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Wild Cherry

Please come to my pity party
 Normally I don't do this sorta stuff, but-I'm having an *awful* day.

I had a dr appointment this morning for a med change. Ok, no sweat, right? Wrong! Big Sweat! I called on Friday because I wasn't doing well and the doc said he wanted to see me right away on Monday am. Because it was last minute,  Bobby couldn't take off from work. So I had to take the bus (we only have one car). I have never taken the bus. I hardly ever even leave my house-and if I do, it's always with Bobby.

So I'm having my 19th Nervous Breakdown worrying that I'll get to the stop on time because I had to walk there from my house (about 5 blocks), am I on the right bus, do I have the right fare, and then I had to wait forever for it to come by myself-outside. The bus finally comes and I arrive at my dr's office at 7:40. Great. My appointment isn't even until 8:15 and so no one is there of course. So I'm waiting outside by myself some more. 

By the time my doc gets there, I'm crying and having my umpteenth panic attack. We get through the appointment, he loads me up with lots of scripts and samples and I go to leave.

As I come out of the office, I think I see the bus coming. So I start running. Turns out it wasn't my bus. Great.

Now comes the best part. While I was running like a maniac, I dropped my glasses. (I had them off in the office because I was crying and they were getting all wet and well whatever, so I had them hanging in my shirt) I spent all the time waiting for my bus (which ended up being 45 minutes), looking in the parking lot, under cars, in the grass, back in the office, in the bushes, EVERYWHERE for my dang glasses. All while crying and probably looking like a freakin lunatic.

I couldn't find them anywhere. :( They are my only pair and I have to wear them all the time or everything is all blurry. I can't afford to get another pair for about another month or so.

I SO did not need this today.

Bobby doesn't have to work his second job tomorrow so he said he'd take me back after he gets home from job #1 with flashlights to see if we could find them. Hopefully no one will cut the grass today or tomorrow or run them over if they are in the parking lot and I somehow missed seeing them.

So big hugs are needed for me today. Maybe some good hide and go seek vibes too.

Thanks for listening to me rant, whine, cry, moan. You guys are the best. SOrry for the epic post.

On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Please come to my pity party
 Aww man... what a CRAP start to the day! :(  I'm sorry it was such a series of unfortunate events today, Tracy.  At least now the ordeal is over and now you can curl up with a nice cuppa and shut all that out!  Have you tried calling the doctor's office to see if maybe someone picked your glasses up and brought them in? 

Bug, big ((hugs))
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Please come to my pity party
 So Sorry about the bad day. It will get better I hope.
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Please come to my pity party
 Sending big webby hugs, Trace!!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Please come to my pity party
Sorry Tracy. I hope your day starts looking better. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you find your glasses undamaged.
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Wild Cherry

Re: Please come to my pity party
ScrapGoo wrote: Aww man... what a CRAP start to the day! :(  I'm sorry it was such a series of unfortunate events today, Tracy.  At least now the ordeal is over and now you can curl up with a nice cuppa and shut all that out!  Have you tried calling the doctor's office to see if maybe someone picked your glasses up and brought them in? 

Bug, big ((hugs))
Yeah, I went back in to look in the waiting room and let the lady at the reception desk that I lost them and wuold she call me if anyone found them.
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Wild Cherry

Re: Please come to my pity party
 Aww, I am sorry. Take a deep breath. Hope your meds get straightened out & you get to feeling better. Hope you find your glasses too. Hang in there! One breath at a time if need be, you will get through this.

I'm not saying forget what you lost
I suppose there's a purpose in pain
What we make of ourselves has a cost
And it's paid every time we take hold of the reins
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Northern Brat

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Please come to my pity party
 Uck...what a terrible start for the day!  I am sending you  a big cyber squeeze and hope your day gets better.  Did you call the doc's office to see if they are there?
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Please come to my pity party
Tracy, I am so sorry.  Some days are like that!  I am sending you BIG (((((HUGS))))).  I would call any businesses around where you were and see if someone found them.  I know I would be lost forever without my glasses.  Praying that someone found them and turned them to the nearest office, business, what ever is around there.

PopPopto her 2 DGS who both are autistic. The oldest one named me PopPop when he was 2 and it just stuck!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Please come to my pity party
 In the words of my Emily (4yo) "For crying out loud, that's a bad day!"

BIG BIG BIG hugs and positive thoughts and prayers winging their way to you my dear.  :inlove:  I really hope your day picks up!!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Please come to my pity party
 Aw man, that sure does suck!!! ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Please come to my pity party
 Awww honey I hope the new meds  help and I hope you find the glasses!!! big hugs and loves!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Please come to my pity party
 Oh Tracy I could cry just reading your post. I got that feeling in MY chest because I know what that feeling feels like. I'm SO SORRY!!! :( I hope you find your glasses but more importantly I REALLY hopes that those meds work. You are such an amzing person and deserve to have a life free of these attacks. I wish I was there to give you a big hug or a pat on the shoulder or at least go look for your glasses myself!

What a terrible, no good, very bad day. I'm sorry. :( But I am proud of you for getting on the bus and going alone. That's a great step!! I wouldn't have done it!! Good for you!

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DN in MN

Wild Cherry

Re: Please come to my pity party
Sending you {{{{BIG HUGS}}}} I hope you find your glasses and things start looking up for you!
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Wild Cherry

Re: Please come to my pity party
 thanks you guys. you know I lurves you so much for being there for me. I just couldn't call crying to Bob at work again. poor guy. This is really hard for him too. :?
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Please come to my pity party

I am sorry that you lost your glasses. I hope you find them tomorrow.

I am proud of you for calling your doctor, getting on that bus and getting the help you deserve. Going into a situation that you are not familiar with can be nerve racking for anyone but, YOU did it.

I hope you find the right med(s) within the samples given to you.

(((big hugs)))
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Please come to my pity party
 Wow! I am so sorry for bad day. I can only hope it gets better as the day goes on.
Again I am so sorry!


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Featured Guest Coordinator

Re: Please come to my pity party
 Sending huge ((Hugs)) your way!!!  At least your day can't get any worse, right?  I would climb under the covers and take a nap.  When you get up, pretend it is a new day.  At least that's what I used to do in college when things were rotten. 
"Make it bigger, make it badder, make it awesome" -Duff Goldman
"They need a hero to tell them that sometimes the impossible can become possible, if you're AWESOME!" -Rhino

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Please come to my pity party
 So sorry, I hope you can find your glasses. I lost once one of my lenses in the street, when I came back they were there unharm. I am sure you will find them tomorrow, you will see.

The best part is that you are OK, that is what counts.


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Wild Cherry

Re: Please come to my pity party
Beth-W wrote: Sending huge ((Hugs)) your way!!!  At least your day can't get any worse, right?  I would climb under the covers and take a nap.  When you get up, pretend it is a new day.  At least that's what I used to do in college when things were rotten. 
If I can get past 4o'clock, I'll be golden. Some bullies tried to fist fight my son Friday and I'm concerned about him coming home today. (He walks). He wouldn't let me or his sister walk him home today (which I'm semi thankful for because I've had just about all I can take today without taking another trip outside by myself, but at the same time not so thankful for because I'm going to be freakin out over here til he gets home safe and I"m not sure if I did the right thing or not by letting him come home without one of us).

Provided he gets home unscathed, I'm gonna take another xxanax and go to bed.
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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