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Cherry Addict

Good Morning 4-11-13
Good Morning! Just before coming to work last evening, I got some terrible news. A dear friend and close neighbor passed away. It is on my mind to say the least. I am wondering what I can do to help his wife over this and how I can make myself generally useful. I guess I will cook a meal for them. He was in his 70's, married and his two sons still lived at home with their families! And yes, he is very active in his church working with homeless men. He hunts, fixes bikes and made big noises when voicing his opinion, which was often! I am sure you know someone like him; loud and bluster and always right! Well, that was Paul. But he was a dear man, all the same. He had a very good heart.

My ds is leaving today to go on vacation for two weeks all by herself. One week in Paris and one week in London. I get to take her to the airport and that is the closest I get to Europe! :(

Then home to bed and a short job later in the afternoon!

What are your plans for this blessing of a day? I hope you have a wonderful day.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning 4-11-13
Good morning, So sorry to hear about your friend, Bibi. Thoughts and prayers are with you and his family.

It's cold and nasty again today, so ready for spring to be here and stay. I only work a half day today, then I hope to be able to finish the Becky Fleck challenge that I started yesterday. Other than that there isn't much on my agenda for today.

Have a great day!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Good Morning 4-11-13
Sorry about your friend Bibi. You'll find a way to help, sometimes just knowing that you offered is helpful.

Snow/sleet right now!!! And LOTS of it!! Might get some Thunder Snow later too. School is on time today but won't be surprised if it closes early. Just hoping I can make my drive home before lunch time from the Y. Only way home is up hill, no matter which way I go! And this rain is going to ice over and snow on top. DS#1 for school is only 7-8 blocks away so that is ok to deal with. I was secretly hoping for a snow day to scrap or watch scrappy videos! ;)

Guess we'll see what the rest of the day brings!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning 4-11-13
Bibi, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend - we think we have problems until people have problems like that. Well, Earth lost a great man, it sounds, and Heaven gained an angel.

I'm home - I was yesterday too. I just kept feeling more tired, and then yesterday morning my throat hurt too, so I went to the doctor's. I have strep. I miss my days in the hospital where I was immune to everything be being in constant contact. The doctor said it was going around in the schools, and she suspected now with parents - so she didn't seem too surprised. I was just happy it is a quick fix. I'm still achy, and have a bad throat, but the fever seems to be ok, today, not really all that high. I'll just lounge around and sleep thru the day, I'm planning on going to work tomorrow though, I can do one day easily, and know it's all caught up. Not so sure about scrapping though, I still don't seem to have that much energy.

Have a great day - It's in the 60s here, and lovely. Sun is shining!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning 4-11-13
Morning! A quick note before I start my day!

Bibi, so sorry about your friend, but I'm sure you'll find a way to help!

It's been raining here very regularly since yesterday. I'm not complaining because we are still technically recovering from two plus years of drought. Only thing for me though is getting to work because the streets flood. It's been so bad in the past I can't get out of my condo complex.

I was able to complete a challenge last night, but have to wait until Saturday to reveal. :-D

Hope everyone has a great day!
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Cherry Bark

Re: Good Morning 4-11-13
Bibi, I'm sorry to hear about your friend.

It actually rained last night! And my laundry room is DRY! :)

Planning on doing an upgrade for my client tonight.

Penny gave me my "Oh Geez, really?" moment for the day. I use older sheets/blankets to top the couches so they can lay on the furniture. For the large couch, I was using my old purple comforter from when I was a teenager in the mid-90s. It had an open seam, and yes, I'm lazy. I never got a chance to sew it up. Well, Penny was like "I'll destroy it then". I came out of the office and walked into the living room. Found Miss Penny on top of the comforter in a pile of stuffing. LOL. I had to snap pics of her being bad. LOL. She looked so cute.

I'll post the pics later.

Hope you all have a great day.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Cropper

Re: Good Morning 4-11-13
Bibi - So sorry to hear of your friend's passing. I'm sure that the family will appreciate a home cooked meal during this time.

I'm off today (well for a few days - don't go back til Tuesday) and trying to get everything done before we head to Gatlinburg for the weekend. DH loves it there and we hardly ever spend any time there even though it's only an hour away. I surprised him for his birthday with a weekend getaway in one of the many cabins there.

I've managed to get almost all of the household chores done... Getting ready to clean out my car and take it to get it cleaned good... The rainy weather caused a lot of mud around here and the drive through car wash just didn't get it clean. No other plans for the day except maybe get our clothes packed...

