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Bowl Full of Cherries

Ar eyou getting your snow?
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Earthmom?
Cec, you realize if she gets snow (which she did) I GET SNOW and can't get to work to set up the new products?
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Cherry Delight

Re: Earthmom?
SG_Becky wrote:Cec, you realize if she gets snow (which she did) I GET SNOW and can't get to work to set up the new products?

OK, that's it, EarthMom has to move. :bluelol: :bluewinkb:
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Earthmom?
SG_Becky wrote:Cec, you realize if she gets snow (which she did) I GET SNOW and can't get to work to set up the new products?
We have a plow- do you need me to come over? ;)
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Earthmom?
Even we have snow....well a dusting on the roofs & the top half on the mountains around. Looks so pretty I had to take pictures on my way in to work.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Earthmom?
were you able to get in to work? Our main roads were clear but side roads are still a mess and things were done by the time I got up this am. I was nice to have the day off and kids have the day off of school though.

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Earthmom?
We're in the middle of another hammering. Supposed to stop in a few hours. I went outside to take some pics and the winds made it a quick trip! I took video, but f/b doesn't like the format or something, and won't let me upload it!
It's really but a pain!

And Becky, aren't you guys used to a ton of snow? And you're worried about a measly 4"? :winkb: Amatuers! :-D
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Earthmom?
SarahA wrote:
SG_Becky wrote:Cec, you realize if she gets snow (which she did) I GET SNOW and can't get to work to set up the new products?
We have a plow- do you need me to come over? ;)

Sarah, a plow and perhaps the hand of God to lift my poor car out of the giant snowdrift it was parked in!

Cec, we're totally used to snow, but unfortunately the economy being so bad in Michigan has led to a lot of cutbacks, and snow plowing the non-main roads is one of them. I measured the snow on my road in Bay City, and it was 8" deep, which is WAY too much snow for my car to handle. The plows got to us around 2:00, and after that all was good :-D. This is my 7th winter driving a Mustang, and I've never had trouble like this before. I weight my trunk a little bit and make sure I always have a full tank of gas when storms hit, but I just can't conquer my unplowed street!!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Earthmom?
EarthMom wrote:According to the news, we got 10.5 inches in Saginaw, Bay City got 7, and I didn't listen beyond that. But as stated earlier, snow plows only run between 7am and 3 pm weekdays only due to budget cuts and the poor economy here in Michigan. That means if it snows at night or on weekends... you trudge thru it until morning and/or Monday! And for the official record, I do feel sorry for those hammered, but I am delighted to have finally gotten some snow that looks pretty!
I didn't know about your plowing situation. I live on a MAIN road, with a fire station on one end and police station on the other end, so our road gets plowed very regularly. I guess I take that for granted. Plus we have a new mayor, sworn in HOURS before the snow storm hit, so she is making plowing a priority! (seeing tax dollars at work, very important for a new mayor).
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Earthmom?
lol about the snow plows. We live on a rural road so we have precinct control on roads - that means each precinct hires their own road maintenance. Our precinct had all the members quit or move - so no money...when the county feels like it they plow our road. It's fun. This year dh has been doing the mile in front of our house :) Of course, we're also 3/4 of a mile from the main road so we have to maintain that too.
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Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
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