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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Febuary's Goal Thread
I started this one year ago today. I think it has really helped me out a lot. How about you girls?
Here I come to save the day! Chas
I'm the crazy lizard lady

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Febuary's Goal Thread
I did my 10 for last month so I'm happy with myself. So since I'll be layoff for two weeks this month I'm going for 15



plus 2 for design team
Here I come to save the day! Chas
I'm the crazy lizard lady

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Febuary's Goal Thread
I know it has helped me tremendously!!!!! Love setting this goal each month! I passed my goal last month, so I am going to say 50 again this month. (25 2pagers)
ImageImage,ImageImage,ImageImage,ImageImage, Image Image, Image Image, Image Image, Image Image, Image Image, Image Image,Image Image, Image Image, Image Image, Image Image, Image Image, Image Image, Image Image, Image Image, Image Image, Image Image, Image Image,I was 4 LO's short this month, no excuses, just lost my mojo for a bit, and had a bout with the flu. On to March and better things!
ImageSusan  Image   Image  Image
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Cherry Bark

Re: Febuary's Goal Thread
I LOVE this thread! Last month I was a scrappin' machine. My goal was 20 and I did 42! Double my goal and then some. I did have some crops that I went to (and hosted), so I think that helped me alot. This month, there are 5 bday's and of course, Valentine's Day. So I'm going to stick with my goal of 20.






Cards: 2/0

Crafts: 5/0

Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Febuary's Goal Thread
It really helped me last month. I am going for 20 this month - 20 two-page layouts.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Febuary's Goal Thread
Thanks! I got January's goal finished in the nic of time. I'll say 10 for February. Hoping for more, know.
[font=Arial:ohrhf522]Pages completed in 2010: 179
Pages completed in 2011: 121
An ideologue knows he's right. A person of faith knows only that he doesn't know. ----Walter Gustafson, Everett. From Seattle Times, Letters to the Editor, 26 Mar 2007.[/font:ohrhf522][/size:ohrhf522][/font]
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Febuary's Goal Thread
It's helped me too!

This month I'm shooting for 20 projects. I have a few cards to make and a couple of altered item projects and then layouts.

I guess I should break it down to make it easier for myself. So, I'm going to say 5 cards, 3 altered item projects, and 12 layouts.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Febuary's Goal Thread
I did really well in January. I think mostly because I had the paper and pics put together ahead of time so I just had to choose accents. I think I'll stick with 10 so I don't discourage myself by missing my goal.

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Febuary's Goal Thread
I didn't make my goal last month, well actually I did but never got them uploaded. So I will shoot for 20 this month.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Febuary's Goal Thread
I'm going for 7 this month

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Febuary's Goal Thread
I am going to aim for 5 again!
Kat >^..^<

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Northern Brat

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Febuary's Goal Thread
I am going to say 3...I sucked last month...but this month doesn't look any better.. 3 hockey tournaments, a trip to Hawaii, possible new job prospect.....
2012: Goal - 75 layouts 4 mini albums 20 cards --------> Progress - layouts mini album - cards
J - /6
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Cherry Addict

Re: Febuary's Goal Thread
I sucked last month...only posted 8. Can I blame it on love? I'll say 12....a 50% increase over January but well below what I used to do easily. Wish me luck!
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My goal was 12, and I completed 20! I haven't had this good of a month in awhile. Of course, a wedding, awesome ktis to work with from wonderful designers, both made it easy. But I hope I can keep this up.
 Image Image
You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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Wild Cherry

Re: Febuary's Goal Thread
6 for me. Last month got me started and I posted 4 with the challenges. So adding two more is a goal for me. 6 for Feb.

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Cherry Bing

Re: Febuary's Goal Thread
I have a busy month ahead so I'm going to go for twenty!
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Cherry Addict

Re: Febuary's Goal Thread
debamas wrote:6 for me. Last month got me started and I posted 4 with the challenges. So adding two more is a goal for me. 6 for Feb.
You sure are on a lovely roll. Keep it up!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Febuary's Goal Thread
I've hardly scrapped the last couple of months... I'd like to start back on this, as it was helpful in motivating me to scrap!

I'll go easy on myself this month and say 3 layouts...

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Cherry Addict

Re: Febuary's Goal Thread
I have not met my goal at all any of the months this channenge has been posted (I don't think) but I am okay with that because it has at least been the little nudge to help keep me scrapping! I have two crops this month so I will shoot for 10 LO's again, maybe this will be my month!
1. Image

2. Image

3. Image

4. Image

5. Image

6. Image

7. ImageImage

8. Image

9. Image

10. Image11. Image 12. Image
Ann ~ Life is always better at the beach!
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Cherry Berry

Re: Febuary's Goal Thread
I didn't do to well on my goal last month so I am going to try for only 28 cards or LOs or combo this month.
Karen Y.

I haven't been an active paper crafter for a while and want to get back in the swing of things!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Febuary's Goal Thread
I did pretty well for me last month - 9

I will go big and say 15 for this month.
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