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Cherry Bing

Laughing in my sleep...
Hubby just informed me yesterday morning that I was laughing really hard in my sleep... I guess I woke him with all my laughter I was so loud... I have no memory of any of this.. I never talk in my sleep, much less laugh.... He said he just stood there and watched.... maybe I should check his phone and make sure he didnt record it...

Its kinda funny... I never do stuff like that.
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Wild Cherry

Re: Laughing in my sleep...
omg. I totally do that, I think it is because I don't sleep much, that when I do, it is a deep deep sleep. I will be looking for you on youtube. :)
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Cherry Bark

Re: Laughing in my sleep...
LOL! That's funny. My hubby talks in his sleep. One night, when he was really really stressed out with work and stuff, he screamed out "Scooby Doo is not a SCAM!!" I busted out laughing and had problems going back to sleep that night. When I mentioned it to him the next morning, he had not recollection of that.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Site Admin

Re: Laughing in my sleep...
I did that just a couple of nights ago! I even remembered the dream - and laughed about it again later! :)

Love it when that happens. :bluelol:
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Cherry Cola

Re: Laughing in my sleep...
I talk in my sleep all the time. If any family member walks into my room I start telling them lists....like "honey I washed your jeans and they are in the dryer", or "your lunch money is on the table"....etc. I don't even remember when I do this and they say I don't open my eyes....so how do I know who is in my room? Weird, but they say I do it a lot. I think it's because I worked the night shift for years and I went to bed at 4am. I had to write notes for everyone because I wouldn't see them until after school and wouldn't see dh until he got home from work. I haven't worked the night shift in a year but they say I'm still doing it, lol
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Laughing in my sleep...
well, at least whatever you were dreaming/thinking was funny and not scary!!!!!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Laughing in my sleep...
You must have needed a good laugh! and it's definitely better then being chased or finding out in your dream you forgot to wear pants. ;) ;)
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Cherry Cola

Re: Laughing in my sleep...
oh, that would have been great to see. :-D

Maybe you could have him replicate it for you, and you could show us HIS video.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Laughing in my sleep...
Life was telling you it was time for a good laugh!
I think I would check is phone too... don't want that on a Youtube! LOL
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Cherry Bing

Re: Laughing in my sleep...
Lol I did check his phone cause its something I would totally do... nothing there. he said he didnt think of it...
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Tiki Bar Mgr

Re: Laughing in my sleep...
Odd dreams here too. A friend of ours and her boyfriend got matching tats not long ago and I dreamed they broke up and she wanted me to figure out how to cover up his name on her shoulder...lol. I think it is the full moon.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Laughing in my sleep...
4peasinourpod wrote:omg. I totally do that, I think it is because I don't sleep much, that when I do, it is a deep deep sleep. I will be looking for you on youtube. :)


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Cherry Picker

Re: Laughing in my sleep...
My Dad, my brother and I all talk in our sleep. We can have full conversations or just say random things. I tried to wake Dad once to get out of the recliner and get into bed, to which he replied "There's 69 and they're in the closet!" I asked the next day and he had no clue what it meant.

I apparently cussed out my first roommate. We had just moved in together and she tried to get me up for work one morning. When I DID get up I found her on the couch crying. When I asked what was wrong she said I called her names and cussed her. I immediately apologized and told her that I had no memory of saying any of it and I should have warned her!!
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Cherry Picker

Re: Laughing in my sleep...
Now that you mention video tape, I may have video taped my daughter talking in her sleep. I'll have to go through my tapes. I remember one night she was talking for a solid hour. I couldn't understand everything she was saying but she kept talking. If she stopped I would ask her a question and she would go again. It was very funny.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Laughing in my sleep...
I can have complete conversations with my dh while he is sleeping...it's so much fun, if only he would remember them :)
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Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
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Cherry Bing

Re: Laughing in my sleep...
Too funny, and you can't remember a dream or anything??!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Laughing in my sleep...
I think I would rather have laughing! DH used to wake me up because I was grinding my teeth in my sleep!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Laughing in my sleep...
That's so weird- the things we do while asleep- I have the weirdest dreams.
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