Can't Stop Crying

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Can't Stop Crying

Post by Mommybruno »

Xander was supposed to have Kindergarten graduation today. They had a whole little ceremony planned, a song and everything. Last night he woke up with a fever and puked just about everywhere. So today, after dropping off the cupcakes I made, Xander and I popped in here to work so I could take care of a couple things and then we're heading out to the doctor.

My SIL thinks I'm a freak for feeling so bad about missing this. And maybe I am a freak. But I'm so upset!!!
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Re: Can't Stop Crying

Post by Bernadettte »

I would also be upset (it's a mommy thing:winkb: )! Shame, hope he feels better in no time {{hugs}}
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Re: Can't Stop Crying

Post by ammielou »

You're not a freak, that's a once in a life time thing, for most people. You go ahead and cry!! {{hugs}}
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Re: Can't Stop Crying

Post by terri04 »

you should be upset. It was a very special day for him & you as his mom. They are not little kids anymore. This is a huge milestone in 5-6 year olds lives, usually their first completion of something and the beginning of a long road to HS graduation. I hope he feels better soon.
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Re: Can't Stop Crying

Post by mkcdaisy »

Aww Cass sorry to hear that. I don't have kids but I can totally understand why you are upset and if its needed you just cry away. When he is feeling better - make him his own ceremony.
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Re: Can't Stop Crying

Post by milmomma »

Awww, i'd feel bad too. I hope he feels better soon!
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Re: Can't Stop Crying

Post by Sus79 »

You are in no way a freak *HUGS!* I would feel so bad too, if my Xander was to miss something like that. I can remember how it felt to miss something that I had looked forward too because I was to sick to go :( :(

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Re: Can't Stop Crying

Post by scrappyTara »

You have every right to be sad.
So sorry you have to miss this :(
I hope he gets better ASAP!
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Re: Can't Stop Crying

Post by sylgise5 »

:waiting: Sorry, that is soo sad.
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Re: Can't Stop Crying

Post by mommy2bean »

I totally understand how you feel, my dd missed her last day of kindergarten this year too because she has a 102 fever. I hope Xander feels better soon!
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Re: Can't Stop Crying

Post by baltoscrapper »

oh no!!! That sucks! Poor kiddo (and you).... I hope he feels better soon.
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Re: Can't Stop Crying

Post by Laura Fiore »

Awww, poor Xander. And poor you! I would be upset too Cassie!
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Re: Can't Stop Crying

Post by Emsdancemom »

I am so sorry. I think I would be tempted to take him on if he was feeling better. This is a once in a lifetime event. I understand why you are so upset.
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Re: Can't Stop Crying

Post by Kara »

I would be crying. Brad's school did not have one and I was upset so I would be twice as upset that he is too sick to make it...

I hope he feels better and I am sorry!
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Re: Can't Stop Crying

Post by Wheeliegirl »

I'd be upset too. I hope he feels better soon!
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Re: Can't Stop Crying

Post by 1grandma »

His teacher would probably have all his stuff. Maybe you could get it for him and have a ceremony for him. After you cry, of course.
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Re: Can't Stop Crying

Post by killarney_rose »

Oh, I feel so sorry for Xander and you! The school my kids went to didn't have K graduations. I went to my nephews in a very very small school (256 kids grades K-12) in 1986. I thought it was so cute. I couldn't go to his son's last year at the same school now just a hair over 300 kids. I sure have the pictures scraped though of my great-nephew.

Cry away, then I think the suggestion to have his very own ceremony is wonderful!
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Re: Can't Stop Crying

Post by Janell »

You are not a freak Cassie, I am so sad he got sick, poor baby and poor mommy too!!! :(
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Re: Can't Stop Crying

Post by Kimandasmo »

I would be upset to.....hope he gets better soon.
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Re: Can't Stop Crying

Post by RitaS »

Of course you are upset! I would be too if DDs school had something like that. If he is teacher is local maybe she would even be willing to pop by when Xander is better to make the award presentation...and you could take the picture! Hope he feels better soon.
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