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Cherry Delight

Cleaning your SB area????edited w/details
Before the crop.  I always have such good intentions but seldom follow through.  However as a crop hostess, I may b able to help give you a little incentive to clean .  Watch for a post from me next Tuesday.  Muhahahaha
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Cleaning your SB area????
My space was clean and beautiful last Saturday!!!  Now covered with paper!  But will be clean again before the beginning of the crop!  Image
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Cherry Addict

Re: Cleaning your SB area????
ImageI am trying to reorganize and clean room before NSD.  I really want to start with a clean/organized space. 
** Chris **

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Cleaning your SB area????
Good thinking - can't wait! My scrap area is about 1/4 of our bedroom and it is a mess!!! I need to clean that up!!
Happy Scrapping!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Cleaning your SB area????
I cleaned off my counter top that I scrap on last week, in anticipation of NSD! But I've been scrapping a little, and there's the top of my paper bins that needs cleaning off....

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Cherry Cola

Re: Cleaning your SB area????
I love incentives to clean! It makes it almost bearable! Image
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Cherry Addict

Re: Cleaning your SB area????
oh, if I clean good enough ,maybe I will find my missing box of tags!
Ann ~ Life is always better at the beach!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Cleaning your SB area????
Charleneanne wrote:Before the crop.  I always have such good intentions but seldom follow through.  However as a crop hostess, I may b able to help give you a little incentive to clean .  Watch for a post from me next Tuesday.  Muhahahaha
I cleaned last night before I started making kits... I will have to clean at least twice more before NSD lol
Find my books here. See the mom (crafting, cooking, organizing, and homeschooling) side of me here. {Under construction}
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Cherry Cola

Re: Cleaning your SB area????
oh good, cause I need all the incentive you can give me. My place is a hot mess right now!!
- Jillian

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Cherry Bark

Re: Cleaning your SB area????
Sounds good! And me..I'm working on it!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Christi S.

Cherry Bing

Re: Cleaning your SB area????
My Scrap Room will NEVER be clean.  It doesn't seem to matter what I do, or how often I clean it up, it always ends up a complete and utter disaster.  I know I have way too much stuff, but I am also very bad about putting stuff away after I do a page.  I am too eager to go onto the next page that I don't want to take the time needed to clean up what I just used.  Then I have piles and piles of stuff everywhere that topple over and stickers are sliding and I'm stepping on brads, etc.  It's a hot mess (as jrrah4903 so aptly put it earlier)!

Anyone else like this?  What do you do about it?  I think I am going to put a basket or plastic container out for when I am done with a project and put all the stuff I didn't use in that container so I at least have a clear workspace instead of piles.  Then, once a week (ideally) I would empty the basket/box and put away what I didn't use.

It's worth a try - right?  I mean, anything is better than what I am doing now!  :)

Christi S


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Wild Cherry

Re: Cleaning your SB area????
OK, should we clean now before Tues? Or are you posting an incentive on Tues to do it? I better start now knowing how mine looks! Oh and thinking I might check my washis, my flowers, colors, supply of bling and anything else I see I might need for the challenges.

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Cleaning your SB area????
I should've took a photo of my scrap room after I packed for the looked pretty good!! Image Now....not so much! Image
- joannie

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Cherry Picker

Re: Cleaning your SB area????
I've been working on mine on and off for the last month. Moving stuff around etc. I swear i organize and move stuff more than I actually use the space. The only reason I get anything done is I go to a monthly crop!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Cleaning your SB area????
Mine will never be clean and organized.  No matter how hard I try and how close I get.  I just can't seem to get it completely done and the way I like it.  My problem is that I want everything close by.  I have got some of the large iris cases and have been putting loose things in them when I am done with a layout if I don't put it completely away.  That helps some.  Just came back from the two day crop and got most of it put away that I took.  My problem is the stuff I don't take and really don't even know if I still want.  I did take some donations to the crop.   Have tons more just ran out of time to get it ready. 
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Cleaning your SB area????
I've been cleaning and organizing for a couple of months.  I want to make my stuff more usable when I can finally sit and use it again.  Alexis is a 'hold me all the time' baby so time to craft is non existent mostly, but I can sneak a little time here and there to work on my space's functionality before I am needed again.  Sometimes it can be to do a complete overhaul of an area, sometimes it is long enough to vacuum and wipe down a counter, but having it in order makes me happy even if I can't dive into my supplies right now.

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DN in MN

Wild Cherry

Re: Cleaning your SB area????
I'm trying to get my room together, lol!  I should be ready though :)
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Cleaning your SB area????
What about a pay it forward cleaning incentive. Sort of like a rak. Put in a care package 2 solid cardstock, and two matching cardstock, some matching goodies like alphas, stickers or other yummies, and something fun like a lollipop and forward to a secret sister. Then challenge is to use what you have received in a card or layout? Just my odd thought.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Cleaning your SB area????
I see a mess of stuff on every surface in my scrap area in the dining room. Definitely need a push to get it cleaned up before NSD.
blfonty a.k.a. Bonnie

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Cleaning your SB area????
I still have to unpack from last weekend. Then my room will be clean and ready to go.
Mildred - Mom to 2 girls and a husband (I tell people that I am a single mom of 3. Ages 59, 37 and 31) lol. And a proud Grandma to Orahn (7) Sawyer (5) and Mazie (3).

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