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Cherry Bing

Guilty Pleasures...spill them!!! **POINTS**
Do you have a "guilty pleasure"? It could be scrap related or not.

My non-scrap related guilt-sin is a tie between 2 actually.

Top Ramen and McNuggets (the McDonald's kind...not any ol' kind)! I know right??!! Nothing like a metric crap ton of sodium and chicken beaks and butts, as I call them, to send any health nut into a frenzy!

My scrap-related guilt-sin would have to be...hmmm....

the packages of die-cuts that come with a bazillion in each pack. I also like a lot of the DCWV stacks.

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Northern Brat

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Northern Brat

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Guilty Pleasures...spill them!!!
My non-related scrappy one is Twisters...I could eat red licorice (for some reason I can't spell)! So now...I limit it to long drives...then I can eat the whole package!!! And coffee of course (Tim Hortons) but that's a staple now...and not a guilty pleasure!!!

Scrappy related....hmm....Ribbon and flowers...and the funny thing is...I don't use them often on layouts, but man oh man....I have a store of my own that could compete with ACOT!!!! hahahahahaha!
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Tiki Bar Mgr

Re: Guilty Pleasures...spill them!!!
I don't do fast food so my food guilty pleasure would have to be them, esp. the garlic ones

and as for scrapping...the new Tim Holtz stains...more like an addiction!
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Cherry Bark

Re: Guilty Pleasures...spill them!!!
My non scrappy guilty pleasure is gummi bears! I can eat them all day. DH actually bought a 3-lb bag for me earlier this month (work was horrible for a week, and I was grouchy) and I polished it off last week! Oopsie! :-D

As for my scrappy guilty pleasure, I am an alpha hoarder! Chipboard, thickers, stickers, die cuts, etc. And trailing behind those alphas is paper. Basic Grey is my fave. :inlove:
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Cola

Re: Guilty Pleasures...spill them!!!
My guilty pleasure used to be chocolate- Dairy Milk bars mostly (none of that expensive crap for me!!) And Tim Horton's coffee was a staple for me also, but since my surgery I have lost my taste for both!!!! If you put it in front of me I would probably eat/drink it eventually but I used to crave these and have them ALL the time. So now I have no guilty pleasure!!

As for scrapping my guilty pleasure now is anything " Graphic 45-ish" vintage type things, so G45 and Tim Holtz stuff is right up there!!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Guilty Pleasures...spill them!!!
Non-scrappy guilty pleasure- Sour Patch Kids and Chai lattes from Starbucks :inlove:

Scrappy guilty pleasure- Glimmer mist and flowers of any color, shape, and size!!
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Tiki Bar Mgr

Re: Guilty Pleasures...spill them!!!
CherryTat wrote:My guilty pleasure used to be chocolate- Dairy Milk bars mostly (none of that expensive crap for me!!) And Tim Horton's coffee was a staple for me also, but since my surgery I have lost my taste for both!!!! If you put it in front of me I would probably eat/drink it eventually but I used to crave these and have them ALL the time. So now I have no guilty pleasure!!

As for scrapping my guilty pleasure now is anything " Graphic 45-ish" vintage type things, so G45 and Tim Holtz stuff is right up there!!

I have a friend who was on the G45 team and everything she does is right up your alley...she is one amazing of the best I've seen in a long time!

edited to add her name: Laura DelaRosa from Plantation City here in Fl.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Guilty Pleasures...spill them!!!
non-scrappy....Popeye's chicken...I could seriously eat it every day!!!!!!!
scrappy: flowers, flowers and more flowers :)
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Cherry Addict

Re: Guilty Pleasures...spill them!!!
Non scrappy - sour cherry gels - Kroger brand, or just about anything TinkerBell related. And tote bags...Janet (scrapy1967) gave me one when we met and it made my day! I actually bought a Christmas ornament this weekend...I found a tinkerbell one at Hallmark that lights up...HAD to have it!

Scrappy related.... Anything bright...I find myself not interested in subdued colors.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Guilty Pleasures...spill them!!!
Combos - the cheese pretzel ones and Sour Cream and Onion pringles. I try to limit both cause I'll eat the whole package.

