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Cherry Cola

Re: I almost had my wallet stolen.
lilkoala3 wrote:
deerewife wrote:oh how scary! I think you did everything right...makes you wish the people around you could have stepped up?!

Yeah, that's what my sister said, too... I guess I'm jaded because I'm not all that surprised... I know this is going to offend some people, but I think more people would have helped if I had been in Texas... I don't know, though...
I agree. I know people would have helped you in Iowa. But I am glad that you didn't get hurt and that you got your wallet back ok. That is so scary.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: I almost had my wallet stolen.
That is just way too scary. I'm so glad you are ok! You really did handle the situation incredibly well. I don't know what I would have done!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: I almost had my wallet stolen.
You are much tougher than me! I would of asked if he wanted my backpack and anything else!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: I almost had my wallet stolen.
I am so proud of you for standing up for yourself. I am glad that you were not hurt also!!! I hope you don't have to go thru anything else.
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Cherry Bomb

Re: I almost had my wallet stolen.
WOW Leslie! I have been in your situation before and i Know how PISSED off it feels when someone tries to take advantage of you. I think you should invest in some MACE if you cant get it in PA let me know and i will ask one of my cop friends to buy one for me. I think u should protect yourself when you are out late at night. It really sucks that our world has come to this. That no one steps in when they see someone getting pick pocketed. You handled it well but please be careful You may have been lucky this time cause they were amateurs. But your reaction could have gone very badly. Stay safe!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: I almost had my wallet stolen.
OMG! How scary but I love how you handled it. Just please be careful!!!!!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: I almost had my wallet stolen.
YOU GO GIRL! I'm proud of how you handled that...just remind me not to piss you off in the futre :winkb:.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: I almost had my wallet stolen.
You are a very strong, brave, quick-thinking, and intelligent woman. That combo is hard to beat!!!
Thank goodness you're not physically harmed, but I can imagine you're still a bit shaken.

Hope you can relax today.

We're all so grateful you're safe now.

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Cherry Delight

Re: I almost had my wallet stolen.
I'm just glad you're ok! I think you were fine to handle it that way with all those witnesses, I'm proud of you for being so brave and sticking up for yourself.
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Cherry Cola

Re: I almost had my wallet stolen.
I'm glad you came through it well. I'd loved to have seen their faces when you started yelling at them! Showing them you're not an easy mark is really good. In addition to carrying my cash, credit card and ID in my zipped pocket, I'd also have a small mace can in an unzipped, easy to get to pocket and try to give an attacker or thief a huge spray in the face. Of course, going for the family jewels is really effective if you connect! Be really careful next time you're at that station - if they hang out there, they may feel embarrassed at being such losers and try again. I'm so glad you didn't get hurt!
I wonder, sometimes, if we ever give God a headache.
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Cherry Cola

Re: I almost had my wallet stolen.
You Go Girl!!!! I'm glad you are ok but good for you for standing up for yourself.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: I almost had my wallet stolen.
AlwaysHappy wrote:Oh my gosh Leslie, that is terrible. I'm glad you caught the guy red handed and were able to get your wallet back. It sounds like you did the right thing by being vocal and warning others about those creeps while you were at it. Maybe it will put some fear into those guys, but I'm not used to a big city so I don't feel qualified to give you advice, other than to tell you to be aware of your surroundings all of the time. If and when you get ready to talk about the other thing that happened, we will be here to listen. I just hope you weren't hurt in any way. I live in TX and I have a 28 year old daughter, and I'm always giving her instructions to keep an eye on everyone and pay attention. Being a mother of a young lady, I'm feeling your fear. Try to get a good night sleep if you can. I'll tell you what I tell my daughter and it gives her a little peace "sleep with the angels". I'll be praying for your safety and healing from these bad things that have happened to you. I know you feel violated and feel like things are out of your control. Just please be safe and take all necessary precautions to protect yourself. This might make you laugh a little bit, but I'm always telling my daughter to just "kick them in the b- - - s."
Awww! Thank you! This made me smile. And just a tip. Never go for the balls first. You go for the nose. THEN go for the balls. Men always protect their balls, so you first have to distract their hands first.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: I almost had my wallet stolen.
Keling wrote:WAY TO GO, GIRL!!

You have to be so aware, in every situation. It's kind of sick, but that's what this world is like these days.

When I lived in China, anyone with a white face was a major target for pick-pockets. Fortunately, being born and raised by a NYC dad, I knew to be aware and keep things close. I never got anything stolen, but a girlfriend of mine, who was from a really small town, got money stolen about 5 times in one year...

Do be careful!!!
Yeah, that's what makes people think I'm an easy target, too. Plus the fact that I weigh 100 pounds and wear pink...
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: I almost had my wallet stolen.
SarahA wrote:Holy S&*t, Leslie! You are one awesome woman! Those guys might think twice before trying that trick again!
Glad to hear that you are safe. Hopefully you got a good night's sleep after that.
I hardly slept at all that night. The adrenaline was PUMPING!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: I almost had my wallet stolen.
jannyf wrote:Yeah - he was going to give it back to you - R-I-G-H-T! If he wanted you to have it, he would have said, Miss you dropped your wallet!

After taking a self defense class, I think you did the right thing by pitching a fit. The more attention you can draw to yourself, the better. The other thing I learned is an attacker won't shoot you in broad daylight with people around. They usually show you a gun to scare you. I don't know what I would have done but I think our minds take over and whatever feels natural pours out - that is why your knees shake afterwards - b/c the adrenaline is gone and reality hits us.

Good for you - don't put up with this cr*p from people. In the future, you may just want to carry your license, debit card & money in your pocket. Why even take your wallet? That's what I learned to do. Don't let anyone give in to temptation of stealing something. Just my 2 cents.

I am very glad you are OK - and they took off. Consider a self defense class - especially living in a city by yourself. You can never be too careful.

You go, Texas!!!!!

You make some good points. I will look into a class. I'm sure they offer some free ones...
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: I almost had my wallet stolen.
BeatrizS wrote:WOW Leslie! I have been in your situation before and i Know how PISSED off it feels when someone tries to take advantage of you. I think you should invest in some MACE if you cant get it in PA let me know and i will ask one of my cop friends to buy one for me. I think u should protect yourself when you are out late at night. It really sucks that our world has come to this. That no one steps in when they see someone getting pick pocketed. You handled it well but please be careful You may have been lucky this time cause they were amateurs. But your reaction could have gone very badly. Stay safe!
Thanks, Beatriz! Ann is actually taking care of the mace for me since she works at the police station. By the way, are you free on Nov 7???
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: I almost had my wallet stolen.
JeanG wrote:I'm glad you came through it well. I'd loved to have seen their faces when you started yelling at them! Showing them you're not an easy mark is really good. In addition to carrying my cash, credit card and ID in my zipped pocket, I'd also have a small mace can in an unzipped, easy to get to pocket and try to give an attacker or thief a huge spray in the face. Of course, going for the family jewels is really effective if you connect! Be really careful next time you're at that station - if they hang out there, they may feel embarrassed at being such losers and try again. I'm so glad you didn't get hurt!
It was pretty funny, actually! They were SHOCKED!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: I almost had my wallet stolen.
How scary! So glad you're okay!
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Cherry Bomb

Re: I almost had my wallet stolen.
Glad to hear you are okay.


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A Cherry on Top

Re: I almost had my wallet stolen.
Holy Cow Leslie! You need to move to a safer state! You reacted about the same as I would have! When I get angry, I get spitting mad! I don't think about the consequences until afterwards. Wish I were closer... I'd have your back :) *hugs*
Trish ~ It's all fun and games until somebody loses an EYELET!
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