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Cherry Cola

Re: Your screen name
 I used to be ondreak.  Not very first name and initial of my last name.  When I started divorce proceedings I wanted to get rid of the "k" because I will be changing my name back.  But then I decided to be creative.  Since I am an equal opportunity crafter (I don't just scrap) I decided "crafty" had to be in there and since I have like ZERO time to do any of my crafts, "fool" felt like a good fit!  LOL. :-D
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Wild Cherry

Re: Your screen name
gonecamping wrote: I have used my screen name for many years, just different versions of it. Gonecamping4now is the most common. I use it because its what we love to do even though last year we did none of it! Its going to be different this year!
Me too!!! Ilove camping, grew up way back in the 60's tent camping with my family. My ds, who has CP, does not talk, needs total care and has to sit in a wheelchair started making sounds and laughing when I drove through a campground a few months ago. We hardly EVER get to go nowadays, but by golly he remembered from several years ago! So, if we can get him well enough, off oxygen...I'll have to take him out somehow for his bday in May and have a Big family campout. Hope you do plan to get out more this year!

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Wild Cherry

Re: Your screen name
 For those who missed my post on another thread, my Daddy picked out mine setting me up an AOL account on his pc to teach me how to use the computer. It has stuck with me because I have trouble getting a screen name on different places that aren't taken and I do not have the knack of coming up with original things like that. So, I just kept it...deb  (Deb) a (middle initial) mas (first part of last name).

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Your screen name
 I from Baltimore (Balto) and I'm a scrapper! :-D Original, huh? :?
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Your screen name
 I played the Wicked Witch of the West in a summer stock production of The Wizard of Oz in 2000.  It was my favorite role ever and she has been with me ever since.  I collect ANYTHING Wicked Witch and have some quite interesting things!  My favorite is a Wicked Witch cow (like the NYC cows only small) my DD bought me on a band trip one summer.

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Your screen name
 I'm lilkoala3 because I'm a little koala!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Your screen name
 Um - I'm a lady that likes to write... pretty creative, eh?
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Your screen name
 Mine is from my initials and a part of my phone #.  Not very original or funny, sorry!
Have a blessed day!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Your screen name
 Mine isn't very sneaky either.  Most often I go by Jspice on all other online things, but I wanted my friends and family to find me easier on ACOT so it is janello, just an "o" added to my real name Janell.   In college I had a roomie that called me jello-janello.
-If it's scrappy it makes me happy!
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Cherry Picker

Re: Your screen name
 I have enjoyed reading all your 'screen name' stories.    Very clever and creative ideas!

Mine has been my nickname for the past '30 something' years.    When I graduated from college (in early 70's) and got my very first paying job; I was very fortunate to work in an office of about 10 men (I was the only female).    These guys were like my fathers, brothers and friends.   Great bunch.   Anyways ... they gave me a nickname of 'Jiffy' cuz I was always able to complete any work project in a hurry.  And also ... my initials were JIF, so the nickname of Jiffy was appropriate in that sense!     It has stuck ever since and hubbie lovingly refers to me as 'Jiffy' too!       xoxx
'Beautiful memories tell our story, and wrap themselves in ribbons of the heart.' Flavia

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Jeanne Marie's Scraps

Digital Designers

Re: Your screen name
 Mine came from dh he calls me princess when ever i cut a fit the scrap is just fun and the 18 is my ds's football # and DD's middle school volleyball #
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Cherry Cola

Re: Your screen name
My daughter's name is Makenna and we call her Kenna for short and that evolved into Kennabeans. Hence the name.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Your screen name
 my screen name came about years ago when looking to set up my email and wanted something different... It came from my outlook of my life as well..
Why knot  & Why me.. just run it together with a twist and you get WYKNOTWYME.....
Scrap for the memories, because life is passing by
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Your screen name
 When I first got my email after we got married and set one up, I was ImMom2AnR (I'm Mom to Amber & Rascal-- our puppy)... Now that I have 2 little ones and 3 dogs, I had to change it up so my 2nd one isn't left out. So now I'm I'm Mom to Amber & Chloe. Simple as that.
My photography:
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Your screen name
 I shop a lot with my mom.  Sometimes the wheelchair access is not close to where we park.  My mom calls me wheeliegirl because sometimes I would just pop a wheelie onto the sidewalk.  
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Cherry Berry

Re: Your screen name
 My name came about because like my mother before me dogs follow me everywhere.  People tell me their dog hates strangers then they climb into my lap.  Injured dogs find me and show me where they are hurt.  I became active in my thrities in a breed going extinct from Peru and they have become my life's passion.  Not a cute story but a true one.
God bless
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Cherry Cola

Re: Your screen name
 Mine is just my first name and birth year, I´m not so inventive ;)

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Your screen name
 SDWHRU = Scooby-Doo, Where are You??

Yep, big Scooby fan still watch him to this day!  I can do his laugh.  (Now that I'm totally embarrased) 
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Cherry Cola

Re: Your screen name
Mine's pretty simple.

I'm a mommy. And my last name is Bruno! :)
"I tend to live in the past because most of my life is there." --Herb Caen
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Wild Cherry

Re: Your screen name
 So awesome to hear how you guys came up with yours!!!

Mines pretty simple. I've always wanting to work with dolphins and have a connection with them. One time at Sea World, a guy said "You have to have a dolphins soul, the way you interact together, maybe they should call you the Dolphin Whisperer." I was so touched by him saying that and it really meant a lot for someone to really notice the relationship I have with them. So I thought it would make a cool screen name for  me. I didn't like the whisperer part, due to the tv series and all of other things.. but I loved the soul part and it really fits me I think.

Everywhere else I am carmel31385 a name from highschool. A kid figured out the first 2 lettters of my first name and the last 3 of my last name, make the word Carmel. So then I just added my birthdate. I used to also be just sweetcarmel. But then people thought I was a hooker on AOL chat, so I changed my name Real Fast!!
~ Carissa ~

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