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Cherry Bing
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Re: Meet-n-Greet

Post by chris_cubed »

You are too funny Ma!
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Re: Meet-n-Greet

Post by Gypsymonkey »

I PM'd twoturtletoes, well, because that is a super cool sounding ID! Here are the questions that I asked her, along with her answers:
If you were a wild animal, what would you be? I would be a bear, so I could hibernate during the winter

If you could only posess one scrapbooking item, what would it be? There is no such thing, I have a whole room full and I need it ALL!

Have you heard of the ACOT story that was started eons ago and "chapters" written by the ACOT ladies? No

What color are your eyes? Hazel

Ever been chased by cows? yes My aunt and uncle once own a dairy farm
"May you always have memories to scrap!" ~ Diana
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Cherry Berry
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Re: Meet-n-Greet

Post by Hudson »

I met Debbiemn and I learned the following:

1- Where in MN are you located? st james

2 - Do you have any furbabies? we have one

3 - Were you born in MN? I was, in fact right in the town I currently live in

4 - What is your favorite color? yellow

5 - What is your current fad in for scrapbooking? sigh, I would just like to find the time to actually scrap again...I'm afraid my little ones have other plans for my time :) and what about you?
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Re: Meet-n-Greet

Post by MaBuglet »

Yay! You guys ROCK!!!
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