Meet and Greet

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Meet and Greet

Post by MaBuglet »

[highlight=#e1ebf2][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN]Hi there![/highlight]

[highlight=#NaNNaNNaN]I love ACOT Crops!! I love to see new people hanging around and I hope that we can get them to stay as this is the BEST site EVER! So during the Crop I'd like you to reach out and touch someone. They don't necessarily have to be new to ACOT, just new to you. Maybe there's someone that you've admired in the Gallery or someone that puts up some fun posts and you just want to get to know them better. This is that time! Send them out a [highlight=#NaNNaNNaN]Private Message[/highlight] asking them [highlight=#NaNNaNNaN]5 questions[/highlight]. Any 5 things you'd like to know about them and then [highlight=#NaNNaNNaN]come back here to this thread[/highlight] and tell us who you met and what they answered. Then we'll all get to meet your new friend! You can contact as many people as you like. On Sunday night I'll come back and hand out some random points for those of you who played in my Reindeer Games and got all neighborly Image[/highlight]
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Re: Meet and Greet

Post by MaBuglet »

I just met Paulaj!

[highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN]She found the message board one day when she was shopping.[/highlight][/highlight][/highlight][/highlight][/highlight][/highlight]

[highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN]Her fave color is turquoise, but likes to wear black[/highlight][/highlight][/highlight][/highlight][/highlight][/highlight][/highlight][/highlight]
She likes to scrapbook her sons and their activities and family vacations, historical re-enactments, vintage photos, her childhood etc. She's on 2 design teams!

[highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN]She drives a[/highlight][/highlight][/highlight][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN]2010 Nissan Sentra[/highlight][/highlight][/highlight][/highlight][/highlight][/highlight][/highlight]

[highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN]If she were a Jelly Belly she'd[/highlight][/highlight][/highlight][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN]probably a pink watermelon one...or a coconut one since she thinks they have those and she's a bit nutty![/highlight][/highlight][/highlight][/highlight][/highlight][/highlight]
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Re: Meet and Greet

Post by MaBuglet »

Fun! I got to meet Nancy (Bandidomom)!

1. She doesn't remember how she found ACOT; it was so many years ago. She thinks she may have googled an item or brand and LOVED the name. She loves all the fun!! (DUH!! ;) )

2.Her favorite color is purple.

3. She mostly scrapbook family, doggies, things that grab my attention and/or things she loves (like music, books, scrapbook supplies, etc.).

4.She drives a 2004 dark blue Toyota Highlander

5. She would be a peanut butter Jelly Belly

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Re: Meet and Greet

Post by MaBuglet »

NOTHING cooler than playing alone :?
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Re: Meet and Greet

Post by croppinmama »

I'm playing :) , I think people are busy and not checking their pm box. I was picked by a lovely lady and I chose someone to ask the questions too. Can't wait to hear back!!
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Re: Meet and Greet

Post by Nancy Aguinaldo . »

And in return, I met Jamie (MaBuglet)!!

Jamie found ACOT when it was still Stickers Galore on the first night they opened the forums. So she's been here for over 8 years!

Her fave color....hmmmm...tough one :winkb:

She really just collects scrappy goods :?

She drives a grocery getter. A 2005 Toyota Sienna. Bessie. She's had the Howie Bug, ScoobyRu, and Bucky. Jamie likes to name cars :)

Although Jamie loves the popcorn Jelly Bellies (but hates real popcorn), she'd probably be something like sour apple. It's red and a bit surly... She says it suits her. And I quote: " :x pahaha"

It was really fun meeting Jamie!!! :-D
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Re: Meet and Greet

Post by dwinchell »

I PM'ed croppinmama and here is her answers:

1. Are you married?
I have been married for 19 years. It will be 20 in December.

2. Coke or Pepsi?

Diet Coke...omg I didn't buy any for the crop.....sad :(

3. What is your favorite size for Layouts?
12x12 layouts

4. If you could be a zoo animal, what would you be?
Giraffe...they are so cool.

5. Your best friend is in jail and the bail is high, would you bail her/him out? depends on what my friend did (isn't that terrible).
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Re: Meet and Greet

Post by blbabe1234 »

I'm playing. WIll go out and meet me some cherries! :-D
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Re: Meet and Greet

Post by croppinmama »

Ok, I met debbie (debamas). I learned that she is a native Floridian who likes coffee in the morning and after dinner (a woman after my own heart) and ice tea on hot days. She is a mother of 4 and went to nursing school after they were grown....go Mom!!! I asked her what the best part of scrapbooking is and she said the designing of the layout, embellisments and new techniques. This isn't her first ACOT crop but it's been glad she joined us AND I got to meet her :winkb:
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Re: Meet and Greet

Post by writerlady »

I met Denise (dwinchell).

Here are her answers.

1. What size do you scrap
I scrap many sizes, but 12x12 is the majority

2. Paper or digital?

Paper but I'd like to try digital sometime

3. What is your favorite crop snack?
Chocolate!! :)

4. Married? Kids? Pets?

Almost 15 years, 2 beautiful children, and 1 Labrador Retriever

5. If you got a gift card for any scrappy supply you wanted, what would you buy?

The new Expression 2 from Cricut
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Re: Meet and Greet

Post by blbabe1234 »

I met Anna (3 Pals) 1. With the stickles I bought you from this montht's envie, what projects do you have in mind for them?
Not particularly but I love them and use themn on most layouts even if just a tiny little dot somewher that needs somne umph... and wiht Chritmas coming...well we can always use a little sparkle on everyhitng we do for the holidays!

2. Do you have any kids? If so, how many? I have 3 - DD 28 and lives in NC wiotht her hubby and my 2 adoirable granddaughters 2yo and 8 mos. - DS 27 lives in WV wiht his wifer as she finishes Med school and DD 20 in her 3rd year of college so I am essentially an empty nester:(

3. Do you have any pets? If so how many? One dog and she is getting up there in years.

4. If money was not an problem, where in the world would you love to visit and why? Tough one Hawaii I think because the flora looks so beautiful and the perfect weather... I could get used to that but I have also wanted to go to Ireland as well...ancestors and all.

5. What got you interested in scrapbooking? My nephews wife - she does some great stuff and got me hooked. I would ask her how to start and she suggested surf the net and that is how I found ACOT!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Re: Meet and Greet

Post by deerewife »

I met Denise - dwinchell

1. Where do you live?

Wilmington, NC (just moved from Tampa, Fl in September)

2. Got any brothers or sisters?

I have 2 brothers and 3 sisters (but only met 1 sister in person, talked to 1 on phone)

3. Favorite color?


4. Least favorite food?

Cottage Cheese

5. Favorite scrappy item?

ATG gun for sure :)
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Re: Meet and Greet

Post by jillinohio_nowtx »

I met Denise, too! dwinchell

She said she knows the hottest trends but is more of a basic sb'er.

She loves stickles!

Sometimes she takes pictures on purpose to go with some great paper (don't we all)? LOL

Since she just moved a month ago, she doesn't really know any sb'ers, but she will and then she'll go to crops again.

Her favorite LO to scrap is Christmas!

Thanks for playing with me, Denise! It was nice to meet you!
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Re: Meet and Greet

Post by 1grandma »

I PM'ed someone, but they must not be here anymore. Nuts!
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Re: Meet and Greet

Post by dwinchell »

1grandma wrote:I PM'ed someone, but they must not be here anymore. Nuts!

I seem to be getting alot of people sending to me... You can join the group, I don't mind answering questions.. it's fun to see all the different things people come up with to ask
Mom to Nicole and Michael
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