Social Microcosm - revisited

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Re: Social Microcosm - revisited

Post by Kara »

 that was one of the michelles wasn't it????
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Re: Social Microcosm - revisited

Post by writerlady »

 Wow - I totally missed every single bit of this.  I don't even know about the drama... sigh.  I'm always out in left field.
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Re: Social Microcosm - revisited

Post by baltoscrapper »

 It was Amy (Moody) with the popcorn.
Looks like the kitteh is eatting a bowl of BURNT popcorn........ewwww!
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Re: Social Microcosm - revisited

Post by terri04 »

 so true.  I'm new so don't know about a month ago.  so far, everyone seems so nice.
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Re: Social Microcosm - revisited

Post by JeanG »

 I am so glad you re-posted this! You hit the nail on the head - and I have noticed another change in this past year. Thanks!
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Re: Social Microcosm - revisited

Post by Deirdra »

OMFG. I got nothin', Furry. HA!
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Re: Social Microcosm - revisited

Post by aceason »

Well put! And I like the word microcosm!
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Re: Social Microcosm - revisited

Post by MOM2SNOX »

Dude.. .this is seriously old! :P
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Re: Social Microcosm - revisited

Post by handerful »

MOM2SNOX wrote:Dude.. .this is seriously old! :P

I was looking at the dates and scratching my head? Why does it get revisited?
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