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Cherry Bing

How much did you spend on candy for halloween?
we had 0ver 57. and at husbands estimate he said over 65 kids. counting lil bags and candy how much you think you spent on candy for the lil goblins? Im guessing at roughly 3-4$ for each big bag of candy, 1each package for treat bags. we figured about 80.00 all together... Holy cow! thats alot of money!
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Cherry Garcia

Re: How much did you spend on candy for halloween?
we took the kids out last night and i can't believe the amount of "good" candy they got! like, full size candy bars!

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: How much did you spend on candy for halloween?
ZERO! I'm the Scrooge of Halloween! Seriously though, we don't have any children so I really don't get into it. Plus it just gets my dog all wound up. So we shut off the lights and hide out downstairs;)
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Cherry Cola

Re: How much did you spend on candy for halloween?
Hmmm? I try to buy it on sale. I probably spent about $15 dollars. We had about 40 kids. It was a little slower than normal. The neighborhood is growing up, and the older kids are starting to go over to friends homes.
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Cherry Cola

Re: How much did you spend on candy for halloween?
We bought two larger bags for $16. BUT, we only used one bag--we didn't even finish that one--so back to the store goes the second--we spent $8!!! (Mind you, we don't have children, so this was just to hand out to the little beggars! ROFL!!)
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: How much did you spend on candy for halloween?
For all the bags and ribbon and the candy, I spent about $45. NExt year I won't buy as much candy. I have too much left over.

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Cherry Addict

Re: How much did you spend on candy for halloween?
Nothing...i didn't buy any. I take the kids out Trick or Treating myself, and as I am a single mom, there was no one home to pass out candy! And very few people in our neighborhood even turn on their lights...I live in a townhouse complex and out of about 120 units, maybe 15 had lights on. We go over to a friend's house, park in their driveway, and go thru their neighborhood. By the time we get home, trick or treating is pretty much over.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: How much did you spend on candy for halloween?
I don't know; I was busy working and he bought the candy without me this year -- but he told me we spent about $100 on candy. We gave out most of it (and got bunches back in return! :winkb: )
~ Katie ~

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Cherry Bing

Re: How much did you spend on candy for halloween?
We didn't spend any money on candy since we never have trick or treaters, but we did spend about $75 for a party for all our friends (which was such a bummer because our main dish was going to be rat on a stick...a meatloaf shaped like a rat...and we screwed it up and they looked nothing like a rat. They still tasted ok, but it was disappointing). It's amazing how fast it all adds up!
Danna :)

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Cherry Bomb

Re: How much did you spend on candy for halloween?
$40, but we could have got away with less, we had unopened 2 bags left over.

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Cherry Cola

Re: How much did you spend on candy for halloween?
We only bought 2 bags, becasue we live in the country and don't see hardly any treaters.

About $8.00
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Cherry Cola

Re: How much did you spend on candy for halloween?
We probably spent close to $30 on candy this year, and we still have quite a bit left. But with the whole Saturday/Sunday trick-or-treating that was going on, we really didn't know how much we were going to need! Some we're going to bag up and donate to our AWANA club and the rest will be for us! :-D
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Wild Cherry

Re: How much did you spend on candy for halloween?
It was so hard for me to even get into Halloween. Just getting back from vacation and going to the store all I heard was kids screaming about what they wanted and demanding stuff. So I didn't even want to buy any. I mean $20 to give out just candy is hard for me to swallow when I can use that for bills myself. So I wasn't gonna do anything, then I found some bags for $2.69, so I bought 3 bags. We did at me and Bill's house which we never have because the house wasn't done on the outside.. but we tried... and we had just over 20 kids and had about a half of bag of one left. So spending under the $10.00 was worth it in the long run and glad I didn't buy more because we would have had Way to much!!!!!
~ Carissa ~

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: How much did you spend on candy for halloween?
less than $10.

Bag of Nerds for $2.00
DumDums $4.50
Smarties $2.50

DumDums are nice because tons come in one bag.
Kat >^..^<

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Grandma Flowers

Cherry Cropper

Re: How much did you spend on candy for halloween?
Halloween is DH's favorite holiday, so he does it all. We had over 100 kids, so I hate to think how much he spent 'cuz he gives out the good stuff!
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Cherry Bomb

Re: How much did you spend on candy for halloween?
About $10... because we only get between 5 to 12 trick or treaters, depending on the year. We usually end up eating most of it ourselves.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: How much did you spend on candy for halloween?
Spent $15 on 150 of those mini chocolate bars. Not too bad I'm thinking. :) Didn't want to spend too much cuz I didn't know how many kids we'd get since it was my first halloween in the new house.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: How much did you spend on candy for halloween?
$80.00 we always gve out full size candy bars, its fun to see how excited everyone is at our door.
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Cherry Bing

Re: How much did you spend on candy for halloween?
nothing. we never get any family is very disappointed that I didn't buy some just in case.;)
Rita S

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Cherry Addict

Re: How much did you spend on candy for halloween?
Safeway had the buy 4+ for $2 a bag and they were the fun size, not mini bite sized candies. I got 6 of those and then tore into a bag leftover from costco too, that whopper was $13. Add in the half a bag of leftover laffy taffy I'd opened for an earlier event, guessing about $6 for that bag. So my total could be about $27 for 12 lbs of candy.
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