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Cherry Tart

I started a new blog...
And I invite you to take a look if you like! It's about my issues with food/weight and maybe it can inspire you (if you need it!)

I've just finally reached that point where something has GOT to give and this will help me stay accountable!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: I started a new blog...
I need to join you - but I'm not saying MY weight, let's just say it's more than yours, and I hit and passed the weight at nine months pregnant - which is 168 pounds. My husband I weighed the same when I went in on delivery day, which he thought was funny. I did not. When I was in X-ray school, I couldn't give blood because I didn't weigh 100 pounds. I can give for TWO 100 pounders now - get the drift?

I'm addicted to pasta. And cheese. If I could knock those two - I'd be great. I don't need nor want sugar. (She says, as she had an apple dumpling for breakfast) But the pasta, cheese - CARBS? I'm there, pulling up a chair.

Water? I take a bath in it. That's all the water I use. I'm iced tea thru and thru. But I don't need sugar in that - I can drink it without sugar (she says, as the amount of sugar in the tea I'm drinking now would put a diabetic into a coma with one sip.)
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Cherry Tart

Re: I started a new blog...
cherrycupcake wrote:I need to join you - but I'm not saying MY weight, let's just say it's more than yours, and I hit and passed the weight at nine months pregnant - which is 168 pounds. My husband I weighed the same when I went in on delivery day, which he thought was funny. I did not. When I was in X-ray school, I couldn't give blood because I didn't weigh 100 pounds. I can give for TWO 100 pounders now - get the drift?

I'm addicted to pasta. And cheese. If I could knock those two - I'd be great. I don't need nor want sugar. (She says, as she had an apple dumpling for breakfast) But the pasta, cheese - CARBS? I'm there, pulling up a chair.

Water? I take a bath in it. That's all the water I use. I'm iced tea thru and thru. But I don't need sugar in that - I can drink it without sugar (she says, as the amount of sugar in the tea I'm drinking now would put a diabetic into a coma with one sip.)
Sher...isn't it crazy how we all have those one or two things that are our weakness?? And at my heaviest, I was 174. That was just after my 3rd child was born...but I couldn't get rid of it! I had lost down to 144 about 2 years ago and it's been creeping back ever since. I'm not going to do this anymore! It needs to stop!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: I started a new blog...
My issue definitely is my love of the pasta and cheese - and the loss of my gallbladder. When I lost my GB - the surgeon (who I worked with) said "You'll gain a lot of weight if you aren't careful." I laughed - I was always super thin. Now I'm not laughing. I look like my mom did and my sister does. And it's really hard to take off. EASY to put on, a lot harder to take off. My sister REALLY dieted for three weeks and lost three pounds. She was so upset. I said "Pick up three pounds of onions. That's how much less your body is lugging around." She was better after that, but I know how she feels. I just lost four pounds, but I just ate "normal" instead of like a nut.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: I started a new blog...
Wow, this is something I could use. I have never weighed as much as I do now in my whole life. There are alot of factors that added on the pounds. I just seem to be stuck there now. I too have a weakness for any type of potato, bread, pasta, oh, how sad to give them all up, lol!!!!
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Cherry Addict

Re: I started a new blog...
hey I'm not shy. You all are my gal pals so what shame is there? I'm 6' and 190. (my baby is 10.) It's not so bad but it's not thin either. I tell myself I should do something just to take that little jiggle off the middle. LOL but I LOVE food. Oh you said it Sher, carbs. Mmmm, lovely carbs. pasta, rice bread, I could eat it all day long. I do like things plain, not a lot of butter or salt or sugar ...until we get to the dessert table. OMG I've got a monster of a sweet (baked goods) tooth!

**wanted to add that I read your blog and it's a good read. Keep it up! and we're all here to support you :D
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Cherry Tart

Re: I started a new blog...
oceanbreezes423 wrote:Wow, this is something I could use. I have never weighed as much as I do now in my whole life. There are alot of factors that added on the pounds. I just seem to be stuck there now. I too have a weakness for any type of potato, bread, pasta, oh, how sad to give them all up, lol!!!!
That's the thing...you can't completely "give up" something, because it sets you up for that binge eating and failure. We've all done it. But I need to figure out how to get that "balance" so that I can enjoy some of my favorites but it not cause that binge...
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: I started a new blog...
Love your blog. i may not be able to check in every day or even post. But it will be encouraging. FYI on the water. I find that if I do one of those double therm glasses with a straw (like the Starbucks reuseables for Frappachinos), that is filled half with ice, then water, I actually fill it up more often during the day. I have one at work, and one at home. No choice. I'm lucky that I HATE the taste of tea, so that option is out when eating out.

I gave up sodas about 2 months ago. If I'm in a social situation where I need to drink a soda (instead of alcohol), I go with regular Coke. The diet versions tend to make me - ready for this - thirsty! And then I want more. If I drink a regular Coke, I will only do one of those little ones (8 oz), or pour half the can into a glass, and give the rest away.

When I drink coffee, I use Truvia sugar (supposedly better for you), and then either Silk or Almond Milk. I found out that two little servings of French Vanilla creamer are the equivalent of several spoons of SUGAR.

