mother-son things. I have a couple of "things" with each of my kiddos. HP, Maximum Ride by James Patterson, and computers with Jory. Shopping, scrapbooking/papercrafting, and all the girl stuff with Lizzie. :)

Image "Wingardium...Leviosa!" By BlingQueenRia
Jory dressed as Harry Potter. :)
How old is Jory??? He makes a great Harry! My son is 15 now and he also loved the James Patterson books and HP and dressed up as him in 2007 LOL!
He was 9 at the time, he's 17 now. :) That was at our bookstore's Grand Hallows Ball to celebrate the release of Deathly Hallows. :)
I'm glad I don't have to hunt for my food. I don't even know where sandwiches live.
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