What are your plans?

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What are your plans?

Post by Art_Teacher »

For tomorrow?

Will you collapse? Finish more layouts? Clean up your scrap space?

How do you deal with crop aftermath? :-D
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Re: What are your plans?

Post by lsdopey »

We're having Mother's Day pictures taken -- can you tell I'm a first time Mom!

Then I'm hoping to get a couple challenges done and straighten my work space a bit.
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Re: What are your plans?

Post by PezKat »

Unfortunately I will be attending a funeral & spending the day w/family. I might have time to finish one more LO on Tuesday after work.
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Re: What are your plans?

Post by paperqueen »

Hubby just left for a week long business trip so I will be scrapping away till the wee hours of the morning! (I don't sleep well when he is away.) And I won't have to straighten up my space until Friday!!
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Re: What are your plans?

Post by bay63 »

Definitely clean up this mess and do my normal Monday mundane stuff
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Re: What are your plans?

Post by blbabe1234 »

I try to get as many challenges done as possible.
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Re: What are your plans?

Post by icesk8abc »

Hopefully after school (work) I'll get to finish a few more layouts/challenges. I also need to make a trip to the grocery store.

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Re: What are your plans?

Post by Kara »

work :(
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Re: What are your plans?

Post by mysunshine »

Not that exciting...I'll be going to work. And then after work I'm sure I'll just want to collapse.
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Re: What are your plans?

Post by lewisbaby »

I'll be trying to finish up some challenges.
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Re: What are your plans?

Post by bwstamping »

I have a pancake breakfast to go to. After that I'm going to try to finish up some challenges. I'll think about cleaning Tuesday because Wed a few of the ladies are coming over to scrap.
Last edited by bwstamping on Sun May 08, 2011 3:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What are your plans?

Post by writerlady »

I intend to scrap my heart out tomorrow!
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Re: What are your plans?

Post by anazelia »

well tomorrow will be the first day that I won't have to spend with my youngest, so I plan on doing a few more layouts.
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Re: What are your plans?

Post by sugar_crystalz »

I just cleaned my scrap space, and I'll try to get a couple more LOs done after work.
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Re: What are your plans?

Post by kgr1920 »

I will be up at 4am EST Monday to head to work for a 12 to 16 hour day....booo
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Re: What are your plans?

Post by justowen »

Laundry, gardening, returning prom tuxes....I'd love to make it back to my scraproom for a couple of hours, but I don't have a good feeling about that being possible.
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Re: What are your plans?

Post by Kitkat137 »

Finish up some scrappy stuff maybe
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Re: What are your plans?

Post by Ayla »

Have to work tonight, so I'm sure some of the day tomorrow will be spent sleeping. Then perhaps a little scrapping Monday evening. My best friend is at the Univesity of Michigan hospital.....she has something going on that is suspected to be auto immune in origin, but the docs can't figure it out. I may go down there on Tuesday (it's about an 80 mile drive one way), so that will probably knock out scrapping on Tuesday. But that's ok....friends come first.
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Re: What are your plans?

Post by SandersNan »

Back to work for 1/2 day then I have to take my kitties to the vet for shots!
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