Help me think of something else...

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Help me think of something else...

Post by baltoscrapper »

You may remember (or those on facebook have seen the updates) that we purchased a home on 8/5. It's a forclosure and in need of work, mostly cosmetic, or so we think/thought/thunk. :winkb: We went in the house on sunday and smelled gas :? . The furnace (which isn't running right now in mid august!), hot water heater and 2 gas fireplaces are all that run on it. Had someone out, who found a faulty valve and replaced it for $200. Fine. No biggie, right? WRONG!

We had this house inspected by a home inspector, BUT, the gas, which was supposed to be on, wasn't. So, that couldn't be inspected at the time. Since I'm nervous about gas, I asked the listing agent to have the gas turned on and have it inspected (the heat and hot water). Fine. They did that and said all was good. We've notice, off an on, since we got in there to start working that every once in a while you smell gas. Called the gas co and they came and shut it off saying we had a leak between "here and here" (they marked it), but they don't do repairs. So, we got a contractor (who is a friends' friend) and he sent his 2 helpers to do the job. I called him last night and said we still smell gas and I want HIM to come out and fix it.

So, normally I'm the one freaking out on this stuff, but for some reason, I'm semi-calm and my dh, who is Mr. Calm/Cool/Collected is freaking out it. I don't like seeing my rock be nervous, it makes ME nervous, thinking he knows something I don't about this gas issue. He's very smart about all this home mechanics stuff, while I am blissfully ignorant!

Like I said, the guy is coming out tomorrow at 10am (unfortately, at the same time the basement doors are being delivered and installed, with ME as one of the helpers!!) and I hope this is an easy resolved, so can you cross some things for me and say some prayers/wishes/good vibes that our house doesn't get blown up? :?
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Re: Help me think of something else...

Post by anazelia »

definitely crossing everything. hope it can be taken care of. good luck.
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Re: Help me think of something else...

Post by emarie803 »

Crossing everything and sending good vibes!
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Re: Help me think of something else...

Post by Ayla »

Crossing fingers, sending up good vibes that all will be well.
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Re: Help me think of something else...

Post by scraptag »

first off, post a big sign on the front door that says " NO SMOKING" GAS LEAK IN PROGRESS! That should get their attention.
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Re: Help me think of something else...

Post by meteechtap »

Easy fix thoughts headed your way!!!! I pray that is not a major repair, and you can easily fix the leak and continue fixing up your new House!
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Re: Help me think of something else...

Post by beachlover »

(((((hugs)))))) I'm with ya, baby!!!
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Re: Help me think of something else...

Post by JeanG »

I hope it all goes well! If not, go back at the realtor and whoever he had inspect it - if he actually did!
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Re: Help me think of something else...

Post by deerewife »

Scary! I hope you find the leak and get it fixed!
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Re: Help me think of something else...

Post by SarahA »

Here's to hoping you don't blow up! :)
Good luck with everything tomorrow! BTW, are you refinishing any wood floors? I thought you said you were. I want to try one of ours, but not sure if I should try it myself. Seems easy enough to rent that big sander thing, and put the stuff on it, but I don't want to be kicking myself for it in the middle of the project.
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Re: Help me think of something else...

Post by kennabeans »

I am sure everything will be fine. Do you have all your colors picked out for the rooms inside the house? I bet you are having fun picking things out.
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Re: Help me think of something else...

Post by Grandma Flowers »

I'll be thinking of you and hoping it's nothing big. Keep your windows open and don't light any matches.
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Re: Help me think of something else...

Post by Sandi770 »

This story is scaring me too... try to keep the house well ventilated. Prayers to you.:?
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Re: Help me think of something else...

Post by Kara »

everything crossed

Wanna laugh??

remmeber when Maggs was posing Jamal (the paper doll) everywhere at Recollections??? Just think and the coffee spilled in D's bag, and all the fun with the jello shooters????
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Re: Help me think of something else...

Post by imwickedwitch »

My DH works at the plant that processes the gas. Yes, it is very dangerous stuff and your DH probably has a right to be very concerned. I try not to think of the danger DH is in every day at his job. He always jokes about the fact that he has extra "accidental death at work" insurance and I try to ignore it. Hope your problem gets fixed-- and the sooner the better!
Last edited by imwickedwitch on Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Help me think of something else...

Post by Retiree3 »

Hope things get fixed soon.
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Re: Help me think of something else...

Post by scrapgram »

I will be sending tons of prayers that all goes well.
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