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Cherry Picker

Merry christmas
Merry Christmas everyone hope everyone has a nice Christmas tomorrow. So what everyone doing for Christmas this year? well for us we live far away from family so we not have a great Christmas this year. we will probably Skype my family on Christmas day and I was think going out to dinner if we can find a place that open or maybe go to the movies. hopefully next year will be little better.

so hope everyone has a nice one
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Merry christmas
Merry Christmas!!  I hope all the cherries have a nice holiday!

We are going to my BIL's late this afternoon for appetizers and birthday cake (its my niece's birthday today).  Tomorrow we have brunch at my sister's house then we are going out to our favorite steakhouse for dinner with my mother.  Lots of running around and lots of eating. :-)
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Merry christmas
My family has come in from across the country (California to PA) and while this will be my first ever Christmas without my son (who is with his fiance's family in Ohio, returning though on Saturday late) we will be together again.  That's the most important thing for me at Christmas. If one kind of cookie didn't get baked, or a decoration isn't out, or even a gift still isn't finished/purchase - it'll get done.  Just being together another year - best gift ever.  Even if "together" doesn't mean in eyesight - just so long as we know our loved ones are there. 

Merry Christmas everyone!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Merry christmas
Merry Christmas Danielle. We will go to my moms today and this evening my hubby and I will open our gifts to each other and our dogs. tomorrow we go to my in laws for Christmas.
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Merry christmas
I'm hosting our traditional seafood meal tonight and tomorrow is at my sisters house (only about 15 minute drive). Missing my brother who is in London with his wife and in laws for Christmas, but excited to see him in 2 weeks when I head over.
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Cherry Bark

Re: Merry christmas
Merry Christmas everyone.

We are keeping it kind of low key this year. Last night, my mom asked me to pull out the ornaments and we decorated the tree. Usually we'd have done it by now, but with the recent passing of my grandfather, we have been kind of in a christmas "fog". We wanted to honor both my grandparents' since Christmas was their fave holiday. So we pulled out all the ornaments that my brother and I had ever received from them and we hung them first, in the middle, so they are always seen by everyone. It felt pretty good. I know they'd like us to continue to celebrate this year, despite what has happened.

For today, we are "snacking". I bought tamales last weekend, and will be cutting up veggies for a veggie tray. My mother is making mini pigs in a blanket. My sis in law is making her famous cheeseball and DH is making his amazing guacamole and homemade tortilla chips. Then we'll open presents.

Tomorrow, DH and I go over to his aunt and uncle's for Christmas. Traditional turkey dinner. Then presents.

Then tomorrow evening, DH and I will go over to my BFF's place and have cookies and open presents.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Delight

Re: Merry christmas
Merry Christmas
tonight all of DH's family will b here for supper.  Oh and my boys will of course too.  Tomorrow just DH and I until supper then the boys will be here and we will do gifts and supper.  DD will try to skype with us so we can see DGS open gifts.  And on the day after Christmas DH's cousins will b in town and are coming for lunch.  Pretty busy for a slow Christmas
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Merry christmas
Merry Christmas to you all!!!! I have no idea what will happen tomorrow, but I am trying to stay positive!!!
ImageSusan  Image   Image  Image
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Cherry Cola

Re: Merry christmas
Merry Christmas Cherries! Wishing you all happy times with family and friends.
blfonty a.k.a. Bonnie

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Cherry Blossom

Re: Merry christmas
Merry Christmas everyone!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Merry christmas
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Tonight my dh and my ex-h are going to my mother-in-laws for Chinese food.  Then we are meeting my daughter back at our home.  Tomorrow morning we will open gifts.  I hope I get some good photos!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Merry christmas
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

This year is so different for DH and I. We really don't know what to do with ourselves. Normally on Christmas Eve, all of us get to pick one present to open and then we have dinner together. Then on Christmas Day, we are all together opening presents (stockings first), eating and playing games. Even might watch a movie or two.

Well as everyone knows, DD#1 moved to CA on December 6 to start a new journey. She checked into flights home, but they were too expensive. So this year Christmas Eve was just DH and I. He did more baking, I finished wrapping presents, cleaned the house and did a little crocheting. It was sort of nice to relax, but I sure missed the laughter.

This is the first Christmas that I have gotten to sleep in and take it easy. Since I did all of the cleaning yesterday, I don't have anything to do except wait til noon. That is when DD#2 and her husband (Molli too) are coming over. Then we will Skype DD#1 and her BF. It will be different, but at least I can "see" everyone. DH isn't taking this "waiting" very well. Poor guy!!!
Mildred - Mom to 2 girls and a husband (I tell people that I am a single mom of 3. Ages 59, 37 and 31) lol. And a proud Grandma to Orahn (7) Sawyer (5) and Mazie (3).

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Cherry Bing

Re: Merry christmas
Merry Christmas, everyone. It's been different for us for the past several years. Stepdaughter and her new hubby came last night with her two children, along with granddaughter Devon since she can't come on Sunday with her dad and mom.  Andrew and the rest will be here Sunday. Daughter Rachel will come over when she and Bob get back from Las Vegas. Since Bob has to return to Vegas taking a Knightrider (KITT) car, he may or may not make it over. I'm hoping Josh and family will Skype us from NC today. Grandson Collin said he would try to.

Barb and I are going to the movies later on to see Night of the Museum; then come home and have our Christmas Dinner. We exchanged gifts this morning.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and here's wishing everyone a prosperous New Year!  NOLLAIG CHRIDHEIL!!
Image Charlene
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Cherry Addict

Re: Merry christmas
Merry Christmas! It's a little chaotic here, or was anyway. I don't have inlaws, at least in the parent sense, neither does my DH (all our parents are deceased) but balancing kids and their needs to be elsewhere is interesting. Last night I wrapped gifts until 4am, then slept until 8am. The kids got up around 10:30 and we took almost 2 hours to open gifts. There are a lot of us and we go one at a time, so it takes awhile lol. Then DH made pancakes and sausage for everyone. The kids all headed over the their dad's for an overnight (the only time of year he is interested in picking them up), and Bob and I had the afternoon to ourselves. I have to work at 7pm, so I have about half an hour before I have to start getting ready. DH will be home along tonight, so if you could all keep him in your htoughts it would be appreciated. His brother was killed in Vietnam, and they were notified on Christmas Eve, so while it's been a very long time and he really tries hard, the memories of watching the Air Force Colonel tell him mom come back to him when he is alone. But he is busy planning the menu for Saturday, when we host probably around 30 people for my extended family Christmas. It's a German theme this year!
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You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Crush

Re: Merry christmas
Merry Christmas to all my Cherry friends!  I hope everyone had a very good day!

My kids spent Christmas at my parents, while hubby spent it with me at Urgent Care.  Image  I got very sick in the middle of the night . . . my throat hurt to the point that I almost couldn't swallow.  So, I didn't want the kids to see me upset all morning/day.  So they are over there.  Hopefully the meds will kick in soon, and we, my little family of four, can celebrate Christmas tomorrow! 
OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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