OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by jazzyscrapper »

 I am here!
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by CaughtULokN2 »

 Hello to my ACOT friends!   I will be here off and on throught out the weekend.!
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Laura Fiore
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by Laura Fiore »

 Hi ladies...I'm here for a very short time tonight.

Have to work for Team in Training tomorrow and then go take care of my girly. I'll be working Sunday while the lot of you are scrapping...yeah, I'm jealous!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by scrapsakes »

 whoopeee, i'm here i'm here and signing inImage heya kat!!
"a heart in love with beauty never grows old" Image (turkish proverb)
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Cherry Cola
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by kittymomma »

 HI--I am just getting here! It is hard to get started at 10:00 pm. DH had many more plans than I thougt for today...but hopefully I can catch up tomorrow!

I did get my wire for the flower class though--so I was cropping, kinda!
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Cherry Tart
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by conner08 »

 My first time checking a ACOT crop out!  Can't wait to see what goes on!

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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by shanierae »

 HELLO! I am here for some fun!!!!

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Cherry Blossom
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by PurpleGoddess »

 I'm here for now and will be in and out....I planned to be here much earlier but I'm coming down with something and every time I sit down in a comfy chair I'm falling asleep...I have a page layout on the table, just gotta get everything nailed down now...maybe it will be ready by tomorrow to the meantime I'll be lurking around...muahhhhhh!
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Cherry Blossom
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by touchalife »

 Im here finally- in at a hotel - out of town for a wedding tomorrow during the day. Ill be back after tonight on sunday for the end
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Cherry Picker
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by Amberpony »

 Howdy All! I made it
The Guys made me sit down and play with my gal pals.
They are helping me with the guessing games, well they where they have a movie that is calling them and I have a comfy chair to go curl up in and play along on another Great Crop Weekend!
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by adjchn58 »

 I will be here on and off all weekend.
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Cherry Blossom
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by scrapbooklady »

 I'm just getting started here :)
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Cherry Cropper
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by Midge »

 I'm here!

April layouts: 0/10

March cards: 4/4
March layouts: 10/10

On a no-buy - 19/100 layouts completed before I can buy. Don't show me the goodies!
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Sweet Cherry Pie
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by IreneP »

 Just stopping by to say hello
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by Nikki_E »

 Hello! :)


When you see me with a smile on my face, then you'll know I'm a mental case. ~ Alice Cooper
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by blaznpat »

 I will be on and off this weekend.

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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by baltoscrapper »

 I'm here!! I plan on spending most of saturday and sunday on here!
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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Cherry Tart
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by jtweety31 »

 new to crop weekend, busy during the day on Sat but will be here Sat night.
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Cherry Blossom
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by »

 Hello all, I'm here.  Will be in and out but going to try and participate as much as I can.  Hope everyone has a great time!
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Cherry Tart
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by bacherry »

 Hi!!! I will be here on and off all weekend.
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