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Game: Get To Know Someone *Points*
Time to get cozy with your fellow crafters!

Get to know someone by sending them a PM (Private Message)

Ask about their family - what they do - why they love crafting!

Then introduce them to us! Post who you got to know and their answers here!

Make sure you PM someone who is currently playing along -

Yep - points will be sprinkled!

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Game: Get To Know Someone *Points*
I always love this game, love getting to know people. Off to find someone to send a PM to.
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Cherry Bark

Re: Game: Get To Know Someone *Points*
Sent a PM to someone!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Game: Get To Know Someone *Points*
I sent off a PM to someone too!!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Game: Get To Know Someone *Points*
I already got PM'ed. Waiting for a response to my message back.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Game: Get To Know Someone *Points*
I sent my pm to someone too.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Game: Get To Know Someone *Points*
pm'd someone
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Cherry Tart

Re: Game: Get To Know Someone *Points*
Good morning and Happy NSDay!!!

I would like to introduce letumom (Laurie) from Texas.

Laurie is single and has 5 girls - two by birth, one adopted into her heart, and 2 stepchildren. (How precious!!)

Between all of her girls - she has9 grandkids. 7 boys and 2 girls.

Laurie has been scrapping since her girls were babies (almost 30 years now).

Nice to meet you Laurie!!!

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Game: Get To Know Someone *Points*
I sent my pm to Mommahobbit: here are my questions and her response

1. Your name

2.Do you work outside the home? or are lucky enough to be a stay at home person (would love to be able to do this, but just not in the finances)

3. how long have you been scrapbooking?

4. Who are you family members?

Inga Klaus
I work at 2 different jobs outside of the home ....... bartender for 30 yrs but am trying to change my line of work so I am also a store clerk at a corner store in the closest town
I have been scrapbooking about 4 years
and as for family ... are you ready

3 wonderful grown kids
2 parrots
4 cats
3 dogs
8 geese
4 emus
2 horses
2 cows
2 goats
oh and 1 left brain :) I am sure I for got someone lOLOLOLOLOLOL ,,, nice to meet you :)
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Site Admin

Re: Game: Get To Know Someone *Points*
You all are fast!

I need to give out some points! :)
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Cherry Bark

Re: Game: Get To Know Someone *Points*
Sent a PM to love2stamp (Jennifer)

My name is Jennifer and I'm from a little town called Mullen smack dab in the middle of Nebraska.

I have 4-dogs- piglet and phippin both chihauhua, panda bear a border collie/corgie mix and Maya a boxer.

Yep I have a grandbaby that will be 4 months old on may 7th (where has the time gone) and she is super cute, if I may say so myself.

I started scrapbooking because I just wanted to do baby books for my two boys, that was 15 years ago and I'm still scrapping strong.

I look lots of companies, doodlebug and close to my heart are two of my favorites, but I can usually find something I like from just about every company,
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Game: Get To Know Someone *Points*
I'm still waiting for an answer.
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Wild Cherry

Re: Game: Get To Know Someone *Points*
PM sent!

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Cherry Bing

Re: Game: Get To Know Someone *Points*
pm sent
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Game: Get To Know Someone *Points*
[highlight=#80ff80]Kelly (kelbill) is married with two children and a dog.

She is a legal assistant and started cropping last summer ( she has a new addiction - can we all relate to that?)

She was born and raised in California but met a wonderful Canadian man and now lives in beautiful, but cold British Columbia.[/highlight]
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Wild Cherry

Re: Game: Get To Know Someone *Points*
I would like to introduce Sandy (writerlady) to everyone.

1. Can you tell me about your family?
I have 2 adult sons and one old husband... 2 dogs and 3 cats.

2. What kind of wok do you do?
I am disabled and cannot work. Wish I could.

3. How long have you been scrapping? Are you traditional, hybrid, or digital?
I found scrapbooking when I got hurt and became disabled, about 7 years ago. I am all of the above. Traditional is my first love, though.

4. How long have you been at ACOT?
I have been here since NSD about 6 years ago.

5. What's your favorite subject to scrap?
My sons or our family traditions and history. My Mom's parents were both orphans, so it's extremely important for me to record everything for our future family members.
Donna-Retiree3-Proud Grandmother of Three Boys!


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Cherry Bing

Re: Game: Get To Know Someone *Points*
Please let me introduce doviana (Ann):

Whom does your family consist of?
Me and My Hubby Mark, and I have 5 kids... a 17 yr bold son, 15 yr old daughter, 9 and 6 year old boys, and a 3 year old girl, and 2 cats Lia and Artemis
What is your favorite color?
Red or Pink depending on the day, I decorate in red and wear and scrap pink (my nails are about this fint color right now... maybe a little brighter)
Favorite food?
Ummm... well I JUST changed to a low fat diet this past week SO I guess I can't say cheesecake or french fries anymore... how about we say that I just discovered that the special K chip cracker things are actually REALLY good! LOL
TV show/movie?
TV Show... maybe Chopped or Storage Wars/ Movie... Dead Again would have to be my all time fav
If you were an animal (non-human), what would you be?
Cat -b no work and everyone leaves you alone unless you WANT attention
Favorite Scrap designer/line?
don't know that I eally have one... I like different things from different lines and designers across the board. I scrap for the pics more than anything so if it goes with my pictures I usually go with it... I have a bunch of DCWV because it goes on sale a lot... LOL
Dream vacation?
I haven't been on vacation in 20 years.... I think I would have to say New Orleans NOT on Mardi Gras or an Alaskan cruise
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Game: Get To Know Someone *Points*
Ok I am going to introduce you to ....... love2stamp

She has been married for 8 years and has 2 boys ages 19 and 21 and a daughter that loves scrapping too! AND a 4 month old grandaughter. She works for Carnival cruise lines from home and during the summer she works for a golf course.

She got into scrapping beccause she loves perserving memories, she started by making baby books for her boys,15 years ago. Other than card making and altered art Scrappoing is the only craft she does as she feels it's expensivev enough!!!

Great to meet you!!!
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Cherry Tart

Re: Game: Get To Know Someone *Points*
I am going to do this. Sending a pm now.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Game: Get To Know Someone *Points*
Here's a little more about letumom (Laurie- who shares my name, even the spelling!)

What's your middle name? Anne

Favorite Book? Anything by Nora Roberts. lol

Favorite musical artist/group? None really - I just listen to Christian stations, tho

Any other hobbies? Reading - love my iPad - I get both Nook and Kindle books.
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