For scrappy stuff it's just about anything! I have no impulse control on it. Though lately I'm into cool looking storage things. I bought some candle holders that will look neat for buttons and an old metal film box with 5 drawers and an old wooden pop box.
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Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
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Cherry Cola

Re: Guilty Pleasures...spill them!!!
my nonscrappy guilty pleasure is teen shows...I love Degrassi, teen mom, switched at birth, pretty little I am still a teenager on the inside!

scrappy guilty pleasure...THICKERS!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Guilty Pleasures...spill them!!!
Non scrappy item.... Books - I have a ton and keep buying more. And the real problem is I am running out of places to put them. The new book case that we had built for the new house is already full...

If we are talking food/drink items... Lucky Charms cereal bars

Scrappy item.... Thickers, Stickles and Ribbon

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Cherry Garcia

Re: Guilty Pleasures...spill them!!!
guilty pleasures: I LOVE this peanut mix at the grocery store bulk food bins called mount hood mix. Its chocolate covered peanuts, yogurt covered peanuts and raisins, and toffee covered peanuts. I have to really talk myself out of buying them because I will eat and eat and eat on them.

scrappy related: thickers of course!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Guilty Pleasures...spill them!!!
Non-scrappy - SONICS!! I love the burgers....and noone better tell me the calorie count on those babies. I also like the mozzerella sticks and limeades.

SCrappy.....well right now nothing because I haven't scrapped in months.....just lost all my mojo....but I feel it coming back slowly
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Cherry Cola

Re: Guilty Pleasures...spill them!!!
CherryTat wrote:My guilty pleasure used to be chocolate- Dairy Milk bars mostly (none of that expensive crap for me!!) And Tim Horton's coffee was a staple for me also, but since my surgery I have lost my taste for both!!!! If you put it in front of me I would probably eat/drink it eventually but I used to crave these and have them ALL the time. So now I have no guilty pleasure!!

As for scrapping my guilty pleasure now is anything " Graphic 45-ish" vintage type things, so G45 and Tim Holtz stuff is right up there!!

Another thing that I just LOVED to eat is peanut butter- right out of the jar!!! DH bought me a jar last week, I had 3 spoonfuls and haven't touched it since. Couldn't care less for it. Has anyone every had this problem after having surgery??? I am blaming it on the anaesthetic???? Although that hasn't happened before. Weird. Knowing me, my appetite will come back with a vengenance :-D
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Cherry Bing

Re: Guilty Pleasures...spill them!!!
I am loving all of the fun, quirky, and downright awesome responses! Keep 'em coming!

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Guilty Pleasures...spill them!!!
CherryTat wrote:
CherryTat wrote:My guilty pleasure used to be chocolate- Dairy Milk bars mostly (none of that expensive crap for me!!) And Tim Horton's coffee was a staple for me also, but since my surgery I have lost my taste for both!!!! If you put it in front of me I would probably eat/drink it eventually but I used to crave these and have them ALL the time. So now I have no guilty pleasure!!

As for scrapping my guilty pleasure now is anything " Graphic 45-ish" vintage type things, so G45 and Tim Holtz stuff is right up there!!

Another thing that I just LOVED to eat is peanut butter- right out of the jar!!! DH bought me a jar last week, I had 3 spoonfuls and haven't touched it since. Couldn't care less for it. Has anyone every had this problem after having surgery??? I am blaming it on the anaesthetic???? Although that hasn't happened before. Weird. Knowing me, my appetite will come back with a vengenance :-D

After I had my appendix out I found that this happened too. It lasted about 6 months and now I'm back to normal. Though, I get heartburn if I eat chocolate...
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Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Guilty Pleasures...spill them!!!
My non scrappy guilty pleasure has to be fast food... or wine or chocolate... to many of them
My scrappy guilty pleasure is paper..printed paper...gorgeous, beautiful, fabulous paper..... :-D
Gine !!!

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Cherry Cola

Re: Guilty Pleasures...spill them!!!
non-scrappy pleasures...Dairy Queen Blizzard with m&ms and hot fudge, mexican food (anything with queso), going to the lake, Cowboys Football, Mavericks Basketball, and TX Rangers!!!!

scrappy pleasures...even though I'm doing digi pages now, I'm still hoarding ALL my non digi items, I LOVE bold and bright digi stuff!!!!

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Cherry Cola

Re: Guilty Pleasures...spill them!!!
Fast Food Breakfast!! Love my Braums and Mcdonald's breakfast sandwiches!!! I have to eat breakfast, it's a must. I spoiled myself when my oldest was in school and now I have to "drag" myself to make something from home :? :?

Scrappy~ I would have to say its paper! Love , want it , and I have TONS!! LOL
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