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

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Cherry Bing

Re: Good Morning 4-11-13
So sorry about your friend, Bibi, my sympathies.
Relieved to say that so far there are no newborn calves in our herd as the snow flies relentlessly and blocking the view to our back field. Yesterday I set up emergency facilities for such an untimely event. Surprised I am not nursing a headache after dragging gates to set up a makeshift stall in the horses' lean to. The cows have waited this long, surely two more days they can hold out. LOL.
It is a full blown blizzard out there and I will be routinely going out to check on them to be sure not to miss a newborn.

Last night I went to dinner with a girlfriend and then went over to another friend's house together to see her newborn puppies!!! So SWEET! Of course they're border collie puppies, six of them. Momma "Ivy" and her six pups are doing well. I brought Breeze along because her male dog, "Flash" also a bc, and Breeze never got to have their play date and meet when they were puppies themselves. Breeze is now fixed so I wasn't too worried about them meeting. OMGosh it was funny - she and Flash ran circles and half circles running and chasing one another like their little butts were on fire. Hilarious!!!


Today I will be cleaning and perhaps a little scrapping in between housework and herdwork.

Have a great day Cherries! Stay dry and warm today!
Kari ----- "Women with whips, 82% more likely to get what they want."

Check out my site!
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Cherry Bark

Re: Good Morning 4-11-13
Kari_H wrote:So sorry about your friend, Bibi, my sympathies.
Relieved to say that so far there are no newborn calves in our herd as the snow flies relentlessly and blocking the view to our back field. Yesterday I set up emergency facilities for such an untimely event. Surprised I am not nursing a headache after dragging gates to set up a makeshift stall in the horses' lean to. The cows have waited this long, surely two more days they can hold out. LOL.
It is a full blown blizzard out there and I will be routinely going out to check on them to be sure not to miss a newborn.

Last night I went to dinner with a girlfriend and then went over to another friend's house together to see her newborn puppies!!! So SWEET! Of course they're border collie puppies, six of them. Momma "Ivy" and her six pups are doing well. I brought Breeze along because her male dog, "Flash" also a bc, and Breeze never got to have their play date and meet when they were puppies themselves. Breeze is now fixed so I wasn't too worried about them meeting. OMGosh it was funny - she and Flash ran circles and half circles running and chasing one another like their little butts were on fire. Hilarious!!!


Today I will be cleaning and perhaps a little scrapping in between housework and herdwork.

Have a great day Cherries! Stay dry and warm today!

Very sweet pic!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Good Morning 4-11-13
Bibi - I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure you will be of help, just because you are there as a friend. Not too much here... never really changes. Weather is cloudy and rain off and on... very muggy. Hoping to get a bit of scrapping done today. I cut some things out last night using my Cameo - working on a couple of challenges. Hope you all have as nice a day as possible!
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Cherry Bing

Re: Good Morning 4-11-13
This is our farm this morning. Yee... not so haw. :?


Unless, of course, you are HiRollin Breeze... the Montana Monster LOVES the snow!

Kari ----- "Women with whips, 82% more likely to get what they want."

Check out my site!
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Cherry Bark

Re: Good Morning 4-11-13
OMG Kari! Love those photos! Especially of Breeze. TFS! :-D
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Wild Cherry

Re: Good Morning 4-11-13
Bibi, so sorry to hear about your friend. I know you've been in touch with his wife and she knows your care and concern. On another note, I also know you are dieing to go back to Europe! You were so excited talking to your sister about her plans last night! Hang in there girlfriend, your time hopefully will come again. Don't give up on that!

I'm up now, a bit late of course but some great sleep had. Now to get myself going. Need to write a grocery list, plan some meals and I've picked out a pic for the heritage challeng...maybe I can get to that later.

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Wild Cherry

Re: Good Morning 4-11-13
Kari_H wrote:This is our farm this morning. Yee... not so haw. :?


Unless, of course, you are HiRollin Breeze... the Montana Monster LOVES the snow!

Kari, Always love your pics and the other one with mommy and her newborn...wonderful! Hope those ladies hold off on having their calves till the weather is a bit more bearable!

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Cherry Tart

Re: Good Morning 4-11-13
Very cool pictures! Sorry about your friend Bibi. A regular day for me. No scrapping, although I did clean off the coffee table my scrapping seems to be taking over. So far DH has not complained and the kids have not gotten into it. So, I might just leave it out so O can work on my current layout.
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