WHO'S READY????? :)

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Re: WHO'S READY????? :)

Post by CarlaB72 »

 I am here.  Flippin Target people making me wait while they talked about last night - I finally said "do you think you could at least help me while you talk?"  Some people!  I needed my pics :)
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Re: WHO'S READY????? :)

Post by anazelia »

 I am ready and I am here.  Both girls are napping, so hopefully I can get an hour of quiet.
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Re: WHO'S READY????? :)

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 WOO HOO . . . It's Party / Scrapping Time!!!
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Re: WHO'S READY????? :)

Post by Heidi1154 »

 I'm here!
After 3 days of not having any Internet.
I tried to upgrade mine and when they did it they froze the modem.
Tech had to come and fix it!
He just got done...


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Re: WHO'S READY????? :)

Post by ncokely »

 I am finally here - I got everyone's errands done and I forgot my adhesive :(
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Re: WHO'S READY????? :)

Post by genggay »

 I am here!!!
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Re: WHO'S READY????? :)

Post by Joy »

 looking forward to the fun!!!
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Re: WHO'S READY????? :)

Post by writerlady »

 OH no - I thought this started at 5 pm... I'm still trying to put my scrapping area back together.  Sigh.
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Re: WHO'S READY????? :)

Post by scrapnmom »

 I was ready Wednesday,LOL. Love ACOT Crops :)

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Re: WHO'S READY????? :)

Post by MoochieMama »

 I'm here but I'm still at work so i can't play yet. :(

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