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Cherry Addict

Good Morning Jan 7
Good Morning! Today is still the middle of the night for me, but I may not get to start this thread if I wait for later. So, here we are. I am at work until 6 AM. Then dh has a retinal specialist appointment. Yay. But they never do anything for him. He is having more problems with his vision but it is not consistent. when they test his vision, it is fine. Really? Most of the time, he can' make out what is happening on the TV and I have to tell him what is going on. I really think that there is something wrong with the brain where vision is interpretted. No tumor are found on MRI though. That is good. But, what is wrong. No one has an answer. Then I get to go to bed! Sleep until 6PM or so. Then back to work at 10 PM.

What are your plans for this blessing of a day?
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Wild Cherry

Re: Good Morning Jan 7
Good morning, Bibi. You are getting off and I'm about to head out to work. I slept well last night and feel better this morning. Going to eat a bit of breakfast and see how cold it is this morning. Hope you get some good sleep before going back to work tonight.

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Good Morning Jan 7
Good Morning Cherries - I am currently at work and I am still sick. It is mostly a cold now, but I still get a nausous feeling once in awhile. I did a couple of errands yesterday and then felt sick the rest of the day. Today I get to go straight home from work and I am hoping to get back to putting my scrappy supplies away. We will see how I feel this afternoon. I am trying to take it easy so I can get better.
Mildred - Mom to 2 girls and a husband (I tell people that I am a single mom of 3. Ages 59, 37 and 31) lol. And a proud Grandma to Orahn (7) Sawyer (5) and Mazie (3).

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning Jan 7
I'm headed into work. Nothing scheduled after work, so we will see if I get anything done tonight.

Have a great day everyone!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Good Morning Jan 7
Good Morning!

I'm at work til 530 today and then heading home to take a nap! I'm exhausted!! I've got to make an appointment to have my thyroid level checked because I think that all my anxiety/blood pressure problems may be related to my thyroid dose being too high. I'm a little scared to make the appointment in case it is something different, but I know that I need to get to the bottom of this. No real plans for after work other than a nap, but maybe I'll finish reorganizing my scrapbook stuff so I can finally get in there and scrap!!

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Cherry Cola

Re: Good Morning Jan 7
Good morning! Taking the kids to school in a few minutes and then work the AM job. Home to wash all the bedding that has been piling up in the laundry room. And perhaps clean out the utility room. I better get my rear in gear. Talk to you all this afternoon!

Happy Monday!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning Jan 7
Good Morning!! I'm heading to work in about an hour, then after work I hope to get in my scrap room for a little while to at least get it cleaned up. I made a huge mess of it on Sat. while I was working on my project for my grandbaby's first birthday party yesterday.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning Jan 7
Good morning -after reading all the posts - I figured about 25% of us are sick, 50% are tired and 25% are BOTH. I think I'm in the both - not sure - I'm feeling better than I did over the weekend, but still not great.

It's been rather warm here - into the 50 today they say , and by Wednesday even nudging towards 60 - so we have the warm weather when it should be snowing - and thank GOD it isn't. I just abhor snow. Even though I really only have to stay put until the snow stops, and then dig out my car - no more sidewalks, parking spots, driveways, etc., it's still a pain.

Hope everyone ill gets better soon, and everyone gets the rest they need to get back on track!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning Jan 7
Good morning. WOW, did I oversleep or what!!!! I guess I needed it, but 2 yr old will be here in about 20 minutes and I am barely coherent! It did feel great to sleep thru the night, has been a long time. It is sunny and beautiful, even going to hit the 70's this week, which I am loving!!!!Open windows and fresh air, love it!!! I need to get some housework done, than I am free to play! Have a great day ladies!
ImageSusan  Image   Image  Image
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Cherry Bing

Re: Good Morning Jan 7
Good Morning, Cherries! Wow, 70 degrees, Susan?! It's 18 here with windchills about 2! I'm so happy that some of you are having warm weather. I have my scrappy stuff spread out all over the living room, so I should finish up my scrappy projects that I've been working on. lol. It's funny how I bring adhesive, papers, pics and a few embellies in the living room to scrap while DH is watching tv, and I end up with a tote full of stuff to work on, and extra lighting and tons of embellies. Time to clean it up. Gotta get to the housework today. Have a great day!
...... but age is such a triumph over youth,
again, because you moved across the years to here.
Leaving there where it belongs
for youth to come along and re-discover. by Rod McKuen

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Cherry Bing

Re: Good Morning Jan 7
Good morning Cherries; I'm in that percentage too...still sniffling and sneezing. Feeling a lot better than last week though. Heading over to the senior center to exercise; have missed it this past week due to the illness. It's 30 degrees here in N Texas. Hopefully I can get some scrapping in this afternoon. Hope you all have a wonderful day and that we all get over this crud!
Image Charlene
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Good Morning Jan 7
Morning everyone! It's a cool Wintery morning here with 30 degrees, but it's supposed to be in the 40s today. Ran to the store for DH some cold meds. He has a terrible one and hope the rest of us don't catch it.

I'm having another scrappy day today and it feels GREAT! :inlove:

Got all my chores done and I'm ready to go! ;)

Have a good one, everyone!
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Cherry Bark

Re: Good Morning Jan 7
Morning Bibi and everyone! This morning has been a little more hectic than usual. Two doggies didn't want to eat at first, but they finally ate a while ago. Another one is throwing up on dog beds, but in two hours has not thrown up. Blah. Sinus headache and pressure. Got lots of laundry to do and lots of work to do too. On a good note, its nice and quiet with DH at work and my mom still at my brother's. Have a great day!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Delight

Re: Good Morning Jan 7
morning. It is 11:30a.m. and still not out of the 30's. brrrrr so much for the big warmup from the storm that went through Saturday night.
Cleaning house and doing laundry today. Took a brief break to come on here.
Dr. appointments tomorrow and Wednesday so what doesn't get cleaned today will wait until end of the week.

Scrapping again in the afternoon I hope. I have two more layouts done for challenges to take pix of and post today too.
Have a warm and safe day.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning Jan 7
cherrycupcake wrote:Good morning -after reading all the posts - I figured about 25% of us are sick, 50% are tired and 25% are BOTH. I think I'm in the both - not sure - I'm feeling better than I did over the weekend, but still not great.

It's been rather warm here - into the 50 today they say , and by Wednesday even nudging towards 60 - so we have the warm weather when it should be snowing - and thank GOD it isn't. I just abhor snow. Even though I really only have to stay put until the snow stops, and then dig out my car - no more sidewalks, parking spots, driveways, etc., it's still a pain.

Hope everyone ill gets better soon, and everyone gets the rest they need to get back on track!
I so far have managed to remain in the 50% tired category. I basically went from Monday to Saturday last week on about 12 hours of sleep. I'm still crashing whenever I get the chance. I'm just lazing aorund right now wondering where my mojo went, and hopefully another good night's sleep will change me around. I have to work tomorrow night, but only that one night and then off for 2 more before working the weekend.
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You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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