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Tiki Bar Mgr

Good Morning ACOT Feb 7
WW weigh in for me today. Not anticipating any big loss this week. I find it hard to keep track of my points . I do pretty good up to dinner and then it is hard. Need to work on this.

Jo and I have luncheon plans and then a visit to a boutique called Little Store around the Corner. The profits from this store help fund the local Meals on Wheels.

What are your plans for this gift of a day?
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning ACOT Feb 7
Good morning, Jules! Happy Feb 7.

I plan to take dh to PT this morning and sleep! Then we are having my cousins over for dinner so I need to clean up and cook dinner.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning ACOT Feb 7
Good morning! I am off to work even though I have no energy. I am going to give it' a lick and a promise' to do better next week!
Hope everyone has a super day!!
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning ACOT Feb 7
Good morning ladies :-D

Back to work for me, but I am on nights, so I can lounge a bit, maybe work on another LO for an hour or so before getting ready. It's another beautiful, warm and sunny day here today to be grateful for.

Everyone have a wonderful day!
Ann ~ Life is always better at the beach!
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Cherry Bark

Re: Good Morning ACOT Feb 7
Good morning ladies!

The usual here - work. It was really easy and quiet yesterday, so I am hoping the same today. Hope everyone has a great day!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Bing

Re: Good Morning ACOT Feb 7
Same old, same old.. gotta run. Off to work.
Image Charlene
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning ACOT Feb 7
Off to more training for my new job, then just need to pass the test on Thursday and I will be good to go. Hopefully get some scrapbooking in this afternoon, but we will see. Have a great day everyone!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Good Morning ACOT Feb 7
Goodmorning ladies

Today is the day before payday! LOL Low key day for me. Some laundry, dishes, just general cleanup. I need to work on the Costume 'master list

just a little bit. This way it won't creep up on me and take hours to finish. Nothing huge planned, just hanging in there to get today passed by.

Have a lovely Tuesday!!
~Janet~Image Image Image
Celebrity Cherry 5/10 , Guest Ct 5/11

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Wild Cherry

Re: Good Morning ACOT Feb 7
Good morning. I've been put "on call" this morning so I'm home. Hard to plan anything though cause I could easily get that call to head in to work. Guess I'll just putter around the house, clean my scrappy room and see what comes my way.

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning ACOT Feb 7
Good morning! Day 2 of recuperating for me, and it is not starting good. Very nauseous, like I was the whole time I was sick. I had hoped that part was over, so it will be another very slow day in the making. So anxious to start feeling like myself!! DH will pick up more meds today, and one should help that feeling pass, then maybe I will be able to scrap some on all those great challenges!! I hope you all have a great day!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Good Morning ACOT Feb 7
Good morning...well, for some reason DD woke me up a couple of times last night (not sure why really) but I have a terrible time going back to sleep when that happens, so I'm thinking about a nap now that I have her to school. It's a nice gray day here, hoping it stays that way. After my nap, hoping to get a few things done around the house, got to swing by the store for a few essentials and I hope to get DH to work on something since he's off from the part time job. Hope everyone has a great day!
Danna :)

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Cherry Cola

Re: Good Morning ACOT Feb 7
Good morning ladies. Today I'm cleaning and paying bills. Hubby is coming home tonight, yippee!! He's been out of town since Sunday and I was away I haven't seen him since Thursday night....miss him. Have a great day :)
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning ACOT Feb 7
I'm at work... under protest. Sunday night and last night I was awake most of the night with a headache. Last night wasn't as bad, but woke up about 4 with a stuffed up head/nose. Now I've been sneezing and blowing my nose all morning. The only reason I came in is that someone is supposed to stop by and pick up dinner tickets for a fundraiser on Saturday night. I'm hoping she comes in this morning. Come to think of it, if she doesn't come in by 10 (in just under an hour) I think I will call her and tell her I'll have someone deliver them to her tomorrow. I really need to go home, put my jammies on and curl up under my fleece blanky and rest. I've got a lot to do before Saturday's fundraiser dinner. Still have to finish typing the program so I can get it to the business that is going to print it, and type of the silent auction bid sheets. And, I need to get at least 25 more tickets sold..... more would be awesome!

Plus Sunday night I agreed to host bunco so I gott clean house. And, DH and I need to get all the stuff ready to do our taxes so he can take it in to work on Monday. Need to get it done so we can finish filling out the FAFSA for DD.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning ACOT Feb 7
I"m just getting myself moving, but it's not as bad as it sounds because I worked a very crazy 12 hour shift last night and am just waking up (it IS a full moon and I do believe that all the weird things happen during a full moon). DBF brought me a diet Coke...he's been staying home with the sick kids. I cannot tell you what a reward it is to know things are handled at home...I've never had this before! Even when I was married the first time I still had to direct everything. I;m tellin' ya...this guy's a keeper!
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You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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