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Cherry Cola

Re: What do you think?
YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! Stand your ground and don't let this enabling mom who doesn't have the balls to step up and be a parent win. If that was one of my girls they would be facing the consequences and also doing some much needed work at home the next year in lieu of sports practice. It just amazes me how parents can make excuses for their children and not make them responsible for their own actions...GRRRRRR.

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: What do you think?
If you don't even try how can a person expect to pass? You must do the work to pass.
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Wild Cherry

Re: What do you think?
Laura from one teacher to another, don't change his grade. This is what he earned, let him learn from his errors. I teach high school and I can tell you we do expect our students to turn in their work as do colleges and employers expect their employees to complete their jobs. Parents can enable their children all they want at home, but not in my classroom. I also had a similiar situation in regard to a research paper. Because writing is his disability the parent thought I should adjust his grade. Are you KIDDING me? Stand your ground and be that mean teacher who has high expectations, they'll come back and thank you one day-you'll see:winkb:
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Cherry Bing

Re: What do you think?
I think you are 200% right. That kid needs to learn his lesson and this will hopefully do it.
Semper Fi
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Cherry Cropper

Re: What do you think?
You are right!


When you see me with a smile on my face, then you'll know I'm a mental case. ~ Alice Cooper
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: What do you think?
Stick to your original decision! Don't let this witch bully you! you are Right and she is wrong!

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: What do you think?
What I find so sad is that his mother is enabling this behavior. She's not doing him any favors. Newsflash, Lady, the odds that he can make a living at sports are slim to nil, and you're preparing him for a life of minimum wage crap work.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: What do you think?
I say definately stand your ground!!!
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Cherry Bomb

Re: What do you think?
Thank you for posting this... it made me realize....

See I used to work in a school as the librabrian and loved it but I did not have to deal with the parents of these kids... I only had the kids once a week!

But I must sheepishly admit I was ready to write my own thread re my DD. She graduated high school on Saturday and would have graduted with honors but Art kept her from it due to a missing project.. I thought GEEZ!!!!! She couldn't have given you a few points? But I am glad I did not reiterate that to my DD because reading your thread reminds me of my 'school' days...and all the parents and kids thinking they should get a free pass because...of sports, honors, kudos from Mom or some dough from grandpa...tough! You (students) should have done what was expected of you from the beginnig.. kids get too many free rides these days we need to expect more from them becasue they can do it we just need to make them!

Thank you again from me. my daughter, and all those students you have had and will have in the future - it is teachers like you that will mold the next generation into individuals that will make a difference
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Cherry Bing

Re: What do you think?
The mother as well as the boy should have been far more concerned about this issue when you first brought it to thier attention. SOME (not all...because I am one myslef) sports mom's are a little crazy thinking that thier kids are above everyone else and don't have to learn thier way thru school because they will be able to play sports thier whole life WRONG! She needs a reality check as well as him. I wouldn't cave at all if I were you in fact I would stand my ground like a wall never backing down. Don't feel bad for the kid he brought it all on himself.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: What do you think?
this may sound mean but...i truly believe that there are some people on the face of this earth should not breed. this "mother" of yours is one of them.

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: What do you think?
Don't cave....you will be doing the student a disservice and yourself one, too.
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Cherry Cola

Re: What do you think?
I think kids should be in school to do school and worry less about sports.

That said, I'm glad that you are standing your ground and applaud you for doing so.

However, shouldn't the guidance counselors be doing more to find out why this kid is falling through the gaps? Not necessarily just in your class but in his other classes too. His behavior is a sign of more problems than just bad parenting - or maybe not.

But good for you!

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Cherry Bomb

Re: What do you think?
You are absolutely right! I have a 7th grader and I am constantly in the online grade book making sure he's on track and believe me, if he's not, I'm on his case, not the teacher's!!! If that boy was my son I'd be telling him he should have put forth a little effort. Like you said, you're not grading on the quality of his artwork. All he needed to do was try. I'm always telling my son he needs to take some ownership for things. Most of the time its no one's fault but your own. Unfortunately, I think alot of kids this age are spoiled and have a sense of entitlement because of it. Stick to your guns!!! Somebody needs to stop the cycle, because it doesn't sound like his mother will.

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Cherry Cola

Re: What do you think?
nope. I think you are right and the grade stays. Regardless of the grade in your class he still failed math. He didn't do the work so he doesn't pass, simple as that. Had he done it and participated he wouldn't be having this problem. Mom needs fess up cause from the sounds of it there is no way she didn't know unless everything that was told to her went in one ear and out the other in which case thats her fault - not yours. If he didn't pass he doesn't deserve to play sports. Stick to it and know you are right about it. I would however ask the math teacher just to see if she's getting the same thing.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: What do you think?
Don't change his grades! You are absolutely right. If he is goofing around in your class, he has to deal with the consequences. He is old enough and at his age should know that life isn't all about doing what you want, but also about what you have to.
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Cherry Bing

Re: What do you think?
I'm a Vice Principal secretary at a high school & stuff like this makes me sick. Please sick to your decision. These parents are even worse to the secretaries because they can bully them & get things changed or get them in trouble for "attitude" toward the parent when they don't get their way. These kids are not going to make it in real life if the teachers don't stand up to them. Their teachers are the only people that these kids have in their life that are really on their side. Let's face it - their parents aren't doing them any favors! Please take care & continue being there for these brats. You are awesome & don't forget it!
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Tiki Bar Mgr

Re: What do you think?
Don't ya just love it when a parent or student says, "You failed me". Um, how about doing what you are required to do. How about accepting responsibility for your actions? The worse thing we can do for young adults is to not hold them accountable for their actions (or lack there of) and let them experience the results of those actions. To do otherwise is to do them a disservice as it teaches them that they do not have to be accountable.

You are right; the mother is in denial and the son is lazy. (getting off my soap box, tucking it under my arm for future use, and strolling off)! lol

and yes, I was an English teach for 30 years (3 of which was spent at jr. high)
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Kelly Pyron

Digital Designers

Re: What do you think?
Stand your ground! You are doing the right thing by not enabling him to be lazy and defiant. No one is doing him any favors by letting him slide. :)
Kelly Shults
{My Digital Designs} {My Blog}
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Cherry Cola

Re: What do you think?
Wow Laura...Reading your post I was very impressed with the way you laid out everything professionally and very soundly! There are no other arguements in this case. the student reaped what he sowed all year. Now is not the time to regret all that he did over the year....now he has to reap his rewards (or lack thereof).

I think you are more than fair for what you have done. The online grades are the cherry on top. She had access to his work besides the correspondence that was going home to her personally. I always said that in many cases of my problem student..."parent were their biggest downfall". When will these parents began to parent???
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