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Cherry Blossom

question on misting
I tried to use my maya road mist and it was actually spraying in two directions. Like there is a space between the two mists and what happens is that it becomes like two spots.. Does anyone experience that and any tips on how to deal with it?
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: question on misting
I would open the bottle and rinse the mister/sprayer part through warm water. You could fill a cup with warm water and put the mister down in and spray the water through until it's unclogged.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: question on misting
It must be the maya road mist cause when I got my two they both did it.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: question on misting
The first time I ever used mister was Maya road, I've never touched the stuff again, I could never get it to look nice.
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Cherry Addict

Re: question on misting
I haven't had that problem with usual problem is that I spray too close, but I'm learning lol.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: question on misting
thanks for comments ladies. maybe i need to put my mists to use so that it won't get clogged..and practice makes perfect...
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