Urgent prayer needed **** UPDATED

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Chocolate Covered Cherry
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Re: Urgent prayer needed **** UPDATED

Post by scrapsakes »

oh my goodness... i'm just so relieved she's OK, phew!
and what a beautiful name btw, if i do say so myself ;)
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Re: Urgent prayer needed **** UPDATED

Post by GeriNY »

So happy she is going to be ok.
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Re: Urgent prayer needed **** UPDATED

Post by cort »

MindySue wrote:A friend of mine and his girlfriend just had a baby girl on Monday, November 8. I just found out that Lily Grace was medevaced to a hospital in Seattle yesterday with a fractured skull. She was dropped by someone that was holding her and fell asleep.


Good news . . . Lily Grace is doing well. From what I hear she's out of ICU (as of last night) and they will be flying home tomorrow or Saturday. Thank you for all your prayers! I know they helped. :)

so glad to hear!! what a relief for everyone!
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Re: Urgent prayer needed **** UPDATED

Post by GRACEpunches5 »

glad to hear the good news!

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Sweet Cherry Pie
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Re: Urgent prayer needed **** UPDATED

Post by tinkerbelldani »

Thank God...we prayed last night for her with my kids.

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Re: Urgent prayer needed **** UPDATED

Post by shayla_rose »

Oh thank goodness!! Thanks for updating us, I was so worried so glad she is ok! The power of prayer.
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Re: Urgent prayer needed **** UPDATED

Post by AlwaysHappy »

I missed this original thread, but was so happy when I saw your update. So glad the baby girl is doing better and gets to go home. What a frightening ordeal for her parents. Bless her little heart.
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Re: Urgent prayer needed **** UPDATED

Post by nun69 »

so glad to hear she is doing weel and will be going home :)
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Re: Urgent prayer needed **** UPDATED

Post by 3 Pals »

Thank goodness! They will still be in my thoughts!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry
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Re: Urgent prayer needed **** UPDATED

Post by killarney_rose »

My prayers are still with Lily Grace and her family! I continue to lift her up for a complete recovery. And I have prayed a prayer of thanks!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry
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Re: Urgent prayer needed **** UPDATED

Post by scrapaholic »

thank you for the update, I have been praying for her, it was such a sad accident.
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Cherry Jubilee
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Re: Urgent prayer needed **** UPDATED

Post by LyndaKay »

So glad to hear she is better.

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