Are you a vagabond or a squatter? SPRINKLES!

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Aug 6-8
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Are you a vagabond or a squatter? SPRINKLES!

Post by ScrapGoo »

So I've seen quite a few new gals around this weekend! You know what that means. ::rubbing my hands together::

It's time for me to do my quarterly crop "are you going to stick around and play?" thread!

So, what say you, new cherries? Are we going to be like two ships in the night: passing only to love us on crop weekend? :winkb: Or are you going to stick around and discover how *totally awesome* ACOT is *every day*!? :-D :-D :-D

Did you know:

- We have monthly challenges. A TON of them fresh every month to get your creative juices flowing. And ten random winners are chose each month to win a whopping 250 points each!

- We spotlight special layouts in an article each month... and choose layouts of the week on the board. YOU could be the next feature!

- We have photography, book of me, and technique challenges (among others) on the board every week.

- We have a monthly contest. You can win a gift card to the shoppe!

- You get points for talking on our "regular" general talk, scrapbook talk, and digital talk boards.

- We host fabulous industry insiders and "celebrities" in the Cherry Loft. Often with prizes!

- We have message board games, mini crops, and general FUN going on constantly!

- We occasionally have chit chats and bingos in between the crops!

- The Creative Team writes almost daily articles to reveal reviews of the latest and greatest paper and digital products and to show you how to use them!

I know I surely have left something out... but the point is that ACOT truly is the most amazing scrap site. The Creative Team is active, the members are the friendliest you'll find, and the gallery is jam packed with inspirational works of art.

Please stick around and play with us!

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Re: Are you a vagabond or a squatter?

Post by montana_girl »

I stick around for the entertaining threads throughout the week. Gotta love the ladies on here! :-D
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Re: Are you a vagabond or a squatter?

Post by Scrappy69 »

I've become a squatter. I did my first digi page here during a crop . . . had I not done that, I'd probably never tried it. It's a great place to learn and build new friendships!
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Re: Are you a vagabond or a squatter?

Post by DolphinSoul »

If they don't stick around they have no idea of the awesome-ness they are missing!!! Because I think there is even more things on this list not mentioned. We become such a family here so I hope we continue to see the new friendly faces around more!!!
~ Carissa ~

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Re: Are you a vagabond or a squatter?

Post by Art_Teacher »

:-D Definitely, you need to stick around! I came in 2003, and I've barely left, since then! LOL!
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Re: Are you a vagabond or a squatter?

Post by anazelia »

I hope they all stick around. It is so nice when this place is hopping.
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Re: Are you a vagabond or a squatter?

Post by wahoo_mom »

I'd like to add a couple of things:

- amazing women

- unlimited inspiration in the gallery

Hope you stick around!
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Re: Are you a vagabond or a squatter?

Post by amberella »

I know for me it wasn't the crop that sucked me in first, it was the "every day" wonderfulness! (Though the NSD crop - my first, was AMAZING! As was this one!)
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Re: Are you a vagabond or a squatter?

Post by MaBuglet »

Stick around. We're only scary on Tuesdays ;)
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Re: Are you a vagabond or a squatter?

Post by Alissa103 »

Yeah, so after the last crop I attended here (in Feb) I said I'd be around more... and then life totally got in the way! I really, really, really intend to hang out here more. I love it here, everyone is super nice and I love all the "stuff" going on here and how active it is. Also, this is my "home" online store, the one I love the best (you guys always have stuff in-stock, unlike some others)... so it makes sense, right?! So I will try to be better about it!!! I just need to put ACOT on the top of my bookmarked thingys so I don't forget :)
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Re: Are you a vagabond or a squatter?

Post by Aimeeee »

I try not to just drop in for crops because I'd love to participate more on the board. I've been around for about 4 years now, but can't commit to being a regular! I'll try to come around more though. I had fun as I always do!

Aimee - Mommy to Drew (6), Carter, Brenna, and Emily (3)
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Re: Are you a vagabond or a squatter?

Post by hendoscrap »

I usually read the challenges and would like to do them. I just seemed to get distracted and don't get them done by the end of the month.

I'm more of creaper. I just usually read occassionally but never post except for the crops. I'll try to do better. :)
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Re: Are you a vagabond or a squatter?

Post by Heidi1154 »

They should stick around and have a great time with all of us!!!


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Re: Are you a vagabond or a squatter?

Post by writerlady »

I started at a crop, and I'm a true Cherry now... won't you join us? We love new friends!
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Re: Are you a vagabond or a squatter?

Post by Cimorosete »

I guess you gals are alright.......just kidding.

I attended a crop here and I never much to love here at ACOT :inlove:
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Re: Are you a vagabond or a squatter?

Post by icesk8abc »

I've been lurking for quite a while. I am definitely here to stay.

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Re: Are you a vagabond or a squatter?

Post by hendoscrap »

I finally got a cherry for my profile. I'm not an anonymous grey picture anymore. I'm moving in the right direction.
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Cherry Blossom
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Re: Are you a vagabond or a squatter?

Post by sarps »

This was the first time I had ever been to the message boards or the galleries. I've had fun the time I have spent here and will probably stick around. First I need to go look through the traditional gallery!!! Thank you so much! And you are correct everyone has been nice and very helpful with any questions.
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Re: Are you a vagabond or a squatter?

Post by PSCraft »

I usually read the challenges and hope to get to them, then sometimes forget to upload...
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Re: Are you a vagabond or a squatter?

Post by 4peasinourpod »

I ****heart***** you, Jess.
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