With just the above changes in my life, I've lost 10 pounds in the past 3 months. No exercise whatsoever! Just think how much more I would lose.
I do have health issues in play, so this is important. These changes won't be reverted, and like someone else said in another post - I'm taking baby steps. Over the next three months, I'll look at how I can take lunch to work, instead of eating out all the time.
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Cherry Bomb

Re: I started a new blog...
3 candy bars today--enough said???? shameful!
Lori aka "Mima"
Cherish Every Moment; Then Scrap Each One!
Sweet Spot Designs!!
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Cherry Tart

Re: I started a new blog...
letumom wrote:Love your blog. i may not be able to check in every day or even post. But it will be encouraging. FYI on the water. I find that if I do one of those double therm glasses with a straw (like the Starbucks reuseables for Frappachinos), that is filled half with ice, then water, I actually fill it up more often during the day. I have one at work, and one at home. No choice. I'm lucky that I HATE the taste of tea, so that option is out when eating out.

I gave up sodas about 2 months ago. If I'm in a social situation where I need to drink a soda (instead of alcohol), I go with regular Coke. The diet versions tend to make me - ready for this - thirsty! And then I want more. If I drink a regular Coke, I will only do one of those little ones (8 oz), or pour half the can into a glass, and give the rest away.

When I drink coffee, I use Truvia sugar (supposedly better for you), and then either Silk or Almond Milk. I found out that two little servings of French Vanilla creamer are the equivalent of several spoons of SUGAR.

With just the above changes in my life, I've lost 10 pounds in the past 3 months. No exercise whatsoever! Just think how much more I would lose.
I do have health issues in play, so this is important. These changes won't be reverted, and like someone else said in another post - I'm taking baby steps. Over the next three months, I'll look at how I can take lunch to work, instead of eating out all the time.
Lucky for me, I don't drink too awful many sodas...I had one yesterday, only because my sister brought me lunch and ordered a Sprite for me. I don't do artificial sweeteners AT ALL. I feel they are not good for you in any way, shape, or form. (but neither is sugar in the amounts I was consuming it!) That's just me. I love Almond Milk in my coffee too...with a little Agave Syrup. I can change the flavor of my coffee by adding a little vanilla extract or spices.
Right now, I'm trying to figure out what I'm gonna eat for breakfast...
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Cherry Tart

Re: I started a new blog...
MimaScraps wrote:3 candy bars today--enough said???? shameful!
Ha! Ha! Sounds like something I would TOTALLY do...but it would be Dunkin or Krispy Kreme Donuts!
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Indy Scrapper

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: I started a new blog...
I have tipped the scale to a weight that scares hell out of me. I have always struggled with weight and after I had my stroke 3 years ago, I did loose some in preparation for quitting smoking. Well I gained all that I lost and then some.

I joined the Y this year and had been working out on the treadmill and bicycle. Now I am having a bit of a health issue that my doctors and I are working through. exercise is on hold for now until I get a few more tests done, then I am hopefully back to the workout. I know it is going to take time to get off these extra pounds but by gosh I am going to do it.

Will check out your blog for updates and inspiration. Best of luck to all that struggle with weight.
Live long, laugh often, hug someone.
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Cherry Tart

Re: I started a new blog...
Indy Scrapper wrote:I have tipped the scale to a weight that scares hell out of me. I have always struggled with weight and after I had my stroke 3 years ago, I did loose some in preparation for quitting smoking. Well I gained all that I lost and then some.

I joined the Y this year and had been working out on the treadmill and bicycle. Now I am having a bit of a health issue that my doctors and I are working through. exercise is on hold for now until I get a few more tests done, then I am hopefully back to the workout. I know it is going to take time to get off these extra pounds but by gosh I am going to do it.

Will check out your blog for updates and inspiration. Best of luck to all that struggle with weight.
Good luck at the doc's so you can get back to your routine!
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Cherry Addict

Re: I started a new blog...
I have to say that I avoided this thread because I can not blog for some reason. I can read them, but not post! I don't know why. But now that I have read this thread, I know that I NEED to read your blog so I am going to do so. I weighed myself today. Needless to say, I am not a happy camper at 216 lbs! It is my top weight. I don't feel good and all of my clothes are tight. So now that I am trying to get dh to eat, I can't! What is wrong with that picture?
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Cherry Tart

Re: I started a new blog...
1grandma wrote:I have to say that I avoided this thread because I can not blog for some reason. I can read them, but not post! I don't know why. But now that I have read this thread, I know that I NEED to read your blog so I am going to do so. I weighed myself today. Needless to say, I am not a happy camper at 216 lbs! It is my top weight. I don't feel good and all of my clothes are tight. So now that I am trying to get dh to eat, I can't! What is wrong with that picture?
I'm so glad you decided to read it!

BTW...I'm updating today!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: I started a new blog...
I read your blog today. Can't wait to keep reading more. I hope that reading it will get me motviated. I was on a great fitness kick before I had back surgery. I just have been working back up to getting strong, and now I need to get fit.
The only thing I would suggest is the white text on black is very hard to read.
Annie in Mio
Lover of all things Scrappy
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Cherry Tart

Re: I started a new blog...
akgnere wrote:I read your blog today. Can't wait to keep reading more. I hope that reading it will get me motviated. I was on a great fitness kick before I had back surgery. I just have been working back up to getting strong, and now I need to get fit.
The only thing I would suggest is the white text on black is very hard to read.
Thank you for the suggestion! I don't like it either, just haven't played around with the layout yet...especially since Blogger's changed since I last used it and I can't find how to do stuff anymore! LOL!

Hope your back is healing well! My aunt has had 2 back surgeries and her workout of choice is swimming laps at her local Y. A great workout with ZERO impact! :)
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