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Cherry Addict

Good Morning Nov 3, 2013
Good Morning! It is bright and sunny here but a bit cool. I am still in my long flannel pjs but need to get a shower and go to church. Would anyone like to join me (Debbie)? I don't have plans for today. I suppose if I thought about it, I could find some housework that needs to be done. Or cleaning out the store room. lol Do I want to do any of that? I am sure you know the answer to that. I started a Christmas puzzle yesterday. One of those big 1000 piece ones. And it is hard! Not just a lot of pieces but it could all be one color and it would not be harder. The frame around it is a gold frame so no help there and inside the frame is a mat, so no help there. Then the actual picture is a lot of gold and red, blue and green, just like the mat! I am in so much trouble with this that I will probably still be working on it next June!

What are your plans for this blessing of a day? Have a great day!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Good Morning Nov 3, 2013
Hi Bibi. Hope Debbie is free to join you. Wish I could, but CT is pretty far away from you, lol. Not much planned for today. A few chores, then cooking a roast, potatoes, carrots, onions. Old-fashioned meals are my specialty lately. Dessert will be Lemon Meringue pie. Hope to get a bit of scrappy goodness in. I'm working on some PL cards for a swap. Found a great group on FB that specializes in swapping PL cards you make yourself. It's fun! Challenging to "design" those little cards - 3x4". Have a great day!
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Cherry Cola

Re: Good Morning Nov 3, 2013
Good morning! No plans for me today. Doing laundry, change bed sheets (every Sunday!), general cleaning. Going to make an apple pie later today. DH is going to a movie with friends after dinner. Likely watch Charlie Brown Thanksgiving with the kids before they go to bed. Need to make some tie blankets. DS wants to go to the books store to spend some money. Plenty to do but no pressure kind of tasks. The time change is throwing me off a bit too.

Happy Sunday!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning Nov 3, 2013
Good morning, Cherry friends! I loved getting the extra hour of sleep last night!

I've already folded and put away two loads of laundry,and have a third in the washer. Organized (and sorted) recycling bins - it was there, just getting overwhelmed, since i haven't been able to take to center.

Now, I need to upload pics to Persnickedy so I can get an order done. That will be my scrappy work for today, I'm sure.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning Nov 3, 2013
Good morning, Cherry friends! I loved getting the extra hour of sleep last night!

I've already folded and put away two loads of laundry,and have a third in the washer. Organized (and sorted) recycling bins - it was there, just getting overwhelmed, since i haven't been able to take to center.

Now, I need to upload pics to Persnickedy so I can get an order done. That will be my scrappy work for today, I'm sure.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning Nov 3, 2013
Sorry, Bibi, but can't join you this time. I lost faith in the organized church when I was told by the pastor I needed to pray for Adam to be healed.....he's not broken! I am a Christian in my heart, but don't have much trust in man's interpretation of it.

We were going to go to Lansing today to go to an annual Christmas sale at one of our favorite antique shops, but last night DH suddenly decided he didn't want to go. Never asked me if I still wanted to go, never said "If it's all the same, I'd enjoy a day relaxing at home." Either of those would have been fine, but to suddenly cut me off from something I was looking forward to kind of ticked me off. I'm still not sure what, if anything, is going on today. I have to work at 7pm tonight, starting a 3 day stretch, so I just might pout all day! I really wanted to go to Olga's for lunch, too, but that's out since Lansing is the closest Olga's! Can you tell Nancy is not a happy camper this morning? lol
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You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Good Morning Nov 3, 2013
Going to be spending another relaxing day at home scrapping. I am working on my layout for my music challenge, which I should be posting today. I have a bunch of apples so I'm going to make some homemade applesauce in the crockpot. I love how it comes out and how it makes the house smell while it's cooking. Once my music challenge is done I need to get into my downloads folder after all the digi kit shopping I did yesterday with the DSD sale. I have a lot of unzipping and filing to do. And I also have Halloween pics of my grandkiddies on my camera to put on my computer and go through. So I'll be busy, but with fun stuff!

Hope everyone has a great day!

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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning Nov 3, 2013
Ayla wrote:Sorry, Bibi, but can't join you this time. I lost faith in the organized church when I was told by the pastor I needed to pray for Adam to be healed.....he's not broken! I am a Christian in my heart, but don't have much trust in man's interpretation of it.

We were going to go to Lansing today to go to an annual Christmas sale at one of our favorite antique shops, but last night DH suddenly decided he didn't want to go. Never asked me if I still wanted to go, never said "If it's all the same, I'd enjoy a day relaxing at home." Either of those would have been fine, but to suddenly cut me off from something I was looking forward to kind of ticked me off. I'm still not sure what, if anything, is going on today. I have to work at 7pm tonight, starting a 3 day stretch, so I just might pout all day! I really wanted to go to Olga's for lunch, too, but that's out since Lansing is the closest Olga's! Can you tell Nancy is not a happy camper this morning? lol
Yep, and with good reason, too. Go without him! Let him stay at home since that is what he wants to do. You go and have a great time.
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Good Morning Nov 3, 2013
Good Afternoon, Cherries!

I'm at work til 5... Hoping to go home and relax when I get off, but pretty sure I will at least have to stop at the grocery store. Work this morning has been steady which is a help to make the day go faster - I think. Didn't sleep super well last night because I was worried about our alarm clock and the time change. It automatically resets itself after daylight savings or a power outage. I had never had to be at work at 630 after the time change until now... So I woke up and made sure that it had changed... Weird I know!

I'm organizing some pictures so that when I have my two days off this week, I can scrap! I LOVE the challenges this month and hope to get a lot of them done. Also, thinking about placing an order... but not using my points... Want to hold off on that til Black Friday or Cyber Monday. There are all kinds of awesome new things in the shoppe that I don't think I can wait that long...

Hope all you wonderful cherries have a nice, relaxing Sunday!

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A Cherry on Top

Re: Good Morning Nov 3, 2013
Afternoon, everyone! It's been a busy weekend around here with 5 of the grandkids. 2 have gone home and the other 3 will be leaving soon. It's been hectic but fun. Wish they lived closer like they used to so I could see them often but not have to keep them the whole weekend. Hope to get back to scrapping tonight or tomorrow.

Have a good day, everyone!
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Cherry Bark

Re: Good Morning Nov 3, 2013
Good morning cherries! The doggies had a hard time adjusting to the new time. They woke DH up at 5am, but to them, their tummies told them it was 6am. So we told them to go back to bed. Penny woke us up two hours later. Fed them and as I was unloading the dishwasher, Ruby pushed the door to my BFF's room open - releasing the rugrats! So I took them out and fed them too. I requested that DH make his famous omlette's for breakfast and as a compromise, I made some hashbrowns to go with them.

We just got home from Home Depot. One of the racks in the fridge fell off and broke in half. We don't have the money for a new fridge, but DH can use a bracket and some screws to hold it together.

DH has to go to work this afternon - around 1pm - so the afternoon is mine. Will be scrapping until he gets home, then I'll make some dinner. Have a great day!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Berry

Re: Good Morning Nov 3, 2013
Hello ladies! We just got back from spending the day at Busch Gardens. The weather was absolutely gorgeous and there were no was perfect! It was so nice to get out of the house and spend some time together, really helped to lift my spirits and plus we wanted to use our passes a few more times before they expire. My sister is on her way over with my little all in all a great way to spend a's gonna kind of suck to have to go back to work tomorrow! ;) LOL!

Have a "magical" day
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Good Morning Nov 3, 2013
Good Afternoon!


When you see me with a smile on my face, then you'll know I'm a mental case. ~ Alice Cooper
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