I heard the best quote the other day.
We should always stand up for the right, even when we stand alone.
I think you did the right thing even if other people are being rude about it. Hang in there girl!
I think you did the right thing too...
Without a doubt you did the right thing, thanks for standing up for your beliefs.
AFTER BEING A BARTENDER FOR 26 YEARS i FULLY BACK YOU UP! mORE SHOULD DO THE SAME. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tHE BARTENDER ESPECIALLY
I totally agree with everthing everyone has said. Also remind the bartender that if he were to drive home drunk and kill someone, the bartender is as responsible as he is and can be brought up on charges. It happens all the time. Maybe she will think differently then.
This is a great quote--the kind I want to add to my GD's scrapbook wherever possible...I just might google this baby and see who wrote it! TYjanello wrote:I heard the best quote the other day.
We should always stand up for the right, even when we stand alone.
I think you did the right thing even if other people are being rude about it. Hang in there girl!
Lori aka "Mima"
Cherish Every Moment; Then Scrap Each One!
Sweet Spot Designs!!
Good for you!! And yes, in many states the bartender could be liable if someone was injured by that drunk driver!
Don't even 2nd guess yourself- you did 100% the right thing! It's a hard thing to do, but drinking & driving cannot be done safely- I don't care who you are, how many times you've done it, what a short distance you had to go etc.......you were on it and that is commendable! And I can't believe a bartender would be bad mouthing you-- I thought they bore some responsibility if they let someone soused leave their establishment and drive.
You did the right thing. Drunk driving is a CRIME and must be STOPPED! Not even 12 hours ago my brother and his wife were awakened by a horrible sound and the headlights of a brand new Lexus driven by a DRUNK 18 year old boy shining in their bedroom. The car stopped INCHES from crashing into the house and into their bed where they were asleep. Before stopping the car drove through 2 neighbors yards, destroying two boats and 3 mailboxes and countless other landscaping, etc. Thinking he wouldn't get caught, he threw bottle of rum out the window as he was sailing through the yards and it landed in one of the boats he hit. He is denying it was his however the boat was already shrinkwrapped for the winter and the owner of the boat is a 25 year member of AA and has not touched the booze in all that time. Epic fail on the part of the kid! He says he fell asleep.....it was 11pm. How many 18 year olds are asleep at 11pm on a Friday night? His Blood Alchohol Level was over the legal limit but not sure what. Its a MESS and he is lucky that he didn't kill or hurt anyone or even himself. He lives a few streets away so he too knew how to get home...it didn't change the fact that he could have died last night. So don't feel bad....you could be saving someones life, or even his own.
At age 18, ANYTHING in your system is over the legal limit!SusanZenn wrote:You did the right thing. Drunk driving is a CRIME and must be STOPPED! Not even 12 hours ago my brother and his wife were awakened by a horrible sound and the headlights of a brand new Lexus driven by a DRUNK 18 year old boy shining in their bedroom. The car stopped INCHES from crashing into the house and into their bed where they were asleep. Before stopping the car drove through 2 neighbors yards, destroying two boats and 3 mailboxes and countless other landscaping, etc. Thinking he wouldn't get caught, he threw bottle of rum out the window as he was sailing through the yards and it landed in one of the boats he hit. He is denying it was his however the boat was already shrinkwrapped for the winter and the owner of the boat is a 25 year member of AA and has not touched the booze in all that time. Epic fail on the part of the kid! He says he fell asleep.....it was 11pm. How many 18 year olds are asleep at 11pm on a Friday night? His Blood Alchohol Level was over the legal limit but not sure what. Its a MESS and he is lucky that he didn't kill or hurt anyone or even himself. He lives a few streets away so he too knew how to get home...it didn't change the fact that he could have died last night. So don't feel bad....you could be saving someones life, or even his own.
You completely did the right thing.
As to the bartender, she could be sued for over serving and not stopping him for driving I think.
As to the bartender, she could be sued for over serving and not stopping him for driving I think.
Nothing is foolproof for a sufficiently talented fool
Nothing is foolproof for a sufficiently talented fool
You did the right thing!
Donna-Retiree3-Proud Grandmother of Three Boys!
Donna-Retiree3-Proud Grandmother of Three Boys!