What do you think is the hardest

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Re: What do you think is the hardest

Post by Queen Mum »

Choosing my papers. Then figuring out the actual layout of the papers and embellishments. I just don't like too much fussiness.
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Re: What do you think is the hardest

Post by Wheeliegirl »

Page design is the hardest. I tend to use templates a lot because of this. I also suck at journaling.
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Re: What do you think is the hardest

Post by lmcgill »

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Re: What do you think is the hardest

Post by suewho372 »

For me coming up with a title is the hardest part, and journaling is sort of hard too. Most of the time I don't even make a title because of that !! LOL

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Re: What do you think is the hardest

Post by butterfly843 »

For me photo arrangement and just finding the time to scrap.
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Re: What do you think is the hardest

Post by debamas »

I take way too long in choosing papers for a LO. It just has to work with my pictures and most times the pp I bought or had in mind actually didn't do it and I end up using a totally different set of pp and/or colors.

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Re: What do you think is the hardest

Post by javalove »

Coming up the page design is the toughest part for me. I love doing scraplifts and using sketches because I can get those done in about half the time it would take me if I was starting from scratch.

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Re: What do you think is the hardest

Post by Judes »

For me the hardest part is deciding on color, pattered paper and using my diecuts. I tend to not take all of my paper and dies and punches with me to crops--it's just too much to bring along these days. I write myself alot of sicky notes to remind myself what I need from home to finish the layout.
Last edited by Judes on Fri Jun 22, 2012 6:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What do you think is the hardest

Post by suewho372 »

DolphinSoul wrote:My hardest struggle is pretty much the same as all of yours. I think the biggest thing is the mojo and getting the idea to do one though. Because if a thought comes in my mind, that layout is done in no time and everything just seems to work out. If I just sit down to scrap even though I have bought everything I need... I'm not inspired and just stare at it. I think I'm also WAY to much of a perfectionist on myself that I think too much into it and it makes it harder on myself instead of just making it. Cause if I make a page that's a memory instead of a pile of photos, I don't need to be SO hard on myself that its not work of art every time! :?
I can related to all that you have stated above, and add that I have trouble thinking of titles so mostly I don't put any on it..... and journalling....but when I get an idea in my head it all just flows (not the title tho' LOL)...I have to be "in the zone" I made a couple LOs last weekend for the June Challenge and I hate them....

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Re: What do you think is the hardest

Post by Kelly Pyron »

The paper and photos come pretty easy to me....embellishing is the hardest part for me! I move stuff A LOT before I am happy with it.
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Re: What do you think is the hardest

Post by suslvgeo »

Titles, journaling and the photos all come together pretty easy for me it is deciding just where I want to put them on the page that tends to have me moving stuff a million times before I glue it down.

GREAT thread!!!!
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