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Cherry Bark

More puppies to love!
Don't worry! They do not belong to me! I'm good with my sweet four! Image

No, my parents' have not one, not two, but THREE new puppies! My parents' neighbor owns a ranch about 100 miles north of here and a female dog had puppies on their property. She had a litter of five and my parents' neighbor rescued THREE of them. She can't take them (she has 6 of her own), but she knew that my parents' lost Kandie 2 months ago and they have been tinkering around with getting one, maybe two puppies. LB is going to be 12 years old at the end of this month. He is slowing down a bit. He is also starting to lose his hearing, poor little guy.

Anyways, my parents could not say no, and they have had them for about a week. So who wants to say HELLO to Jake, Ginger and Jeannie?? ImageImageImage


Here are 2 of them in Mom's lap. Jake is on the left; Jeannie is on the right.


Ginger is in my DH's hands.


And little Jeannie is in my dad's arms:


Aren't they like the cutest things you have every seen?? OMG they are cuter in person! And I'm already in love! ImageImageImage

THey did have their 1st vet appt a few days ago. They are 7 wks old, and are Australian Cattle Dogs. They weigh 6 lbs, with Ginger weighing in at 6 lbs 4.5 ozs. And just look at those paws! They have been estimated to be about the size of my Penny, when they are about 2-3 yrs old. That's about 50-60 lbs. Big puppies! Image

And Little Bit is slowly adjusting to them. He's probably thinking "keep them in the pen!" LOL. They do eat and sleep in there, and of course learning to potty on the puppy pad. But for a few hours each day, they get supervised play time in the living room and a little spot in the yard. My parents said LB doesn't mind one on one time them. He just doesn't like when all 3 of them rush at him. But sooner than later, he'll get used to them and they'll know he's the boss!

Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: More puppies to love!
Adorable Brandy, but OMG the work your parents took on!! Three puppies!! I know at one time my sister had two baby labs, and she was ready to hang herself.  I personally have only ever done one pup at a time - with the older dogs, though, I've had up to four at one time, but omg.  I'm sure your parents will totally enjoy them, though, and yes, they are so dang cute!!  Image
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Cherry Bark

Re: More puppies to love!
sherelm wrote:Adorable Brandy, but OMG the work your parents took on!! Three puppies!! I know at one time my sister had two baby labs, and she was ready to hang herself.  I personally have only ever done one pup at a time - with the older dogs, though, I've had up to four at one time, but omg.  I'm sure your parents will totally enjoy them, though, and yes, they are so dang cute!!  Image
Hey, I've been in your sisters shoes before! Ruby and Bear are litter mates and they were 8 wks old when I got them. I was also going to school part time, working full time, along with caring for a senior dog (Butterrscotch, she had cancer in the back, bless her heart. She was 12 when they were born). I was ready to pull my hair out with them two. LOL..but luckily, that feeling goes away. Now I've got 2 gorgoues 10 year old black girl labs. Image

So yes, they have taken on alot of work. But within the week that they have had them, they've done so well. My parents are doing good too.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Blossom

Re: More puppies to love!
Very cute!  
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kate W.

Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: More puppies to love!
They are adorable! These puppies at once? ! Yikes! That's got to be crazy. I'm sure your parents love it though.
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Cherry Cropper

Re: More puppies to love!
Aww, they are cute!  Congrats to your parents, and glad to hear Little Bit is adjusting!

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Cherry Bark

Re: More puppies to love!
ScrapHappyKatie wrote:They are adorable! These puppies at once? ! Yikes! That's got to be crazy. I'm sure your parents love it though.
Yes, 3 at once! I've only had 2 pups at the same age at the same time. And the few hours we were there it was chaos with the exception of while they were sleeping. LOL. But its great though. My parents' are loving it!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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A Cherry on Top

Re: More puppies to love!
They're just adorable, Brandy! Image
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: More puppies to love!
LOVE LOVE LOVE those pics !! I wish I could scoop them all up and snuggle with them! They are adorable and I love their coloring! I am glad that all is going well with them and with your parents. Little Bit will be the boss over them-- keeping them out of trouble LOL!!! (once he warms up to them!) 

AND I LOVE your new avatar too! I need to change mine!

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Cherry Garcia

Re: More puppies to love!
Yeah...we were only going to get ONE puppy, too.  LOL  They are SO SWEET!!!  I just want to hug and kiss them through my monitor!!  
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Wild Cherry

Re: More puppies to love!
That is just too cute :)
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Cherry Bark

Re: More puppies to love!
suewho372 wrote:LOVE LOVE LOVE those pics !! I wish I could scoop them all up and snuggle with them! They are adorable and I love their coloring! I am glad that all is going well with them and with your parents. Little Bit will be the boss over them-- keeping them out of trouble LOL!!! (once he warms up to them!) 

AND I LOVE your new avatar too! I need to change mine!
Thanks Susan! I figured it was Penny's turn to shine! It was taken 2 wks ago.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Bark

Re: More puppies to love!
1scrappymom wrote:Yeah...we were only going to get ONE puppy, too.  LOL  They are SO SWEET!!!  I just want to hug and kiss them through my monitor!!  
LOL! I bet they are getting so big, huh?
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: More puppies to love!
so cute, but oh my gosh 3 puppies at once!  I don't think I could do it, but your parents will so enjoy them I'm sure.  Can't wait to see them as they grow up Image
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Cherry Bark

Re: More puppies to love!
sdwhru wrote:so cute, but oh my gosh 3 puppies at once!  I don't think I could do it, but your parents will so enjoy them I'm sure.  Can't wait to see them as they grow up Image

I know, crazy right? My mom even confessed to me yesterday - "I'm no spring chicken either!". But its all good. They love them so much. I too, can't wait to see them grow up! Image
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Addict

Re: More puppies to love!
OMG, the cuteness!!!!  I can almost feel the soft fuzzy, squirmy little bundles!!!  I think 3 puppies at once would be a lot easier than 3 babies...  take them all out to potty together, they can eat together, etc...  Good luck!!!
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Cherry Bark

Re: More puppies to love!
beachlover wrote:OMG, the cuteness!!!!  I can almost feel the soft fuzzy, squirmy little bundles!!!  I think 3 puppies at once would be a lot easier than 3 babies...  take them all out to potty together, they can eat together, etc...  Good luck!!!
Girl, I would never lie. Those furry little things ARE SO SOFT! OMG its crazy! Its been YEARS since I've held puppies so small. Gosh, love them all already!

Yeah, I think you are right. 3 puppies are easier than 3 babies. They are all on the same schedule!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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A Cherry on Top

Re: More puppies to love!
OMG cuteness overload!!!!!! They are so adorable Brandy!!!!

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Cherry Bark

Re: More puppies to love!
pawprints wrote:OMG cuteness overload!!!!!! They are so adorable Brandy!!!!
I know right!!!  LOVE!ImageImageImage
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Addict

Re: More puppies to love!
So sweet.
I used to be indecisive; now I'm not sure.
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